Monica Vermes
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Papers by Monica Vermes
Palavras-chave: música, Rio de Janeiro, teatros, República.
Abstract: Music life in Rio de Janeiro at the end of the 19th-Century reflected the important transformations that took place at that time. After the proclamation of the Republic (1889), a shared optimistic
perception in face of the beginning of a new era gave rise to reformation projects in the musical--theatrical milieu. This paper focuses in the musical activity in Rio de Janeiro in 1890: what was being played in theaters, clubs and associations, highlighting symphonic concerts and recitals and their programs. The presentation of such a panorama allows us to think about the kind of repertory that was performed, the education and professional performance of musicians, and the
reform initiatives both in the theatrical and in the musical milieu, evincing the peculiarities of the carioca musical scene.
Key Words: music, Rio de Janeiro, theaters, Republic.
acústica e civilização empregando como principal fonte O Rio de Janeiro de meu Tempo de Luiz Edmundo.
Palavras-chave: paisagem sonora do Rio de Janeiro, paisagem sonora e reforma urbana, sons e civilização
Sound and Silence in the Civilized City: the soundscape of Rio de Janeiro and the remodeling by Pereira Passos
Abstract: This paper analyzes the transformations in the soundscape of Rio de Janeiro through the urban remodeling promoted by Francisco Pereira Passos (1902-1906). This analysis departs from the concept of “soundscape” by R.M. Schafer and two developments from this concept: the possibility to reconstitute a soundscape from the past by using literary and iconographic sources, and the interconnection between soundscape and musical creation. I also connect acoustic composure to civilization, using O Rio de Janeiro de meu Tempo by Luiz Edmundo as my main source.
Keywords: soudscape of Rio de Janeiro, soudscape and urban remodeling, sounds and civilization
Palavras-chave: música, Rio de Janeiro, teatros, República.
Abstract: Music life in Rio de Janeiro at the end of the 19th-Century reflected the important transformations that took place at that time. After the proclamation of the Republic (1889), a shared optimistic
perception in face of the beginning of a new era gave rise to reformation projects in the musical--theatrical milieu. This paper focuses in the musical activity in Rio de Janeiro in 1890: what was being played in theaters, clubs and associations, highlighting symphonic concerts and recitals and their programs. The presentation of such a panorama allows us to think about the kind of repertory that was performed, the education and professional performance of musicians, and the
reform initiatives both in the theatrical and in the musical milieu, evincing the peculiarities of the carioca musical scene.
Key Words: music, Rio de Janeiro, theaters, Republic.
acústica e civilização empregando como principal fonte O Rio de Janeiro de meu Tempo de Luiz Edmundo.
Palavras-chave: paisagem sonora do Rio de Janeiro, paisagem sonora e reforma urbana, sons e civilização
Sound and Silence in the Civilized City: the soundscape of Rio de Janeiro and the remodeling by Pereira Passos
Abstract: This paper analyzes the transformations in the soundscape of Rio de Janeiro through the urban remodeling promoted by Francisco Pereira Passos (1902-1906). This analysis departs from the concept of “soundscape” by R.M. Schafer and two developments from this concept: the possibility to reconstitute a soundscape from the past by using literary and iconographic sources, and the interconnection between soundscape and musical creation. I also connect acoustic composure to civilization, using O Rio de Janeiro de meu Tempo by Luiz Edmundo as my main source.
Keywords: soudscape of Rio de Janeiro, soudscape and urban remodeling, sounds and civilization