Papers by Detlef E Peukert
Jahresbericht 2023 Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGfU), 2024
Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare and the Fondazione Giuseppe... more Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare and the Fondazione Giuseppe Whitaker the south side of the island. This essay presents finds, which were made during excavations in the south during the 2023 campaign. The find spectrum consists of several worked timbers, pottery, animal bones and skin as well as possible post stand-tracks.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Jahresbericht 2023 Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGfU), 2024
Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo and the Fondazione ... more Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo and the Fondazione Whitaker Palermo/Mozia the waters of the Marsala Lagoon. This paper deals with the investigation in the area of the imbarcadero storico Whitaker, where one half of a stone anchor stock was found as well as some translocated finds, a diverse spectrum of pottery and a net sinker made by stone. The finds which are being published and studied in this essay are being continously flushed out of the ground and their contexts by the ship's propellers of the ferry boats, running from the Sicilian mainland to the island multiple times a day.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing and there were confusions in the captions in the article on the stone anchor stock. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Jahresbericht 2023 der Bayerischen Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGfU), 2024
Mozia Team 1 examined the waters in the South side of the island in cooperation with the Soprinte... more Mozia Team 1 examined the waters in the South side of the island in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo and the Fondazione Giuseppe Whitaker Palermo/Mozia. In this essay aerial pictures as well as core drilling catenae are being discussed in connection to a pincer-shaped submerged structure. One possible interpretative approach is identifying the possibly man-made structure as breakwaters.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Jahresbericht 2022 Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie e.V. Jahrgang 23, 2023
Detlef Peukert, Emily Anderson, Ansgar Bovet, Christin Gabriele Faust, Franz Herzig, Jakub Jędrze... more Detlef Peukert, Emily Anderson, Ansgar Bovet, Christin Gabriele Faust, Franz Herzig, Jakub Jędrzejewski, Nele Kastenbein, Eric Kressner, Ralph Kunz, Jürgen Reitz, Francesca Oliveri, Maria Pamela Toti, Ferdinando Maurici
English: Mozia-Team 1 of the BGfU with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo conducted underwater research in front of the South Gate of Mozia. A sample of kitchen material, pottery, grinding stone, bones and seeds were found as well as pierced hardwood and a silver fir log within an area which showed a ship-like shape of a seabed elevation confirmed by drone photos and plant society growing upon it, which differs from the surrounding Posidonia meadow. The finds were found in a 50 cm deep ancient channel that run from West to the East. The pottery, part of a supposed ship equipment, were probably produced in Magna Graecia and in the Aegean around 400 BC.
German: Das Mozia-Team 1 der BGfU gemeinsam mit der Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo führte unterwasserarchäologische Untersuchungen vor dem Südtor Mozias durch. Funde wie Grobkeramik, Küchenabfälle, Mühlsteine, Knochen sowie Samen wurden gefunden ebenso wie ein durchbohrtes Hartholz und ein Stück Weiß-Tanne. Diese Funde wurden in einem Areal gemacht dessen Form durch andersartigen Pflanzenbewuchs der eines Schiffes gleicht, was auf Drohnenfotos erneut identifiziert wurde. Diese Funde stammen aus einem 50 cm tiefen, möglicherweise antiken Kanal, der von West nach Ost verläuft. Die Keramik, eventuell Teil eines Schiffsinventars, wurde vermutlich in der Magna Graecia und in der Ägäis um 400 v. Chr. produziert.
Corrigendum: In the title and the text it must be written "400 V. Chr." instead of 500 v. Chr.
Flora, 1980
On the Anatomy of Epiphyllum chrysocardium ALEXANDER (Oactaceae) Epidermis and Stomatogenesis Sum... more On the Anatomy of Epiphyllum chrysocardium ALEXANDER (Oactaceae) Epidermis and Stomatogenesis Summary 1. The anatomical structure of the epidermal cells of Epiphyllum chrysocardium in different stages of life has been investigated.
Flora, 1992
The Phylogenetic Position of Epiphyl/um phyllanthus var. schnetteri PEUKERT (Cactaceae) in the Ep... more The Phylogenetic Position of Epiphyl/um phyllanthus var. schnetteri PEUKERT (Cactaceae) in the Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.
Unterwasserarchäologie in Bayern und im Ausland : Berichte zur Tagung in Bernried am Starnberger See, 13. bis 14. Juli 2019. Hrsg. v. Päffgen, Bernd/Pflederer, Tobias/Irlinger, Walter, 2023
A modern wreck of a salt transportation ship wreck called "schifazzo" was examined and its perish... more A modern wreck of a salt transportation ship wreck called "schifazzo" was examined and its perishability monitored. Interestingly the body length and life time of Teredo navalis with its bore holes is the reason for a succession of plant and animal societies which settle upon the lower parts of the frames which became newly free free from sand as well as the current around the frames. The type of the ship exists since medieval times. The examined one seems to do its work in the 19th c. AD. The possible process of wrecking and perishability is shown in a diagram. A reconstruction was made by the finds as well as literature.
Abstract. Questo contributo raccoglie le ricerche archeologiche
più recenti che la Soprintendenza... more Abstract. Questo contributo raccoglie le ricerche archeologiche
più recenti che la Soprintendenza del Mare insieme
alla BgfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie)
conduce presso lo Stagnone di Marsala
e più precisamente nelle acque intorno all’isola di Mozia.
La ricerca si è concentrata sul tema della portualità
dello Stagnone, interamente a servizio della colonia
fenicia, attraverso moli e approdi sparsi attorno all’isola,
tra cui il settore orientale. La datazione delle evidenze
archeologiche si serve dell’ausilio della biologia marina,
valutando i fattori di crescita o di arresto di alcuni particolari
organismi, quali la Dendropoma cristatum.
Parole chiave: Mozia, Torre Est, impianto portuale fenicio,
molo, biocostruzione di Dendropoma cristatum.
Abstract. This work brings together the most recent
archaeological research that the Superintendence of
the Sea together with the BgfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft
für Unterwasserarchaeologie) is conducting
at the Stagnone of Marsala and more specifically in the
waters around the island of Mozia. The research focused
on the subject of the Stagnone harbor, entirely
serving the Phoenician colony, through piers and landings
scattered around the island, including the eastern
sector. The dating of the archaeological evidence uses
the aid of marine biology, assessing the growth or arrest
factors of some particular organisms, such as Dendropoma
Keywords: Mozia, East Tower, Phoenician port facility,
pier, bioconstruction of Dendropoma cristatum.
p. 277: Figura n. 4. Struttura dell’ipotetico molo est (disegno G. Knepel).
p. 277: Figure no. 4. Structure of the hypothetical east pier (drawing by G. Knepel).
p. 278: Figura n. 5. Livello marino in relazione alla strada sommersa e alle altre strutture messe in luce sul lato orientale (disegno D. Peukert).
p. 278: Figure no. 5. Sea level in relation to the submerged road and other structures brought to light on the eastern side (drawing by D. Peukert).
Franziska Domen, Max Fiederling, Antonina Lo Porto, Francesca Oliveri, Detlef Peukert*, Tobias Pflederer, Jürgen Reitz, Rebecca Schaffeld, Maria Pamela Toti:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2017
Report about the underwater research of the Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology (Bayerisc... more Report about the underwater research of the Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchaeologie, BGfU) in the River Lahn near Wetzlar. In the riverbed a 900 years old water-mill was found including weir, mill house, mill-wheel pit and mill stone (next to type Avenche). The results of the research was summarized in the report by the newspaper "Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung" in its issue from 3.8.2015.
This paper includes the following parts: 1.1 Introduction and didactic problems in advising servi... more This paper includes the following parts: 1.1 Introduction and didactic problems in advising service 1.2 Didactic considerations of trainer activities undertaken in a class visit 2 Papers as instruments to the counseling process 2.1 Cover letter to teacher students about the process (1 st paper) 2.2 Personal preparing the reflection of classroom education at home (2 nd paper) 2.3 Plan for the self-advising process with supporting questions-guidance to counseling techniques only for trainers (3 rd paper) 2.4 Example of an advising process (as an original portfolio by a teacher student) 2.5 Examples for feedback in the development-oriented consultancy-process of teacher students, their teacher mentors and in addition inspected teacher trainers before their nomination 3 Summarizing a brief assessment
Underwater archaeological discovery of the " Werth-‐Mill " , deserted in medieval :mes... more Underwater archaeological discovery of the " Werth-‐Mill " , deserted in medieval :mes and the "Werth-‐Fording" in the river Lahn at Wetzlar-‐Garbenheim (Hesse, Germany): Inves:ga:on of a millstone relic used for many purposes, the structure of the mill house and its ruin by the Magdalena flood in July 1342 SUMMARY and CONCLUSION • It is the first proof of the archeologic existence of the Werth mill which has only been mentioned in historical documents until now. • It has been proved by dendrochronologic research that the mill was built in 1107. Hence, the mill existed 211 years earlier than its first mention in 1318. • The dendrochronologic date of a pile of 1199 suggests its multi-stage use. • The mill was destroyed by the Magdalena flood in July 1342 which has been proved by the analysis of the mentioned field names illustrated by the syllable ”Werth-“ and its derivatives. Consequently, we assume a life-span of 235 years. • The width of the Werth mill which...
A head-up and tail-down-position of juvenile pikes (Esox lucius) was observed in the wild during ... more A head-up and tail-down-position of juvenile pikes (Esox lucius) was observed in the wild during several dives. A small pike assumed this posture, never seen before in juveniles, in presence of a somewhat larger pike. The larger specimen stood over the smaller in an oblique head-down tail-up position. The headup position, also noticed in interaction with a diver, is interpreted as submissive preventing an attack by the superior pike. Further, the vertical stripes of the body, which are typical for juvenile pikes and which run horizontally in the head-up posture for an observer, may reinforce somatolytic effects Key words: Pike, head-up-posture, submissive behavior, somatolysis Bei verschiedenen Tauchgängen wurde bei juvenilen Hechten (Esox lucius) eine senkrechte „Kopf-oben-Position“ beobachtet. Ein kleiner Hecht nahm in Gegenwart eines größeren Hechtes diese bisher bei Juvenilen noch nicht dokumentierte Stellung ein. Der größere Hecht stand schräg mit dem Kopf nach unten über dem k...
Between 2004 and 2008 the author was examining the sudden appearance of the freshwater medusa Cra... more Between 2004 and 2008 the author was examining the sudden appearance of the freshwater medusa Craspedacusta sowerbii in the quarry pond Winkel near Herborn Schönbach in Hesse/Germany by scuba diving, in the course of which C. sowerbii was found out to appear from the first full moon after the summer solstice on, its number increasing in the following three full moon periods, which is indicated by four peaks of its abundance. This observation was confirmed by a meta research of findings published on the internet. The article discusses that the large number of C. sowerbii occurring four times at regular intervals may be coped with by the Crustacea plankton population as regards the quantity though not the quality as, supposedly, the same stages necessary for the regeneration of the population are consumed selectively by both the polyp and the medusa. Thus, after few years of repeated mass occurrence of C. sowerbii, its abundance is declining perceivably, which shows by its abundance a...
Activities of the Bavarian Society of Underwater Archeology (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwas... more Activities of the Bavarian Society of Underwater Archeology (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie BGfU) during the year 2017 in Germany and abroad.
taunus-kreis/Tauchgang-in-die-Roemerzeit-Forschersuchen-antike-Bruecke-im-Main;art676,2270107 Arc... more taunus-kreis/Tauchgang-in-die-Roemerzeit-Forschersuchen-antike-Bruecke-im-Main;art676,2270107 Archäologie Tauchgang in die Römerzeit: F o r s c h e r s u c h e n a n t i k e Brücke im Main Taucher auf archäologischer Mission im 12 Grad kalten Main: Der Geschichtsverein Griesheim sucht zusammen mit Spezialisten nach den Resten einer römischen Mainbrücke. Bilder > Foto: Maik Reuß Sicherungsmann Jürgen Reitz reicht seine Ausrüstung Sven Kleinschmidt im Wahrschau-Boot der DLRG.
Roman technology medieval used: in the presumably oldest watermill “mule de Werden” (first mentio... more Roman technology medieval used: in the presumably oldest watermill “mule de Werden” (first mentioned 1318) found aground the River Lahn near Wetzlar
In an underwater archaeological survey of the Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology e.V. (BGfU, Dr. Tobias Pflederer, Jürgen Reitz, and Gerd Knepel, Philipps University Mar-burg/Lahn) in cooperation with the Förderverein Römisches Forum Waldgirmes e.V. and ap-proved by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen (State Conservation Office Hessen), the first archaeological evidence of the existence of the historical "Werth-Mill" in the River Lahn at Wetzlar-Garbenheim was proved in 2014.
Prior to this, in 2013, the corresponding weir, the "Werth-Furt", was detected by side-scan sonar (Dr. Tobias Pflederer) and tachymetrically measured by Roman Scholz (German Ar-chaeological Institute (DAI) Department Roman-Germanic Commission (RGK) Frank-furt/Main). It was found in river kilometer 6.4 between the district Lahnau-Dorlar and Wetz-lar-Garbenheim below the bridge of the A45 across the Lahn valley. There could also be lo-cated some processed oak piles that belonged to the former mill building. The existence of the "mule zu werde" resp. "zu Wyrde", mentioned firstly in the year 1322, could be dated dendrochronologically to the year 1106 nearly 216 years earlier, (Dr. Thorsten Westphal, RGK).
An early medieval millstone made from Eifel basalt (similar to the type Avenches B) confir-med the discovery of a mill. The investigation of the tracks upon the millstone suggests a multiple use of the original runner stone in later years as an axle layer, a composite grounds-tone, a counterweight or an anchor. This underlines the value of the up to 60% relic stone for its owners. An analysis of the document books of Wetzlar suggests the destruction during Magdalene flood in July 1342 vice versa its occurance in the area of the Middle Lahn.
Bei einer unterwasserarchäologischen Prospektion der Bayerischen Gesellschaft für Unter-wasserarc... more Bei einer unterwasserarchäologischen Prospektion der Bayerischen Gesellschaft für Unter-wasserarchäologie e.V. in Kooperation mit in dem Förderverein Römisches Forum Waldgir-mes e.V. und genehmigt durch das Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen gelang im Jahr 2014 erstmalig der archäologische Nachweis der Existenz der historischen „Werth-Mühle“ in der Lahn bei Wetzlar-Garbenheim. Zuvor konnte im Jahr 2013 das dazu gehörige Wehr die „Werth-Furt“, mit einem Side-Scan-Sonar nachgewiesen und von Herrn Roman Scholz (Deut-sches
Institut Abteilung Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) Frank-furt a.M.) tachymetrisch vermessen werden. Diese fand sich bei Flusskilometer 6,4 zwischen der Gemarkung Lahnau-Dorlar und Wetzlar-Garbenheim unterhalb der Brücke der A45 über das Lahntal. Dort konnten auch mehrere bearbeitete Eichenpfähle geortet werden, die zum ehemaligen Mühlengebäude gehörten. Dendrochronologisch konnte die Existenz der „im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert häufig erwähnten Mühle“ mit Ersterwähnung vom 23.8.1318: „Mühle de Werden“ um ca. 212 Jahre früher auf kurz nach 1106, datiert werden (Dr. Thorsten Westphal, RGK). Ein frühmittelalterlicher Mühlstein aus Eifelbasalt (ähnlich dem Typ Aventi-cum/Avenches; Schweiz) bestätigte die Mühle. Die Untersuchung der Spuren auf dem Mühl-stein legen eine Mehrfachnutzung des ursprünglichen Läufers in späterer Zeit als Achslager, Komposit-Bodenstein, Gegengewicht oder Anker nahe und unterstreichen den Wert des noch zu ca. 60 % erhaltenen Steins für seine Besitzer über seine Nutzungsdauer hinaus. Eine Analyse der Urkundenbücher legt den Untergang während der Magdalenenflut im Juli 1342 nahe wie auch gleichzeitig deren Auftreten an der mittleren Lahn.
Papers by Detlef E Peukert
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing and there were confusions in the captions in the article on the stone anchor stock. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
English: Mozia-Team 1 of the BGfU with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo conducted underwater research in front of the South Gate of Mozia. A sample of kitchen material, pottery, grinding stone, bones and seeds were found as well as pierced hardwood and a silver fir log within an area which showed a ship-like shape of a seabed elevation confirmed by drone photos and plant society growing upon it, which differs from the surrounding Posidonia meadow. The finds were found in a 50 cm deep ancient channel that run from West to the East. The pottery, part of a supposed ship equipment, were probably produced in Magna Graecia and in the Aegean around 400 BC.
German: Das Mozia-Team 1 der BGfU gemeinsam mit der Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo führte unterwasserarchäologische Untersuchungen vor dem Südtor Mozias durch. Funde wie Grobkeramik, Küchenabfälle, Mühlsteine, Knochen sowie Samen wurden gefunden ebenso wie ein durchbohrtes Hartholz und ein Stück Weiß-Tanne. Diese Funde wurden in einem Areal gemacht dessen Form durch andersartigen Pflanzenbewuchs der eines Schiffes gleicht, was auf Drohnenfotos erneut identifiziert wurde. Diese Funde stammen aus einem 50 cm tiefen, möglicherweise antiken Kanal, der von West nach Ost verläuft. Die Keramik, eventuell Teil eines Schiffsinventars, wurde vermutlich in der Magna Graecia und in der Ägäis um 400 v. Chr. produziert.
Corrigendum: In the title and the text it must be written "400 V. Chr." instead of 500 v. Chr.
più recenti che la Soprintendenza del Mare insieme
alla BgfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie)
conduce presso lo Stagnone di Marsala
e più precisamente nelle acque intorno all’isola di Mozia.
La ricerca si è concentrata sul tema della portualità
dello Stagnone, interamente a servizio della colonia
fenicia, attraverso moli e approdi sparsi attorno all’isola,
tra cui il settore orientale. La datazione delle evidenze
archeologiche si serve dell’ausilio della biologia marina,
valutando i fattori di crescita o di arresto di alcuni particolari
organismi, quali la Dendropoma cristatum.
Parole chiave: Mozia, Torre Est, impianto portuale fenicio,
molo, biocostruzione di Dendropoma cristatum.
Abstract. This work brings together the most recent
archaeological research that the Superintendence of
the Sea together with the BgfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft
für Unterwasserarchaeologie) is conducting
at the Stagnone of Marsala and more specifically in the
waters around the island of Mozia. The research focused
on the subject of the Stagnone harbor, entirely
serving the Phoenician colony, through piers and landings
scattered around the island, including the eastern
sector. The dating of the archaeological evidence uses
the aid of marine biology, assessing the growth or arrest
factors of some particular organisms, such as Dendropoma
Keywords: Mozia, East Tower, Phoenician port facility,
pier, bioconstruction of Dendropoma cristatum.
p. 277: Figura n. 4. Struttura dell’ipotetico molo est (disegno G. Knepel).
p. 277: Figure no. 4. Structure of the hypothetical east pier (drawing by G. Knepel).
p. 278: Figura n. 5. Livello marino in relazione alla strada sommersa e alle altre strutture messe in luce sul lato orientale (disegno D. Peukert).
p. 278: Figure no. 5. Sea level in relation to the submerged road and other structures brought to light on the eastern side (drawing by D. Peukert).
Franziska Domen, Max Fiederling, Antonina Lo Porto, Francesca Oliveri, Detlef Peukert*, Tobias Pflederer, Jürgen Reitz, Rebecca Schaffeld, Maria Pamela Toti:
In an underwater archaeological survey of the Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology e.V. (BGfU, Dr. Tobias Pflederer, Jürgen Reitz, and Gerd Knepel, Philipps University Mar-burg/Lahn) in cooperation with the Förderverein Römisches Forum Waldgirmes e.V. and ap-proved by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen (State Conservation Office Hessen), the first archaeological evidence of the existence of the historical "Werth-Mill" in the River Lahn at Wetzlar-Garbenheim was proved in 2014.
Prior to this, in 2013, the corresponding weir, the "Werth-Furt", was detected by side-scan sonar (Dr. Tobias Pflederer) and tachymetrically measured by Roman Scholz (German Ar-chaeological Institute (DAI) Department Roman-Germanic Commission (RGK) Frank-furt/Main). It was found in river kilometer 6.4 between the district Lahnau-Dorlar and Wetz-lar-Garbenheim below the bridge of the A45 across the Lahn valley. There could also be lo-cated some processed oak piles that belonged to the former mill building. The existence of the "mule zu werde" resp. "zu Wyrde", mentioned firstly in the year 1322, could be dated dendrochronologically to the year 1106 nearly 216 years earlier, (Dr. Thorsten Westphal, RGK).
An early medieval millstone made from Eifel basalt (similar to the type Avenches B) confir-med the discovery of a mill. The investigation of the tracks upon the millstone suggests a multiple use of the original runner stone in later years as an axle layer, a composite grounds-tone, a counterweight or an anchor. This underlines the value of the up to 60% relic stone for its owners. An analysis of the document books of Wetzlar suggests the destruction during Magdalene flood in July 1342 vice versa its occurance in the area of the Middle Lahn.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing and there were confusions in the captions in the article on the stone anchor stock. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
English: Mozia-Team 1 of the BGfU with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo conducted underwater research in front of the South Gate of Mozia. A sample of kitchen material, pottery, grinding stone, bones and seeds were found as well as pierced hardwood and a silver fir log within an area which showed a ship-like shape of a seabed elevation confirmed by drone photos and plant society growing upon it, which differs from the surrounding Posidonia meadow. The finds were found in a 50 cm deep ancient channel that run from West to the East. The pottery, part of a supposed ship equipment, were probably produced in Magna Graecia and in the Aegean around 400 BC.
German: Das Mozia-Team 1 der BGfU gemeinsam mit der Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo führte unterwasserarchäologische Untersuchungen vor dem Südtor Mozias durch. Funde wie Grobkeramik, Küchenabfälle, Mühlsteine, Knochen sowie Samen wurden gefunden ebenso wie ein durchbohrtes Hartholz und ein Stück Weiß-Tanne. Diese Funde wurden in einem Areal gemacht dessen Form durch andersartigen Pflanzenbewuchs der eines Schiffes gleicht, was auf Drohnenfotos erneut identifiziert wurde. Diese Funde stammen aus einem 50 cm tiefen, möglicherweise antiken Kanal, der von West nach Ost verläuft. Die Keramik, eventuell Teil eines Schiffsinventars, wurde vermutlich in der Magna Graecia und in der Ägäis um 400 v. Chr. produziert.
Corrigendum: In the title and the text it must be written "400 V. Chr." instead of 500 v. Chr.
più recenti che la Soprintendenza del Mare insieme
alla BgfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie)
conduce presso lo Stagnone di Marsala
e più precisamente nelle acque intorno all’isola di Mozia.
La ricerca si è concentrata sul tema della portualità
dello Stagnone, interamente a servizio della colonia
fenicia, attraverso moli e approdi sparsi attorno all’isola,
tra cui il settore orientale. La datazione delle evidenze
archeologiche si serve dell’ausilio della biologia marina,
valutando i fattori di crescita o di arresto di alcuni particolari
organismi, quali la Dendropoma cristatum.
Parole chiave: Mozia, Torre Est, impianto portuale fenicio,
molo, biocostruzione di Dendropoma cristatum.
Abstract. This work brings together the most recent
archaeological research that the Superintendence of
the Sea together with the BgfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft
für Unterwasserarchaeologie) is conducting
at the Stagnone of Marsala and more specifically in the
waters around the island of Mozia. The research focused
on the subject of the Stagnone harbor, entirely
serving the Phoenician colony, through piers and landings
scattered around the island, including the eastern
sector. The dating of the archaeological evidence uses
the aid of marine biology, assessing the growth or arrest
factors of some particular organisms, such as Dendropoma
Keywords: Mozia, East Tower, Phoenician port facility,
pier, bioconstruction of Dendropoma cristatum.
p. 277: Figura n. 4. Struttura dell’ipotetico molo est (disegno G. Knepel).
p. 277: Figure no. 4. Structure of the hypothetical east pier (drawing by G. Knepel).
p. 278: Figura n. 5. Livello marino in relazione alla strada sommersa e alle altre strutture messe in luce sul lato orientale (disegno D. Peukert).
p. 278: Figure no. 5. Sea level in relation to the submerged road and other structures brought to light on the eastern side (drawing by D. Peukert).
Franziska Domen, Max Fiederling, Antonina Lo Porto, Francesca Oliveri, Detlef Peukert*, Tobias Pflederer, Jürgen Reitz, Rebecca Schaffeld, Maria Pamela Toti:
In an underwater archaeological survey of the Bavarian Society for Underwater Archaeology e.V. (BGfU, Dr. Tobias Pflederer, Jürgen Reitz, and Gerd Knepel, Philipps University Mar-burg/Lahn) in cooperation with the Förderverein Römisches Forum Waldgirmes e.V. and ap-proved by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen (State Conservation Office Hessen), the first archaeological evidence of the existence of the historical "Werth-Mill" in the River Lahn at Wetzlar-Garbenheim was proved in 2014.
Prior to this, in 2013, the corresponding weir, the "Werth-Furt", was detected by side-scan sonar (Dr. Tobias Pflederer) and tachymetrically measured by Roman Scholz (German Ar-chaeological Institute (DAI) Department Roman-Germanic Commission (RGK) Frank-furt/Main). It was found in river kilometer 6.4 between the district Lahnau-Dorlar and Wetz-lar-Garbenheim below the bridge of the A45 across the Lahn valley. There could also be lo-cated some processed oak piles that belonged to the former mill building. The existence of the "mule zu werde" resp. "zu Wyrde", mentioned firstly in the year 1322, could be dated dendrochronologically to the year 1106 nearly 216 years earlier, (Dr. Thorsten Westphal, RGK).
An early medieval millstone made from Eifel basalt (similar to the type Avenches B) confir-med the discovery of a mill. The investigation of the tracks upon the millstone suggests a multiple use of the original runner stone in later years as an axle layer, a composite grounds-tone, a counterweight or an anchor. This underlines the value of the up to 60% relic stone for its owners. An analysis of the document books of Wetzlar suggests the destruction during Magdalene flood in July 1342 vice versa its occurance in the area of the Middle Lahn.
Frankfurt-Griesheim – Schwanheim
In den Jahren 2016 und 2017 führten Taucher der BGfU (Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie e.V.) Dr. Tobias Pflederer, Detlef Peukert M.A., Dipl.-Biologe, Eric Kreßner B.A und Gerd Knepel, archäologischer Forschungstaucher und Taucheinsatzleiter, sowie der Verfasser in Kooperation mit dem Geschichtsverein Griesheim e.V. Leitung Harry / Gunther Haarstark M.A., taucharchäologische Prospektionen im Uferbereich des Mains zwischen Schwanheim und Griesheim durch. Ziel der Prospektionen war es, nach möglichen Überresten einer römischen Brücke zu suchen, diese zu lokalisieren und deren Zustand zu dokumentieren. Eine römische Brücke war nach Betrachtung des römischen Straßensystems an dieser Stelle schon länger vermutet worden. Erste schriftliche Hinweise ergaben sich aus einem Schreiben des Korrespondenzblattes des Gesamtvereins der Deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumsvereine: Band 21, 1873 S. 11 als Baurat Borggreve von Beobachtungen berichtete, die er bei der Ausbaggerung des Mains beobachtet hatte: „Die geförderten Pfähle waren alle unten angespitzt, theils von einbäumigen d.h. ungespaltenen, theils von gespaltenem Holze 10 bis 20 Centimeter dick, etwa 1,50 Meter lang, wie es schien von Eichenholz, schwer und spröde. Es ist von der Conjektur, dass es sich hier um eine Mainbrücke aus sehr alter Zeit handle“. Im Korrespondenzblatt des Gesamtvereins der deutschen Geschichts- und Altertumsvereine von 1924 Nr. 1-3, Januar bis März wird ebenfalls auf die Brücke hingewiesen, „jetzt trug man auch keine Bedenken mehr, den römischen Ursprung der Schwanheimer Brückenreste und der wiederum nur 8 km unterhalb der Hanauer Brücke bei Bürgel von F. Kofler nachgewiesenen Pfeilerreste anzuerkennen“.
Die unterwasserarchäologische Untersuchung erfolgte in Abstimmung mit dem Denkmalamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Abt. Bodendenkmalpflege, Frau Dr. Hampel. Seitens des WSA Aschaffenburg (Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt Aschaffenburg) wurden Side-scan-sonar Bilder zur Verfügung gestellt. In den Side-scan-sonar Bildern zeigten sich Strukturen (rote Pfeile), die im rechten Winkel zur Fließrichtung verlaufen und sich deutlich über den Flussgrund erheben. Bei Tauchgängen, die von Griesheimer Seite vor dem Gelände der Fa. Infrasite (ehemalig Farbwerke Höchst) stattfanden, wurden in ca. 2,5 m Tiefe am nördlichen Ufer die hölzernen Überreste zweier rechtwinklig zulaufender Pfahlreihen gefunden, deren längerer Schenkel als Teil einer Rahmenkonstruktion aus Spalthölzern angesprochen werden kann. Die Konstruktion verläuft parallel zur Uferlinie. Nach heutigem Forschungsstand ist diese als ein Fähranleger aus dem 18. Jh. n. Chr. anzusprechen. Der Fähranleger besteht aus einer ca. 1,6 m hohen Palisadenwand, die tal- und bergseitig eine schmale Seite aufweist und gegen das abfallende Ufer ausläuft. Innerhalb der rechten Holzkonstruktion zeigt sich ein fester Mörtelboden aus Natursteinkieseln in dem drei Eichenrundlinge mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 30 cm eingelassen sind. Es wurden Hölzer an der Holzkonstruktion verprobt und an das Labor des Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrums für Archäometrie (CEZ), Dr. Thorsten Westphal, Mannheim geschickt. Leider war eine dendrologische Datierung aufgrund der geringen Anzahl von Jahresringen nicht möglich. Aufgrund dieser Tatsache wurde eine C14 Untersuchung der Holzprobe vom CEZ vorgenommen. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass es sich bei dem gespaltenen Viertelstamm sowie bei dem Rundholz, um Weißtanne handelte. Mit 55,5 % Sicherheit handelt es sich um ein Holz aus dem Jahre 1731 n. Chr. In einigen Metern nordwestlich konnten weitere Palisaden beobachtet werden, die an ihrer Nordwest- und Südostseite eine schmale Seite aufweisen. Auch zeigt die bathymetrische Darstellung eine im rechten Winkel zur Fahrrinne verlaufende Erhebung. Das Ergebnis der C 14 Datierung passt zeitlich in eine Erwähnung einer fliegenden Fähre (Gierfähre) die in zwei neuzeitlichen Plänen von 1885 und 1897 eingezeichnet ist.
Wurde die Brücke in der Okkupationsphase in flavischer Zeit (70 n. Chr.) erbaut? Die Erbauung der Kastelle Groß-Gerau 70 n. Chr. und Nida 75 n. Chr. sprechen dafür. Auch lässt der Straßenverlauf auf eine Brücke schließen. Wurde die römische Brücke durch einen Brückenbau aus dem Mittelalter überprägt? Gab es noch andere Brückenbauten, einen Hafen oder ein Pier? Es wird versucht, anhand von Sedimentbohrungen, das alte Mainufer zu lokalisieren. Die Bohrungen werden unter Wasser in einer Tiefe von ca. 1,5 bis 4 m stattfinden. Des Weiteren werden die Palisaden erforscht. Von den Eichenrundlingen wird versucht, durch Abarbeiten des Mörtels, Holzscheiben zu entnehmen die zur dendrologischen Untersuchung ins CEZ geschickt werden. Eine Untersuchung des Befundes in der Bundeswasserstraße im Main gestaltet sich als schwierig. Durch den hohen Schiffsverkehr ist ein Betauchen gefährlich. Eine Untersuchung mit einem Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) könnte in den Jahren 2019 oder in 2020 realisiert werden. Auf der Südseite des Mains werden die deutlichen Befunde (2 Kegelstümpfe in ca. 3m Tiefe), die im Side-scan-sonar sichtbar geworden sind, ebenfalls in der Kampagne 2019/20 noch betaucht. Gibt es historische Evidenzen für einen Brückenpfeiler, Hafen oder eine Fähre in Griesheim? Ist der Anleger neuzeitlich oder war es ein Brückenkopf der sekundär als Anleger genutzt wurde? Von wem wurde der „Pier“ genutzt (Fischer, Händler, Industrie)?
Könnte man die zwei Kegelstümpfe als Pfeilerbasis ansprechen? Wie schließen die Straßen an die Brücken an? Gab es eine Furt, oder ist die Erhöhung über dem Flussgrund natürlich, oder künstlich angelegt? Könnte es sich hier um eine alte Furt handeln, die die Römer als Grundlage für eine Brücke genutzt haben?
Jürgen Reitz, Stud. Arch. Wiss. der Philipps-Universität Marburg. Schwalbacher Str. 3, 35625 Hüttenberg,
Already in 1884 in the course of the Main canalization wooden piles were hauled with stake shoes and worked rock stones were unearthed by a steam excavator from the riverbed near Schwanheim. By means of old plans, cards and historical reports the historical society located the place at the bank of Schwanheim and limited the area of the survey. The members of the historical society assumed a Roman imperial period bridge in the proximity of the old bridge of Schwanheim, which spanned the Main starting from 1907. The former Neustraße of Schwanheim (today Eifelstraße) is in the line of sight of the Schwanheimer Bahnstraße, which had already been recognized as a Roman road by Dr. Kobelt. In its extension it runs to the Roman castellet „Auf Esch“ near Groß Gerau south of the Main and continues to push along to the Roman Rhine harbour near Gernsheim. In the northern direction it led to the Roman provincial capital Nida – the Roman city which was located between today's Praunheim and Heddernheim. At the new roundabout in Heerstraße this Roman road was recently unearthed as a crossing with the Roman road to the former capital of the Provincia Germania superior Mogontiacum (Mainz).
The diving investigations of the BGfU should supply certainty about the assumed Roman Main bridge. Indeed an approx. 1.50 m high palisade wall towards the shipping channel was found. It includes a cement block made of rubble stone at its inside towards the bank. Within the block at least two approx. 40 cm thick oak stakes are cemented as anchors. Upstream of it the building ends in a no longer completely pointed ice-breaker, while it locks at the downstream side straight in a right angle. The bank side protudes only a few decimeters over the river ground. The upper ends of the wooden stockades are frayed, due to shipping traffic which was sometimes too close to the bank or due to washed stones in floodings. A wooden sample of the palisade could be taken, which proved as a silver fir conifer. Dendrochronological dating will be conducted. The underwater investigations will be continued to give further results for the early historical roads and its network at the Lower Main.
Organization of the BGfU part was done by: Detlef Peukert, Jürgen Reitz. Director of Operations: Gerd Knepel, VDST. As the entrance is in the area of the Infrasite Griesheim GmbH, we thank the managing director Dr. Brockmeyer as well as the fire brigade for the work and Griesheim for permission to enter it. Deutsche Lebensrettungsgesellschaft (DLRG) German lifeguard of the district Frankfurt secured the divers with their rescue ship “Thaddäus Bell “ against the shipping channel.
Die Kentnis der aufgezeigten Wirkmechanismen können beim Fund archäologisch stärker relevanter Wracks (z.B. römische, byzantinische Wracks) in dieser Lage zu ihrem Schutz genutzt werden. In diesem Fall wird nicht das Gewässer als Ressource in den Mittelpunkt gestellt, sondern es kann die Kenntnis der Prozesse im Gewässer zum Schutz des Kulturgutes eingesetzt werden.
Until 2014 the uncovered wreck was highlighted as a stable and protected wreck „in a well preserved condition despite the absence of any physical protection“even in absence of the Posidonia meadow by Beltrame 2002 and other scholars.
On the other hand marine biologists found out the fatal impact of global warming to the regression of Posidonia oceanica which is recorded for many sites in the Mediterrean Sea. As we found Padina pavonica at the wreck’s frames, an indicator for sheltered coasts, mechanical exposition was to exclude as the main reason of the regression of the Posidonia meadow.
So it is to conclude that with the seagrass regression the protection of a historical wreck is lost and with it cultural heritage and the knowledge of its construction.
Analysing the remains in 2016 the Italian-German Cooperation of nautical archaeologists of the Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchaeologie, the Soprintendenza del Mare, with the help of the Guardia di Finanza and the people of Mozia reconstructed important parts of the hull and tried its provisional classification.
A „post“ Classical example of the damage by re-exposing of a sheltered wreck by the Posidonietum oceanicae plant society: The Isloa Lunga-wreck (Stagnone Marsala, Sicily)
Sebastiano Tusa, Francesca Oliveri, Rebecca Schaffeld, Max Fiederling, Detlef Peukert and Gerd Knepel
In front of the Isola lunga a wreck was found 28 years ago. Enzo Lombardo discovered it on 20th August 1988 by chance. Leonardo Nocitra, Maria Antonietta Nocitra, Anna Paola Nocitra and their professor Antonina Milione did the first research on it and gave the information to the appropriate authorities.
Beltrame 2002 investigated the process of wreck formation on the beach environment in the Mediterranean. He mentioned that wreck and noted in general: „Several deleterious effects on the beach (are): stresses caused by the turbulence of the water, high-speed impact of sediments with strong abrasive power (and), damage and consumption caused by motion“ (and further) „main characteristics common to shipwrecks of this type (on beach): the exceptional state of preservation of the hulls, the excellent condition of finds of organic materials (and), the presence of precious objects“. In particular to the Isola lunga wreck he referred: „… the conservation of these hulls is seldom faciliated by a protective mass of non-perishable cargoes. A clear example of this is the „post-Classical“ hull of Isola Lunga near Marsala which lies 40 m from shore in two meters of water in a well-preserved condition despite the absence of any physical protection apart from that provided by the sand which periodically covers it“. „In fact, in the costal zones containing the wrecks which are closest to the beach such as, for example, … near Isola Lunga at Marsala, a storm is capable of exposing a covered site and, at the same time, of burying another previously visible site just a few meters away“. His conclusion is „… we lack a predictable simulation of the phenomenon. Such a model is difficult to elaborate on a large scale because of the presence of complex and irregular wind-flow process, cause of the dynamics of the shoals. It is our opinion that some sort of prediction is possible only with a profound direct knowledge of a specific zone“. So the problem statement resulted in this research was: If and how long the Isola lunga wreck remains „in a well preserved condition despite the absence of any physical protection“. Is there any „predictable simulation of the phenomenon“ of the dynamics of the shoals?(Beltrame 2002). As Tusa and Oliveri 2014, 2016 and Lena 2015 did their research on the wreck it was eaten more and more by the sea since the discovery. A research in 2016 by the cooperation it could be demonstrated that the wreck lying 40 meters offshore in a depth of 2 m the shelter of the Posidonietum oceanicae disappeared with the collapse of the plant society. This caused by transgression of the sea. The seaground reached the breakwater zone of a depth of λ/2 and less which destroys the Neptune grass meadow and removes the shelter for the wreck.
Conclusion: The problem statement could be answered:
The wreck in a zone less than about λ/2 does’nt remain „in a well-preserved condition despite the absence of any physical protection“. Its destruction is about 60% in less than 30 years.
A wreck within the zone from about λ/2 and less will predictibly destroyed by absence of Posidonia shelter.
Vice versa one can conclude the height of the waves sometimes must have been about 2 meters in the last years.
The consequence is to protect a historical underwater monument like the Isola longa wreck (a schifazzo?) by suitable shelter for instance geotextile with a well fastening at the sea ground
all the more concerning a ship which shows forgotten knowledge of former shipwrights.
Analysing the remains in 2016 the Italian-German Cooperation of nautical archaeologists of the Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchaeologie (BGfU) and the Nautical Archaeology of the Philipps University Marburg with the assistence of the divers of the ROAN Guardia di Finanza di Palermo and and Trapani, the Soprintendenza del Mare, and the help of the people of Mozia, reconstructed important parts of the remaining hull and tried its provisional classification.