Douglas H Clements
Douglas H. Clements is Distinguished University Professor, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning, and Executive Director of the Marsico Institute for Early Learning and Literacy at the University of Denver. Previously a kindergarten teacher for five years and a preschool teacher for one year, he has built on those early experiences in conducting research and publishing widely in the areas of the learning and teaching of early mathematics, computer applications, and scaling up successful interventions. His most recent interests are in creating, using, and evaluating a research-based curriculum and in taking successful curricula to scale using technologies and learning trajectories. He has published over 160 refereed research studies, 27 books, 100 chapters, and 300 additional works . His latest books detail research-based learning trajectories in early mathematics education: Early childhood mathematics education research: Learning trajectories for young children and a companion book, Learning and teaching early math: The learning trajectories approach (Routledge).
Dr. Clements has directed over 35 funded research and developments projects. Currently, Dr. Clements is Principal Investigator on a multiple-study project funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Evaluating the Efficacy of Learning Trajectories in Early Mathematics. He is also DU PI on a new center, Special Education Educational Technology Media, and Materials for Individuals with Disabilities (funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), Department of Education), with Dr. Sarama (as all his work is) colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Drs. Sarama and Clements are also directing Scalable Professional Development in Early Mathematics: The Learning and Teaching with Learning Trajectories Tool, updating and disseminate a professional development software application ( empirically supported in previous projects, funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation and the Gates Foundation, as well as contributing to two centers, National Center on Early Childhood, Teaching, Learning, and Development and the Regional Educational Laboratory: Central.
Previous funded projects include, Longitudinal Study of a Successful Scaling Up Project: Extending TRIAD, following children from preschool to fifth grade (; Increasing the efficacy of an early mathematics curriculum with scaffolding designed to promote self-regulation to evaluate whether self-regulation and mathematics instruction can be combined synergistically; Early Childhood Education in the Context of Mathematics, Science, and Literacy, which developed an interdisciplinary preschool curriculum C4L (; Learning Trajectories to Support the Growth of Measurement Knowledge: Pre-K through Middle School, developing better ways of assessing and teaching geometric measurement; and Building Blocks—Foundations for Mathematical Thinking, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2: Research-based Materials Development, the initial grant that developed the Building Blocks curriculum and the learning trajectories on which most of their work is based.
Clements has served on many national and state committees. Currently, he is an inaugural Member of the USA STEM Education Advisory Panel, whose responsibility it will be to provide advice and recommendations to the National Science and Technology Counsel's Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education in identifying needs and opportunities to update the Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic Plan. He has served for years on Colorado’s Early Childhood Leadership Commission.
Phone: (303) 871-2726
Address: Dr. Douglas H. Clements Ph.D.
University of Denver
Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall 154 and 338
1999 East Evans Avenue
Denver CO 80208-1700
Dr. Clements has directed over 35 funded research and developments projects. Currently, Dr. Clements is Principal Investigator on a multiple-study project funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Evaluating the Efficacy of Learning Trajectories in Early Mathematics. He is also DU PI on a new center, Special Education Educational Technology Media, and Materials for Individuals with Disabilities (funded by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), Department of Education), with Dr. Sarama (as all his work is) colleagues from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Drs. Sarama and Clements are also directing Scalable Professional Development in Early Mathematics: The Learning and Teaching with Learning Trajectories Tool, updating and disseminate a professional development software application ( empirically supported in previous projects, funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation and the Gates Foundation, as well as contributing to two centers, National Center on Early Childhood, Teaching, Learning, and Development and the Regional Educational Laboratory: Central.
Previous funded projects include, Longitudinal Study of a Successful Scaling Up Project: Extending TRIAD, following children from preschool to fifth grade (; Increasing the efficacy of an early mathematics curriculum with scaffolding designed to promote self-regulation to evaluate whether self-regulation and mathematics instruction can be combined synergistically; Early Childhood Education in the Context of Mathematics, Science, and Literacy, which developed an interdisciplinary preschool curriculum C4L (; Learning Trajectories to Support the Growth of Measurement Knowledge: Pre-K through Middle School, developing better ways of assessing and teaching geometric measurement; and Building Blocks—Foundations for Mathematical Thinking, Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 2: Research-based Materials Development, the initial grant that developed the Building Blocks curriculum and the learning trajectories on which most of their work is based.
Clements has served on many national and state committees. Currently, he is an inaugural Member of the USA STEM Education Advisory Panel, whose responsibility it will be to provide advice and recommendations to the National Science and Technology Counsel's Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education in identifying needs and opportunities to update the Federal STEM Education 5-Year Strategic Plan. He has served for years on Colorado’s Early Childhood Leadership Commission.
Phone: (303) 871-2726
Address: Dr. Douglas H. Clements Ph.D.
University of Denver
Katherine A. Ruffatto Hall 154 and 338
1999 East Evans Avenue
Denver CO 80208-1700
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Papers by Douglas H Clements
Clements, D. H. (2007). Curriculum research: Toward a framework for ‘research-based curricula. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38(1), 35–70.
Which is still the basis, this publication add details and updates.
Curriculum development is often not a fully scientific endeavor. To address this concern when creating an early mathematics curriculum, we developed a framework for authoring and evaluating research-based curricula. The Curriculum Research Framework (CRF) incorporates broad theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as attention to social values and equity issues. We describe our application of the CRF to the Building Blocks curriculum, emphasizing lessons learned. We argue that those designing curricula should ensure their work is scientifically based and evaluated. Those studying existing curricula should understand how they were developed and validated (or not) and that a comprehensive evaluation program involves more than student outcomes. We use the CRF to draw implications for research in development and evaluation projects. For each phase of the framework, we discuss how publishable research and curriculum development might occur, as well as what opportunities there may be for evaluation research alone. In all cases, we list useful methods.
In A. Sharif-Rasslan & D. Hassidov (Eds.), Special issues in early childhood mathematics education research
may focus only on skills for low-income students and students of color, further
limiting their opportunities to learn mathematical reasoning, and thus pose a challenge
to realizing standards-based reforms. Although we share the concern about equity and
about funds wasted by inappropriate purchases of technology before planning based
on research and the wisdom of expert practice, including inadequate professional
development, we believe that Kitchen and Berk’s commentary contains several limitations
that could be misconstrued and thus misdirect policy and practice.
Clements, D. H. (2007). Curriculum research: Toward a framework for ‘research-based curricula. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38(1), 35–70.
Which is still the basis, this publication add details and updates.
Curriculum development is often not a fully scientific endeavor. To address this concern when creating an early mathematics curriculum, we developed a framework for authoring and evaluating research-based curricula. The Curriculum Research Framework (CRF) incorporates broad theoretical and methodological approaches, as well as attention to social values and equity issues. We describe our application of the CRF to the Building Blocks curriculum, emphasizing lessons learned. We argue that those designing curricula should ensure their work is scientifically based and evaluated. Those studying existing curricula should understand how they were developed and validated (or not) and that a comprehensive evaluation program involves more than student outcomes. We use the CRF to draw implications for research in development and evaluation projects. For each phase of the framework, we discuss how publishable research and curriculum development might occur, as well as what opportunities there may be for evaluation research alone. In all cases, we list useful methods.
In A. Sharif-Rasslan & D. Hassidov (Eds.), Special issues in early childhood mathematics education research
may focus only on skills for low-income students and students of color, further
limiting their opportunities to learn mathematical reasoning, and thus pose a challenge
to realizing standards-based reforms. Although we share the concern about equity and
about funds wasted by inappropriate purchases of technology before planning based
on research and the wisdom of expert practice, including inadequate professional
development, we believe that Kitchen and Berk’s commentary contains several limitations
that could be misconstrued and thus misdirect policy and practice.
We believe that our successes are due to the people who have contributed to our projects and to our commitment to grounding everything we have done in research. Because the work has been so heavily researched, we decided to publish two books. The first book—this one—reviews the research underlying our learning trajectories. The second book, the companion to this one, Learning and Teaching Early Math: The Learning Trajectories Approach (Clements & Sarama, 2009), describes and illustrates how these learning trajectories can be implemented in the classroom.
Because it is in the classroom that mathematics comes alive, we urge those most interested in this, the research review book, to read the companion book as well. The illustrations of children’s wonder, excitement, and especially thinking and problem-solving, help prevent the research reviews from giving the mis- impression that the main story of learning trajectories is children marching through a series of learning levels. Such a dreary picture is the opposite of that we are trying to paint, which is of children filled with curiosity and creative ideas, and teachers excited about helping them see the world through mathematical lenses"
We believe that our successes are due to the people who have contributed to our projects and to our commitment to grounding everything we have done in research. Because the work has been so heavily researched, we decided to publish two books. The first book—this one—reviews the research underlying our learning trajectories. The second book, the companion to this one, Learning and Teaching Early Math: The Learning Trajectories Approach (Clements & Sarama, 2009), describes and illustrates how these learning trajectories can be implemented in the classroom.
Because it is in the classroom that mathematics comes alive, we urge those most interested in this, the research review book, to read the companion book as well. The illustrations of children’s wonder, excitement, and especially thinking and problem-solving, help prevent the research reviews from giving the mis- impression that the main story of learning trajectories is children marching through a series of learning levels. Such a dreary picture is the opposite of that we are trying to paint, which is of children filled with curiosity and creative ideas, and teachers excited about helping them see the world through mathematical lenses.
Building Blocks’ instructional approach is finding the mathematics in, and developing mathematics from, children’s activity. Children are guided to extend and mathematize their everyday activities, from block building to art to songs to puzzles, through sequenced, explicit activities (whole group, small group, centers, including a computer center, and “throughout the day”). Thus, off-computer and on-computer activities are designed based on children’s experiences and interests, with an emphasis on supporting the development of mathematical activity (see also
The software in Building Blocks moves up through the grades.
Multiple research projects have documented the importance of early mathematics, the right of all young children to a high-quality mathematics education, and the need for dramatic, wide-ranging actions to support the teachers of young children in providing such education. If high-quality mathematics education does not start in preschool and continue through the early years, children can be trapped in a trajectory of failure. To help meet that need, we are substantially upgrading the technology and impact of “Building Blocks Learning Trajectories” (BBLT), a web application that constitutes a research-based teacher preparation and professional development tool for educators who teach young children mathematics. The new tool will available on more platforms and to wider audiences.
We wrote the background research pieces that form the foundation for this report. See those as well.
The latest NGA Center for Best Practice education issue brief was released yesterday. Amanda Szekely’s brief Unlocking Young Children’s Potential: Governors’ Role in Strengthening Early Mathematics Learning highlights the research behind the fact that early math success is a strong predictor of later success.
early counting and number concepts, conducted by researchers who have dedicat
a large number of years to this endeavor. Steffe and Cobb used a constructivis
case-study paradigm to investigate the development of first and second grader
counting structures, including the meaning they gave to their counting and th
strategies they used to find sums and differences. Fuson generally employed cro
sectional and interview approaches to study changes in the number word sequenc
correspondence errors, and concepts of cardinality of children from 2 to 8 years o
age. Both projects reaffirm that work in this area lies at the cutting edge of resear
in both mathematics education and educational/cognitive psy