
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Department of Economics -
Current EU legislation establishes that distribution and transmission systems shall be operated through legally separate entities where vertically integrated undertakings exist.
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      SSRNEconomies of ScaleElectricity Distribution
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This paper proposes an approach to calibrate incentives for continuity of supply in electricity distribution in Spain. This approach consists on the estimation of the impact of continuity of supply improvements on distribution network... more
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      BusinessBusiness Continuity PlanningElectric Power SystemsIncentive
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Esta es una tesis de carácter teórico que propone y discute tres aplicaciones de la teoría de juegos al análisis económico. Consta de tres capítulos: El primer capítulo se titula" Bubbles with Random Behavioral Trading". Este capítulo se... more
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      Game TheoryMultidisciplinaryResonanceNew York
Using multiple births as an exogenous shift in family size, I investigate the impact of the number of children on child investment and child well being. Using data from the 1980 US Census Five-Percent Public Use Micro Sample, 2SLS results... more
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      Resource AllocationHuman ResourcesApplied EconomicsAcademic achievement
In this paper, we evaluate the impact of unilateral divorce on crime. First, using crime rates from the FBI´s Uniform Crime Report program for the period 1965-1998 and differences in the timing in the introduction of the reform, we find... more
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      DemographyLabor EconomicsThe economics of crimeMarriage and Divorce
Using U.S. Census data for the years 1960-1980, we study the impact of unilateral divorce on outcomes of children (age 6-15) and their mothers. We find that the reform increased mothers' divorce, decreased family income and increased the... more
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In this paper we study the impact of fertility on the overall wellbeing of mothers First, using US Census data for the year 1980, we study the impact of number of children on family arrangements, welfare participation and poverty status.... more
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      Health EconomicsPovertyQuality of lifeFertility
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      SeasonalityDeveloping CountryFemale Labor Force ParticipationFamily Size
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      Surgical EducationMedicineMedical Education & TrainingGeneral Surgery
Using multiple births as an Instrumental Variable (IV) for family size and data for 43 developing countries, I fi nd evidence that a shock in fertility has a cost for a family as a whole. Mothers are more likely to live under less stable... more
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceHealth EducationFertility
Using a large and rich data set from administrative sources, we study the effects of children on mothers' employment and earnings in Spain. By being able to pinpoint the event of multiple births along a twenty-year panel of women's work... more
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      EconomicsDemographic economicsEarnings
Early Impacts of College Aid * We analyze the impact of an expansion in government-guaranteed credit for higher education in Chile on a sample of elementary and high school students. Using students who had an alternative source of funding... more
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      Political ScienceApplied EconomicsEconomics Education
The Impact of Age of Entry on Academic Progression * Using an RD-design and public educational administrative data for Chile, we study the impact of age of entry on children outcomes. Different from previous studies, we are able to track... more
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    • Social Science Research Network
Using several data sources from Chile, we study the impact of the size of the school choice set at the time of starting primary school. With that purpose, we exploit multiple cutoffs defining the minimum age at entry, which not only... more
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Any opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and not those of IZA. Research published in this series may include views on policy, but IZA takes no institutional policy positions. The IZA research network is committed to... more
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      PsychologySocial Science Research Network
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We asses how firms' incentives to operate and invest in energy storage depend on the market structure. For this purpose, we characterize equilibrium market outcomes allowing for market power in storage and/or production, as well as... more
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      BusinessIndustrial OrganizationRenewable EnergyMarket Structure