Books by Luis Arroyo Jiménez
El Derecho de la Unión Europea y el Derecho interno son sistemas jurídicos abiertos. Cada uno de ... more El Derecho de la Unión Europea y el Derecho interno son sistemas jurídicos abiertos. Cada uno de ellos incorpora elementos procedentes del otro a través de sus propios dispositivos de comunicación intersistemática. Los Tribunales encargados de diseñar esas interfaces deben afrontar esa tarea con la necesaria consideración de las exigencias institucionales propias, pero también de las ajenas. En esta obra se desarrolla esta idea a propósito de tres de las cuestiones sobre las que gira la más reciente evolución de la doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional: las relaciones entre los sistemas europeo y nacional de protección de los derechos fundamentales, la relevancia constitucional interna de la aplicación incorrecta del Derecho de la Unión y, en fin, el papel que este último puede jugar a la hora de justificar y apreciar la especial trascendencia constitucional de los recursos de amparo.
Recent Papers by Luis Arroyo Jiménez
Revista DIECISIETE, 2019
En este trabajo se analizan diversas razones que, procedentes de la filosofía política y el Derec... more En este trabajo se analizan diversas razones que, procedentes de la filosofía política y el Derecho positivo, pueden justificar el establecimiento de una renta básica universal. En primer lugar se ofrece una visión panorámica de la justificación normativa de la renta básica universal, distinguiendo tres modelos que responden a otras tantas concepciones de la justicia social. El artículo se centra a continuación en argumentos que proceden del orden jurídico positivo (internacional, europeo e interno) y que pueden adquirir relevancia en la discusión acerca del establecimiento de una renta básica universal y, en particular, acerca de sus fortalezas o debilidades frente a otras medidas cercanas como, por ejemplo, las rentas mínimas de inserción. Palabras clave: Renta básica universal, rentas mínimas, Derecho internacional, pilar europeo, Estado social, democracia, renta mínima de inserción. abstract: This paper analyzes various reasons coming from political philosophy and positive law, which can justify the establishment of a universal basic income. First, a panoramic view of the normative justification of universal basic income is offered: three models that respond to many other conceptions of social justice are presented. The article then focuses on arguments that come from positive legislation (international, european and domestic law) and which can become relevant in the discussion about the establishment of a universal basic income and, precisely, about its strengths or weaknesses against other quite similar measures such as minimum insertion income.
In a context of legal pluralism empathy becomes a constitutional virtue. Legal interfaces governi... more In a context of legal pluralism empathy becomes a constitutional virtue. Legal interfaces governing intersystem relations among EU and national laws must be devised and implemented accordingly. This article explores some of the conclusions that might be drawn from this in the area of judicial dialogue, particularly from the perspective of the Member States’ Constitutional or Supreme courts. As for the formalized dialogue, analysing the structure of communication interfaces provides, on the one hand, a better understanding of the functions and rhetorical styles of references made by different national courts. On the other hand, the concept of constitutional empathy also allows for inferring rules of conduct in terms of drafting requests for preliminary rulings. With respect to non-formalized judicial dialogue, the paper argues that an empathetic design of legal interfaces might help national Constitutional or Supreme courts to improve the reception of driving forces that stem from EU law, both in their own case law and as regards EU law implementation by ordinary courts.
Este trabajo tiene por objeto el recurso de amparo ante el Tribunal Constitucional español. En él... more Este trabajo tiene por objeto el recurso de amparo ante el Tribunal Constitucional español. En él se analiza, por un lado, el régimen jurídico y la aplicación práctica del requisito de admisión relativo a la especial trascendencia constitucional de la demanda. Por otro lado, también se estudian las consecuencias de su prevision normativa en la función de protección de los derechos fundamentales que corresponde al Tribunal Constitucional y a los órganos integrantes del Poder Judicial.
El objeto de este trabajo es el régimen jurídico aplicable a la gestión por medios electrónicos d... more El objeto de este trabajo es el régimen jurídico aplicable a la gestión por medios electrónicos de los procedimientos de elaboración de normas administrativas en los Estados Unidos y en España. En él se explora, primero, cómo se ha extendido el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación en el desarrollo de los procedimientos normativos de las agencias federales, así como los principales problemas y líneas de reforma actualmente en curso. El estudio se centra después en la participación electrónica en el procedimiento de elaboración de normas administrativas en España, cuyo régimen jurídico ha sufrido recientemente una importante evolución. La comparación de ambos regímenes permite obtener conclusiones de interés, especialmente para la mejora del segundo.
Administrative law governs the allocation of limited rights by the public administration in very ... more Administrative law governs the allocation of limited rights by the public administration in very different areas: licensing, contracts, subsidies, public services, etc. All these administrative procedures are subject to their own sectoral legislation. However, the regulation of both these rights and their administrative allocation gives raise to common regulatory problems for which the law usually provides similar responses. The reason for that is probably connected with the fact that those administrative decisions have a similar structure and are bounded by the same constitutional requirements. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze the administrative allocation of scarce rights as a part of general administrative law, just as it begins to happen in European and comparative administrative law. In this paper I first approach this administrative activity from both an analytical and constitutional approach. Later, I focus on its structure and specifically on the administrative procedure, the allocation decision and the judicial protection.
This paper analyses the judicial implementation of EU law from the perspective of the right to ju... more This paper analyses the judicial implementation of EU law from the perspective of the right to judicial effective protection and to a fair trial as it is recognized by Article 24 of the Spanish Constitution (SC). It suggests a classification of possible violations of the various rules which the Spanish Constitutional Court regards to be enshrined in that provision. Specifically, this study identifies typical violations of the right to a reasoned judgment (Article 24.1 SC), the right to a judgment founded in law (Article 24.1 SC) and the right to a fair trial (Article 24.2 SC) committed by national courts in interpreting and applying EU law.
This article deals with infrastructure planning in Spanish law. It first describes the role of p... more This article deals with infrastructure planning in Spanish law. It first describes the role of public participation in planning procedures and analyzes the main participatory instruments foreseen in both general and sectoral administrative law. The distance between a rather adequate administrative legislation on participatory instruments and an unsatisfactory administrative practice in terms of promoting citizen’s partici¬pation and seeking acceptance harms the quality of administrative decisions and increases litigation. The article then focuses on the regulation of legal remedies against those decisions and describes recent developments in both academic doctrine and case-law. The main problems related to the effectiveness of judicial protection in this area of law are finally explored.
This paper analyzes the grounds, contents and consequences of the first reference for a prelimina... more This paper analyzes the grounds, contents and consequences of the first reference for a preliminary ruling of the European Court of Justice made by the Spanish Constitutional Court (Order 86/2011, 9th June), within a constitutional claim lodged by an Italian citizen who had been sentenced in absentia against the execution of an European arrest warrant. The reference concerns the interpretation and the validity of Article 4 of the Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant, as well as the interpretation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and its relationship with the Constitutions of the Member States. This paper focus on the consequences of this preliminary reference both on the case-law of the Spanish Constitutional Court relating criminal sentences given in absentia and also on its institutional position and legitimacy.
The Europeanisation of national legal orders of the Member States is a transformation process whi... more The Europeanisation of national legal orders of the Member States is a transformation process which has an effect on almost every aspect of law. Nevertheless, the pressure of innovation in terms of EU law on national legal systems is particularly intense in the case of public services, something that may be accounted for by the legal diversity of European national legal traditions concerning public services, as well as on the fact that they are critically positioned both in relation to the internal market and competition law. In this chapter, I shall begin by explaining the traditional position of public services under Spanish general administrative law and analyse the impact that EU law has on it (II). Later, I shall focus on two particular problems in respect of this influence: the relationship between the organisation of public services and EU public procurement law, on the one hand (III), and between their financing and EU state aids law, on the other (IV).
In recent times balancing has become a constant feature in legal literature and practice and has ... more In recent times balancing has become a constant feature in legal literature and practice and has spread without respecting the cultural borders that traditionally separate rather diverse legal traditions. Simultaneously, the requirement of proportionality seems to exceed its original scope of application. As for Administrative law, both developments coexist with a growing concern in keeping its directive role as well as with the crisis of the traditional understanding of discretionary powers. Bearing all this in mind, this paper explores the relation between balancing, proportionality and Administrative law.
Book Chapters by Luis Arroyo Jiménez
La actividad administrativa de adjudicación tiene como finalidad resolver una situación de concur... more La actividad administrativa de adjudicación tiene como finalidad resolver una situación de concurrencia entre diversos sujetos interesados en disfrutar de un recurso escaso. Esta circunstancia explica por qué en todos estos ámbitos la actividad administrativa de adjudicación de derechos limitados en nœmero suscita ciertos problemas característicos y por qué las soluciones y tratamientos que proporciona la regulación sectorial tienden a converger en cierta medida. En este capítulo se analizan esas pautas regulatorias en el ámbito del procedimiento de adjudicación, la decisión de adjudicación y el régimen de tutela.
Books by Luis Arroyo Jiménez
Recent Papers by Luis Arroyo Jiménez
Book Chapters by Luis Arroyo Jiménez