Witold Płotka
Witold Płotka, Dr. habil., is Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland. He was a visiting researcher at the Husserl-Archive of the University of Cologne. He is the winner of “The 2011 CARP Directors’ Memorial Prize in Honour of José Huertas-Jourda.” He is member of the Husserl Circle, former Secretary of the Polish Phenomenological Association, and President of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology (CEESP). He published two books, numerous articles, and edited several volumes. His works were published, e.g., by “Human Studies,” “Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences,” or “Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology.” Recently he published (edited together with Patrick Eldridge) Early Phenomenology in Central and Eastern Europe: Main Figures, Ideas, and Problems (Springer, 2020).
Address: Institute of Philosophy
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Wóycickiego St. 1/3, building 23
PL-01-938 Warsaw
Address: Institute of Philosophy
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Wóycickiego St. 1/3, building 23
PL-01-938 Warsaw
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Papers by Witold Płotka
phenomenologically oriented descriptive psychology.
phenomenologically oriented descriptive psychology.
In cooperation with the Polish Phenomenological Association
Announces a First Call for Papers
for the International Conference on the Topic:
Phenomenology and Practice
The 2nd Conference on Traditions and Perspectives
of the Phenomenological Movement in
Central and Eastern Europe
8–10 September, 2016
Gdansk, Poland
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Natalia Artemenko (St. Petersburg State University)
Michael Gubser (James Madison University)
Dalius Jonkus (Vytautas Magnus University)
Carlos Lobo (Collège International de Philosophie)
Please send paper proposals
Horizons Beyond Borders
Traditions and Perspectives of the
Phenomenological Movement in
Central and Eastern Europe
17–19 June, 2015
Budapest, Hungary
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Michael Gubser (James Madison University)
George Heffernan (Merrimack College)
Marci Shore (Yale University)
Nicolas de Warren (KU Leuven)
Please send paper proposals
See below for more information
Scientific Advisory Board:
Ivan Blecha (Palacký University, Olomouc), Cristian Ciocan (Institute for Philosophy “Alexandru Dragomir”, Bucharest), Ion Copoeru (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca), Andrzej Gniazdowski (Polish Academy of Sciences), Balázs M. Mezei (Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Hungary), Karel Novotný (Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic), Csaba Olay (ELTE University, Budapest), Wojciech Starzyński (Polish Academy of Sciences), Jaroslava Vydrová (Slovak Academy of Sciences), Michal Zvarík (Trnava University)
Director of the Host Institution: Ferenc Hörcher
Chair of the Organizing Committee: Peter Andras Varga (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Secretary of the Organizing Committee: Witold Płotka (University of Gdańsk)
Conference Description
The main idea of the conference Horizons Beyond Borders: Traditions and Perspectives of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe is to explore the place of phenomenology in contemporary philosophy in Central and Eastern Europe. It has long been understood that the circumstances of the Phenomenological Movement in this part of the world were dramatically defined by the politics of the times. The generally hostile conditions for doing philosophy affected phenomenology specifically, in so far as it was officially regarded as an idealistic, bourgeois, and regressive philosophy. As a result, many philosophers in the phenomenological tradition, including some direct students of Edmund Husserl, were accused of “idealism”, labeled as “enemies of materialism”, and prohibited from teaching. Despite these adversarial circumstances, however, many phenomenologists presented interesting and important interpretations of philosophical issues. Some did phenomenology while bracketing political commitments, whereas others were strongly engaged in political activities. One need only recall such leading figures as, for example, Alexandru Dragomir, Eugen Enyvvári, Václav Havel, Roman Ingarden, Karel Kosík, Krzysztof Michalski, Constantin Noica, Jan Patočka, Wilhelm Szilasi, Józef Tischner, Karol Wojtyła, and many others. The full potential of their phenomenology, both its hopeful promise and its tragic history, constitutes a rich heritage that continues to define our contemporary philosophical horizons.
Although many philosophers of that time were completely isolated, phenomenology in Central and Eastern Europe has developed in a steady dialog beyond national borders and ideological boundaries. Our ambition is to determine the contemporary status of this increasingly trans-regional Phenomenological Movement, both in the light of its legacy and above and beyond it. Our questions include but are not limited to the following: Are there any common features of phenomenological approaches in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe? What can we say about the leitmotifs of this phenomenology? How can we understand the relationship between phenomenology and Marxism? Are there any influences of Marxism on phenomenology or vice versa? What, if any, was the function of phenomenology with respect to resistance movements to Communist regimes? How can we define the current trends in phenomenology in Central and Eastern Europe and its possible paths of development in the future? What is the original contribution of the phenomenology of this part of Europe to major contemporary philosophical issues? In addressing these and related concerns, we also propose to raise the question of the future of the Phenomenological Movement in Central and Eastern Europe. The ultimate aim of the conference is to present scholars with a first-time opportunity to discuss the wide and rich range of phenomenological ideas that have been discovered in Central and Eastern Europe.
Planned Sessions
Roots: The historical roots of Central and Eastern European phenomenology and its philosophical predecessors are well known. For example, Bolzano was born in Prague, Bohemia; Twardowski studied with Brentano in Vienna; and even Husserl was born in Prostejov (Prossnitz), Moravia. But is it possible to relate the emergence and development of early phenomenology to the specific philosophical and political conditions of Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th century?
Figures: Central and Eastern European philosophers participated in the prewar and interwar stages of the Phenomenological Movement. Here presentations on lesser known figures and comparative investigations of their works are especially welcome.
Beyond Borders: Are there any general characteristics of phenomenology as it has been practiced in Central and Eastern Europe, and has there been any specific influence of that phenomenology on the philosophical and political development of its host countries?
Beyond Politics: How has phenomenology been understood in the political contexts of Central and Eastern Europe? Is it possible to ground politics phenomenologically? Or is it rather the case that politics cannot be the object of phenomenological inquiry? How can we define the relationship between phenomenology and Marxism? Are we justified in speaking of a “dialog” between phenomenology and Marxism in Central and Eastern Europe?
Beyond Particularism: Did phenomenology collaborate with other currents of philosophy in Central and Eastern Europe? Here we are also looking for contributions that analyze the contemporary situation of phenomenology in Central and Eastern European countries.
New Phenomenology: This section is devoted to original research on any aspect of phenomenology and its history by scholars with academic affiliation in Central and Eastern Europe.
László Tengelyi Commemorative Session: The saddening sudden death of the Hungarian born phenomenologist László Tengelyi (1954–2014) has deprived Central and Eastern European Phenomenology of one of its best-known and most capable representatives. For this session we are soliciting contributions on Tengelyi’s oeuvre and his impact on contemporary phenomenology.
Krzysztof Michalski Commemorative Session: Krzysztof Michalski (1948-2013) was a Polish phenomenologist, the co-founder and rector of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna that promotes intellectual exchange among scholars from different fields, societies and cultures. For this session we are expecting contributions on Michalski’s philosophy and phenomenology, as well as his organizational work and influences on present-day phenomenological movement.
Further information
The conference will take place in the historical castle district in a Baroque style mansion.
We welcome proposals in English (main language), German, and French.
Proposals will be evaluated in a process of blind peer-review.
Contributions are welcome from both junior (pre-doc, post-doc) and senior scholars from every part of the world. The only geographically constrained section is the “New Phenomenology” session, which aims to present new research on any phenomenological topic by scholars with academic affiliation in Central and Eastern Europe.
Please submit an abstract of up to 2000 characters, including references, which is to be prepared for anonymous review, together with a separate affiliation sheet containing your contact address and academic affiliations (including all geographically relevant ones) to both witoldplotka_AT_gmail.com and peter.andras.varga_AT_gmail.com Please also indicate the proposed session assignment(s) of your contribution.
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2015.
Registration fee is 50 € (reductions are planned).
The time limits for speakers are: 20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for discussion.
The chapters span the first decades of the development of phenomenology in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Russia, and Yugoslavia before World War II. The contributors track the Brentanian heritage of the development. They show how this tradition inspired influential thinkers like Celms, Špet, Ingarden, Frank, Twardowski, Patočka, and others. The book also puts forward original investigations. Moreover it elaborates new accounts of the foundations of phenomenology. While the volume begins with the Brentanian heritage, it situates phenomenology in a dialogue with other important schools of thought of that time, including the Prague School and Lvov-Warsaw School of Logic.
This collection highlights thinkers whose writings have had only a limited reception outside their home countries due to political and historical circumstances. It will help readers gain a better understanding of how the phenomenological movement developed beyond its start in Germany. Readers will also come to see how the phenomenological method resonated in different countries and led to new philosophical developments in ontology, epistemology, psychology, philosophy of culture, and philosophy of religion.