University of British Columbia
BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
Despite increasing evidence of enhanced HIV risk among sexual minority populations, and sex workers (SWs) in particular, there remains a paucity of epidemiological data on the risk environments of SWs who identify as lesbian or bisexual.... more
Drug treatment courts (DTCs) in Canada are often framed as a progressive approach to managing people with addictions who come into contact with the law. In the specialized courts, participants are considered to have a health issue... more
Social capital as social relations: the contribution of normative structures Bill Reimer, Tara Lyons, Nelson Ferguson and Geraldina Polanco Abstract This paper presents a framework for social capital that highlights the normative... more
Background While considerable research has been undertaken on addiction treatment, the experiences of transgender individuals who use drugs are rarely explored in such research, as too often transgender individuals are excluded entirely... more
Individuals who use illicit drugs and belong to a sexual minority group often contend with elevated risks for adverse health outcomes. However, little is known about women who use drugs and have sex with women. We therefore sought to... more
A growing body of international evidence suggests that sex workers face a disproportionate burden of violence, with significant variations across social, cultural, and economic contexts. Research on trans sex workers has documented high... more