Papers by Joaquin Rodriguez-Vidal
Geotemas ( Madrid ), 2016
Las estructuras portuarias de Onoba Aestuaria : un puerto pesquero y de control imperial, 2017
After more than four decades of archaeological excavations in Huelva the current state of the res... more After more than four decades of archaeological excavations in Huelva the current state of the researches reveals important aspects relating to his urbanism and evolution for the Roman period, from republican moments up to the late antiquity. The review of materials and structures appeared throughout this time and gathered in recent works of synthesis (Campos, 2011; Delgado, 2016), they allow new interpretations that reveal how this enclave supposed a commercial knot of the first order in the Mediterranean and Atlantic trades routes. In this context the port is outlined as a key sector that played an important role in to develop of this commercial Atlantic emporium. Endowed with important infrastructures of diverse nature, horrea, cetariae, officinae, lanterna ..., it supposes a today one of the most significant ports of the cities of the SW of Hispania
Cuaternario y Geomorfología, 2021
El estudio del registro sedimentario holoceno del estuario de los ríos Tinto y Odiel (Huelva) se ... more El estudio del registro sedimentario holoceno del estuario de los ríos Tinto y Odiel (Huelva) se ha realizado históricamente por medio de sondeos y de afloramientos superficiales. Nuevos perfiles naturales en la Isla de Saltés (La Cascajera) están ofreciendo una nueva perspectiva sobre la génesis y cronología de los depósitos. Para la determinación temporal de estos procesos se llevaron a cabo dataciones radiométricas mediante el análisis de series de Uranio y de radiocarbono. El contraste de los resultados de ambas técnicas ha permitido observar grandes desfases temporales en las series de Uranio, siendo Las edades de 14C son unos 200 años más antiguas que las de U/Th, para las mismas muestras. La contaminación postsedimentaria en estos sistemas abiertos, ha favorecido el rejuvenecimiento de la edad de la muestra, por el continuo aporte al sistema de 234U y 238U. Esto pone de manifiesto lo inapropiado del método U/Th en sedimentos estuarinos recientes y, sobre todo, altamente conta...
Boletin De La Real Sociedad Espanola De Historia Natural Seccion Geologica, 1976
Mudanças em Sistemas Ambientais e sua Expressão Temporal: Livro de Resumos da IX Reunião do Quaternário Ibérico, 2017, págs. 31-32, 2017
The geoarchaeological studies of the ancient city of Onoba and its harbour cove have allowed us t... more The geoarchaeological studies of the ancient city of Onoba and its harbour cove have allowed us to define the interrelationship between the natural dynamic processes and the occupation of the territory, as well as to delimit the palaeo-shoreline during the Late Prehistory and Roman times.
Geotemas ( Madrid ), 2016
Se han caracterizado petrográficamente las rocas con las que están construidos los tholoi de La P... more Se han caracterizado petrográficamente las rocas con las que están construidos los tholoi de La Pastora y Matarrubilla en el yacimiento prehistórico de Valencina de la Concepción. Así, se han diferenciado tres tipos de rocas: cuarzoarenita paleozoica, granito y arenisca calcárea neógena; cada una de ellas con un uso determinado en la arquitectura de los monumentos. Además, en Matarrubilla, la cámara del tholos está ocupada por un bloque masivo de yeso tallado a modo de pila. Esta caracterización permitirá su comparación con afloramientos naturales cercanos.
PLoS ONE, 2021
Here we report the discovery of ceramic fragments that form part of a Gorgoneion, a ceramic image... more Here we report the discovery of ceramic fragments that form part of a Gorgoneion, a ceramic image representation of the Gorgon Medusa. The fragments were found in a deep part of Gorham’s Cave, well known to ancient mariners as a natural shrine, between the 8th and 2nd century BCE. We discuss the context of this discovery, both within the inner topography of the cave itself, and also the broader geographical context. The discovery is situated at the extreme western end of the Mediterranean Sea, where it meets the Atlantic Ocean. The location was known to ancient mariners as the northern Pillar of Herakles, which marked the end of the known world. We relate the discovery, and its geographical and chronological context, to Greek legends that situated the lair of the Gorgon sisters at a location which coincides with the physical attributes and geographical position of Gorham’s Cave. We thus provide, uniquely, a geographical and archaeological context to the myth of Perseus and the slayi...
El propósito de este trabajo es resumir los avances realizados en los últimos doce años por el eq... more El propósito de este trabajo es resumir los avances realizados en los últimos doce años por el equipo dirigido por los tres investigadores principales. Esta labor se ha dedicado principalmente al mejor conocimiento del poblamiento humano del Sur de la Península Ibérica durante el Pleistoceno y el Holoceno. Dentro de este amplio marco, las investigaciones se han enfocado en varias vertientes de particular interés como son el primer poblamiento del sur de la Península Ibérica por homínidos, cuestiones sobre posibles cruces del Estrecho de Gibraltar por homínidos, cambios poblacionales asociados a los cambios culturales en el Paleolítico Medio y Superior, y relaciones entre homínidos y el medio natural cambiante.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 2021
Abstract The Donana area in southern Iberia is one of the most renowned protected areas of Europe... more Abstract The Donana area in southern Iberia is one of the most renowned protected areas of Europe, mostly due to the diversity and value of its wetland ecosystems. The large biogeographical significance of this territory and the outstanding availability of sedimentary archives have made this region a hotspot of paleobotanical research in the Iberian Peninsula. Specifically, the organic deposits on El Asperillo Cliff have been studied during the past few decades from the geomorphological and paleobotanical (pollen, macrofossils) points of view. However, large uncertainties remain concerning the chronology of certain sections of the exposed profile and the paleobotanical potential of this site has not been fully exploited yet. In this study, we revisited El Asperillo with the aims of completing the paleobotanical record and refining the chronology of this site. The age of the studied deposits ranges from ca. 22,000 to 30,900 cal. yr BP according to the radiocarbon dates obtained, thus embracing the particularly cold and dry Heinrich Event 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum. Our palynological results allow inferring the presence of a coastal marshland system. Additionally, the new pollen records highlight the relevance and diversity of pines (Pinus nigra-sylvestris type, P. pinaster, P. halepensis-pinea type) in the Late Pleistocene landscape of Donana, reinforcing the native status of pines. Last but not least, the results stress the persistence of a highly diverse woody flora in Donana during the harshest periods of the last glacial cycle, highlighting the importance of this enclave in postglacial vegetation recolonization of the Iberian Peninsula.
SAGVNTVM. Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología de Valencia, 2018
Las excavaciones en la Cueva de Bray en Gibraltar han documentado una serie de enterramientos de ... more Las excavaciones en la Cueva de Bray en Gibraltar han documentado una serie de enterramientos de la Edad de Bronce, esto supone una nueva aportación al conocimiento de la ocupación prehistórica del Peñón de Gibraltar y se convierte en una referencia regional para el estudio de los rituales funerarios de este período.
Quaternary International, 2016
We compare the Middle Palaeolithic sites of Gibraltar and Zafarraya in southern Iberia. We use bi... more We compare the Middle Palaeolithic sites of Gibraltar and Zafarraya in southern Iberia. We use birds as indicators of environmental quality and demonstrate huge differences between coastal and inland, mountain, sites separated by less than 150 km. We conclude that the Gibraltar sites represented locations of repeated occupation by Neanderthals over tens of millennia whereas Zafarraya represents a site of sporadic visits for particular prey. This is in response to very different climatic conditions. Our results show how important ecological quality is in understanding Palaeolithic sites and metapopulations and how birds are particularly informative in our understanding of the ecology of such sites.
- Clemente, M.J., Rodríguez-Vidal, J., Cáceres, L.M., González-Regalado, M.L., Gómez, P., Toscano... more - Clemente, M.J., Rodríguez-Vidal, J., Cáceres, L.M., González-Regalado, M.L., Gómez, P., Toscano, A., Abad, M., Ruiz, F., Campos, J., Bermejo, J., Gómez-Toscano, F., González-Regalado, F. Estuarine coastal barriers as archive of high-energy events during the mid-late Holocene (Gulf of Cádiz, SW Spain): Human implications. Progress in Quaternary archive studies in the Iberian Peninsula. Seville (Spain), Marzo, 2015. pag 29.
Cuaternario y Geomorfología, 2015
One of the most dynamic parts of the earth system is where terrestrial processes interact with ma... more One of the most dynamic parts of the earth system is where terrestrial processes interact with marine processes on the coast. Changes in relative sea level, coastal evolution and extreme events such as storms and tsunamis are of local and global interest. Such events hinder individual well-being and intensify/enhance environmental degradation. In a changing world, in which climate and sea-level change impact on human
El volument contiene las Actes du Colloque "La Mauretanie et le Monde Mediterraneen", T... more El volument contiene las Actes du Colloque "La Mauretanie et le Monde Mediterraneen", Tetouan - Maroc: 24, 25 et 26 novembre 2016 (Theme: Pour une meilleure connaissance de l'histoire antique du Maroc), organizado por la Association MEDISTONE-Maroc, la Universite Abdelmalek Essaadi-Tetouan y la Faculte des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines- Tetouan.
Cuaternario y Geomorfología, 2019
The southwestern Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula presents an important Roman heritage tha... more The southwestern Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula presents an important Roman heritage that includes numerous fish-salting workshops, with an industrial activity that went on for almost a millennium (1st century BC-7th century AD). Nevertheless, a future broad research is still necessary to determine the geologic substratum on which they are based, their palaeoenvironmental evolution, their main economic objectives and the byproducts derived from their activities. This paper is focused on the geology, dating and the archaeological record of La Cascajera, a new site located in the Tinto-Odiel estuary (SW Spain). This new cetaria occupied the northwestern end of La Cascajera ridge (Saltés Island), constituted by sandy, bioclastic deposits of previous washover fans (1st-2th centuries AD). During the main period of activity (middle of 4th century AD-5th century AD), the existence of a certain typology of amphorae as well as the documentation of a shell deposit formed mostly by Gl...
Papers by Joaquin Rodriguez-Vidal
groups that occupied the Gorham´s Cave, through the material of a level III (Upper Paleolithic. Level
A: Magdalenian; Level B: Solutrean) and level IV (Middle Paleolithic). The conclusion of our study is
that the last Neanderthal populations in the southern of Iberia (24.000 - 32.000 yr) and the modern
human populations (10.800 -18.600 yr) had a similar pattern of exploitation to the raw materials in
an area no more far to 20km.
aparecieron restos fósiles de Homo neanderthalensis. Desde su descubrimiento, en 1848, ha
permanecido casi en el olvido científico. Los trabajos geoarqueológicos que actualmente se realizan,
dentro del Gibraltar Caves Project, están reconstruyendo la paleogeografía del hábitat, la posible
edad de ocupación y la restauración y puesta en valor de la zona como Patrimonio Natural.