Marine Lercier
PhD candidate in Global Animal Law and Pre-doctoral Researcher (PIF) at the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
I am a French human rights and animal rights law researcher and advocate specialising in International Law and European Law (UN law, EU law, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, transitional justice, rule of law, and comparative constitutional law). I earned a master’s degree in Animal Law with high honours at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (UAB) with the aim of researching animal rights in addition to human rights after realising their interconnections and the relationship between human and animal health, welfare, and rights.
I am currently a PhD candidate in Global Animal Law and a pre-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Law of the UAB. I have been teaching Animal Law and Roman Law and supervised law students’ undergraduate dissertations (TFG) on Animal Law - they achieved the highest possible grades for their TFGs. I have published journal articles, book chapters, working papers, book reviews, chronicles and blog posts, reviewed articles for academic journals, and delivered several oral presentations and lectures in French, English, and Spanish.
My research focuses on Global and Comparative Animal Law to improve the consideration and welfare of non-human workers - using racehorses as a case study - and protect their fundamental interests at the critical turning point of the end of their careers and until the end of their lives.
My interests include the legal status and fundamental rights of animals; animal labour studies and labour rights for animals; international criminal law and transitional justice theory and mechanisms to deal with the worst crimes against animals; animals in politics and political rights; and the impact of wars, climate change, and natural and human-induced disasters on fellow animals.
I have served as assistant editor of the journal dA. Derecho Animal (Forum of Animal Law Studies) (2018-2020) and as a Junior Fellow (2020-2022) and Fellow (2022-2023) of the Animals & Biodiversity Think Tank programme at the Global Research Network, where I contributed my expertise to a community of like-minded individuals. I have co-organised several international and national in-person and online scientific and academic conferences, roundtables, book talks and symposia, some bringing together over 1,000 live participants and being viewed 2,000 times. Alongside my academic pursuits, I ran in the last parliamentary elections in France (2022) for the Animalist Party (Parti animaliste).
I am a French human rights and animal rights law researcher and advocate specialising in International Law and European Law (UN law, EU law, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law, transitional justice, rule of law, and comparative constitutional law). I earned a master’s degree in Animal Law with high honours at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (UAB) with the aim of researching animal rights in addition to human rights after realising their interconnections and the relationship between human and animal health, welfare, and rights.
I am currently a PhD candidate in Global Animal Law and a pre-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Law of the UAB. I have been teaching Animal Law and Roman Law and supervised law students’ undergraduate dissertations (TFG) on Animal Law - they achieved the highest possible grades for their TFGs. I have published journal articles, book chapters, working papers, book reviews, chronicles and blog posts, reviewed articles for academic journals, and delivered several oral presentations and lectures in French, English, and Spanish.
My research focuses on Global and Comparative Animal Law to improve the consideration and welfare of non-human workers - using racehorses as a case study - and protect their fundamental interests at the critical turning point of the end of their careers and until the end of their lives.
My interests include the legal status and fundamental rights of animals; animal labour studies and labour rights for animals; international criminal law and transitional justice theory and mechanisms to deal with the worst crimes against animals; animals in politics and political rights; and the impact of wars, climate change, and natural and human-induced disasters on fellow animals.
I have served as assistant editor of the journal dA. Derecho Animal (Forum of Animal Law Studies) (2018-2020) and as a Junior Fellow (2020-2022) and Fellow (2022-2023) of the Animals & Biodiversity Think Tank programme at the Global Research Network, where I contributed my expertise to a community of like-minded individuals. I have co-organised several international and national in-person and online scientific and academic conferences, roundtables, book talks and symposia, some bringing together over 1,000 live participants and being viewed 2,000 times. Alongside my academic pursuits, I ran in the last parliamentary elections in France (2022) for the Animalist Party (Parti animaliste).
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Talks by Marine Lercier
Papers by Marine Lercier
investigación en materia de Derecho Animal, y para el International Center for Animal Law and Policy (ICALP, por sus siglas en inglés) que ha representado Marine Lercier.
(ADDCDA) organized at the University Capitole I, Toulouse, France, a Colloquium on the theme "Sport
and Business Law" presented by its then President Tamara Dupuy and conducted under the aegis of the
University of Toulouse 1 Professor Arnaud de Bissy, Deputy Director of the Business Law Centre and
Grégory Singer, Doctor of Law, co-head of the Master in Sport Management at the University of Toulouse
1. Researcher member of ICALP Marine Lercier, Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous
University of Barcelona, was selected among other candidates to present her contribution on the welfare
and legal protection of animals used in sport, focusing in particular on the use of horses in sports as a means
of profit for companies through the example of horse racing. The opportunity to participate in this
Symposium on the theme of Sports and Business Law to address the protection and legal consideration of
animals in the context of human economic activities is a victory for all experts and enthusiasts of Animal
Law and for the pioneering role of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in promoting and supporting
studies and research in Animal Law, and for the ICALP (International Center for Animal Law and Policy)
that Marine Lercier represented.
a organisé à l'Université Capitole I, de Toulouse, en France, un Colloque sur le thème "Sport et Droit des
Affaires" présenté par sa Présidente d’alors Tamara Dupuy et conduit sous l’égide du Professeur de
l’Université Toulouse 1 Arnaud de Bissy, Directeur Adjoint du Centre de Droit des Affaires et de Grégory
Singer, Docteur en Droit, coresponsable du Master Management du Sport à l’Université Toulouse 1. La
chercheuse membre de l'ICALP Marine Lercier, Doctorante de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Autonome
de Barcelone, a été sélectionnée parmi d'autres candidats pour présenter sa contribution sur le bien-être et
la protection juridique des animaux utilisés dans le sport, se concentrant, en particulier sur le recours aux
chevaux pour le bénéfice de l'entreprise à travers l’exemple des courses hippiques. L'invitation à participer
à ce Colloque sur le thème du Droit du Sport et des Affaires pour y aborder la protection et la considération
juridique des animaux dans le cadre des activités économiques humaines est une victoire pour tous les
experts et amateurs du Droit Animalier et pour le rôle pionnier de l'Université Autonome de Barcelone dans
la promotion et le soutien des études et recherches en Droit Animalier, et pour l’ICALP (International
Center for Animal Law and Policy) que représentait Marine Lercier.
The Supreme Court of Israel developed a three-part test to determine if an act is prohibited by the law, adopting a costs and benefits approach with regards to cases of alleged animal cruelty, which prompted the ban on foie gras when applied to the forced-feeding of geese, although there is still no ban on battery-cages confinement of hens in Israel, nor of dehorning without anesthesia for example. The main problems rest yet with the shipments of live animals to be slaughtered in the Holy Land, coupled with the suffering inherent to the ritual slaughter under kashrut amid scandals. In the meantime, the practice of kaparot is encouraged to be abandoned by Governmental authorities, and some cities already banned it.
Could the gap between animal welfare (implementation of animal welfare basic Jewish principles) and animal rights (putting an end to the slaughtering at all) be crossed thanks to a cautious, selective and animal-friendly interpretation of Jewish Laws historically putting human interests first, by trumping the speciesism that has been inherent to most religious interpretations?
A bridge could be under construction under the lead of vegan Orthodox, Conservative and Reform rabbis, hand in hand with secular views and democratic activism, for non-human animals interests to override human greed, as nothing ever seems impossible in the land of milk and honey.
Book Chapters by Marine Lercier
Book Reviews by Marine Lercier
Recommended Citation
Lercier, Marine (2021) "Review of Lisa Kemmerer's Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice," Between the Species: Vol. 24: Iss. 1, Article 7.
Available at:
Conference Presentations by Marine Lercier
Although primarily human-centric, IHL contains provisions that can extend protections to animals. Despite these potential safeguards, enforcement is often lacking, and war crimes, when perpetrated against animals, are not sanctioned due to the exclusion of animals as ‘victims’ within the current structure of ICL. This exclusion results in a significant gap in accountability for harm inflicted upon animals during conflicts when no connection is established with human suffering.
We emphasise that these disciplines are not immune from binary classifications in which animals do not fit well, adversely affecting their protection. Given that none of these classifications is entirely satisfactory, there is a pressing need to proceed with caution and pragmatism. We advocate for interpreting the provisions of IHL and ICL in combination with other branches of law, such as International Environmental Law and the emerging Global Animal Law.
IHL aims to reduce human suffering during armed conflicts, while ICL seeks to hold individuals accountable for serious international crimes. Recognising the pragmatic and contextual constraints of IHL and ICL, we propose expanding their scope to explicitly protect animals as sentient beings affected by war without compromising their already much-debated effectiveness.
Si les interesa, pueden acceder a mi presentación; en breve estará disponible la grabación de mi intervención.
Con motivo del Día internacional del trabajo, se explorarán las normas que protegen a los "animales de trabajo" en el mundo son inadecuadas. Los “animales de trabajo” no tienen el estatuto jurídico de trabajadores ni gozan de derechos laborales efectivos. Marine propone extender algunos derechos "humanos" a los "animales de trabajo" y desarrollar lo que ella denomina "derecho laboral animal" para regular las condiciones laborales de los animales y, a la vez, mejorar sus vidas tanto laborales como personales. Marine aboga por la regulación internacional del trabajo animal y por la creación de una auténtica "legislación laboral animal" para allanar el camino para una sociedad multiespecie que honre las contribuciones de todos sus miembros, tanto humanos como animales.
Blog Posts by Marine Lercier
El Gobierno se está enfocando en sensibilizar al público sobre cinco cuestiones clave, después de que la Convención Europea para la Protección de Animales de Compañía acabe de ser firmada y ratificada por España. Estos 5 temas centrales, que giran alrededor de la difusión del conocimiento científico y legal sobre animales de compañía, presentados en la Guía para la Tenencia Responsable de los Animales de Compañía, son: 1) pensarlo; 2) elegir; 3) adquirir; 4) conocer; 5) educarlo.
La campaña del gobierno ha sido diseñada para alcanzar el objetivo general de promover un cambio en las actitudes de adopción y tenencia dentro de la sociedad, porque con demasiada frecuencia los animales sufren debido al abuso o negligencia de sus dueños a causa de la ignorancia, falta de anticipación de la adopción, y falta general de compromiso realista. Se ha divulgado un sitio web para abordar las lagunas de conocimiento sobre la tenencia y el cuidado de los animales domésticos, y el hashtag #eresresponsable de la campaña, que lleva su nombre.
El paso final será la expansión de la responsabilidad de las profesiones que se benefician de la cría, adopción y venta de mascotas, a través de una mayor regulación de las mismas, gracias a la acción catalizadora del gobierno que atrae a organizaciones profesionales, administraciones y asociaciones de defensa de animales para participar en las acciones conjuntas.
En última instancia, la cría ilegal y el comercio ilegal de animales de compañía deben combatirse para romper con las malas condiciones de vida impuestas a los animales criados y retenidos ilegalmente, y con los riesgos que tales prácticas representan para la salud humana y animal.
During this venue, issues related to the welfare of animals used for human entertainment were discussed, comparing their protection in Europe and in the USA, focusing on companion animals trained for live performances and in the film industry in particular.
This exchange was enriched by the long experience of Dorothy Berloni, our speaker, who shared her impressions with us on the occasion of the performance of "Link Link Circus" in March 2018 in the Teatre Akademia.
The ethics of the Berloni couple and their role in promoting high private standards in the use of animals in the entertainment industry are of paramount importance, in order for these animals to no longer be treated as objects, with the priority that their performances respect their natural behavior. In the long run, there is hope for the adoption of a law to regulate such use of animals in the USA.
The translation of this classic in the animal rights field and international movement for the recognition of legal personhood and fundamental rights for animals will provide the Spanish-speaking public with the opportunity, more than 30 years after Steven Wise pioneered the fight for their legal rights, to understand the arguments that abound in favor of upgrading the legal status of animals and the mechanisms and legal techniques that are used to reach this goal before US courts.
The government is focusing on sensitizing the public on five key issues, after the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals has just been recently signed and ratified by Spain. These 5 central themes, revolving around the dissemination of scientific and legal knowledge about pets, presented in the Guide for the Responsible Ownership of Companion Animals, are: 1) think about it; 2) choose; 3) acquire; 4) know; 5) educate.
The government’s campaign has been designed to reach the overall objective of promoting a change in adoption and ownership attitudes within society, because still too often animals suffer from abuse or neglect in the hands of their owners because of ignorance, insufficient anticipation, and overall lack of a realistic commitment. A website has been inaugurated to address the knowledge gaps in the ownership and care of domestic animals, and the campaign’s hashtag, #eresresponsable, has been named after it.
The final step will lie in the expansion of the responsibility of the professions profiting from pet breeding, adoption and sale through an increased regulation thereof, thanks to the catalyzing action of the government that attracts profesional organizations, administrations, and animal defense associations to participate in joint actions.
Ultimately, illegal breeding and trade of companion animals has to be fought to put an end to the poor living conditions imposed upon illegally raised and kept animals, and the risks such practices pose to human and animal health.
investigación en materia de Derecho Animal, y para el International Center for Animal Law and Policy (ICALP, por sus siglas en inglés) que ha representado Marine Lercier.
(ADDCDA) organized at the University Capitole I, Toulouse, France, a Colloquium on the theme "Sport
and Business Law" presented by its then President Tamara Dupuy and conducted under the aegis of the
University of Toulouse 1 Professor Arnaud de Bissy, Deputy Director of the Business Law Centre and
Grégory Singer, Doctor of Law, co-head of the Master in Sport Management at the University of Toulouse
1. Researcher member of ICALP Marine Lercier, Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous
University of Barcelona, was selected among other candidates to present her contribution on the welfare
and legal protection of animals used in sport, focusing in particular on the use of horses in sports as a means
of profit for companies through the example of horse racing. The opportunity to participate in this
Symposium on the theme of Sports and Business Law to address the protection and legal consideration of
animals in the context of human economic activities is a victory for all experts and enthusiasts of Animal
Law and for the pioneering role of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in promoting and supporting
studies and research in Animal Law, and for the ICALP (International Center for Animal Law and Policy)
that Marine Lercier represented.
a organisé à l'Université Capitole I, de Toulouse, en France, un Colloque sur le thème "Sport et Droit des
Affaires" présenté par sa Présidente d’alors Tamara Dupuy et conduit sous l’égide du Professeur de
l’Université Toulouse 1 Arnaud de Bissy, Directeur Adjoint du Centre de Droit des Affaires et de Grégory
Singer, Docteur en Droit, coresponsable du Master Management du Sport à l’Université Toulouse 1. La
chercheuse membre de l'ICALP Marine Lercier, Doctorante de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Autonome
de Barcelone, a été sélectionnée parmi d'autres candidats pour présenter sa contribution sur le bien-être et
la protection juridique des animaux utilisés dans le sport, se concentrant, en particulier sur le recours aux
chevaux pour le bénéfice de l'entreprise à travers l’exemple des courses hippiques. L'invitation à participer
à ce Colloque sur le thème du Droit du Sport et des Affaires pour y aborder la protection et la considération
juridique des animaux dans le cadre des activités économiques humaines est une victoire pour tous les
experts et amateurs du Droit Animalier et pour le rôle pionnier de l'Université Autonome de Barcelone dans
la promotion et le soutien des études et recherches en Droit Animalier, et pour l’ICALP (International
Center for Animal Law and Policy) que représentait Marine Lercier.
The Supreme Court of Israel developed a three-part test to determine if an act is prohibited by the law, adopting a costs and benefits approach with regards to cases of alleged animal cruelty, which prompted the ban on foie gras when applied to the forced-feeding of geese, although there is still no ban on battery-cages confinement of hens in Israel, nor of dehorning without anesthesia for example. The main problems rest yet with the shipments of live animals to be slaughtered in the Holy Land, coupled with the suffering inherent to the ritual slaughter under kashrut amid scandals. In the meantime, the practice of kaparot is encouraged to be abandoned by Governmental authorities, and some cities already banned it.
Could the gap between animal welfare (implementation of animal welfare basic Jewish principles) and animal rights (putting an end to the slaughtering at all) be crossed thanks to a cautious, selective and animal-friendly interpretation of Jewish Laws historically putting human interests first, by trumping the speciesism that has been inherent to most religious interpretations?
A bridge could be under construction under the lead of vegan Orthodox, Conservative and Reform rabbis, hand in hand with secular views and democratic activism, for non-human animals interests to override human greed, as nothing ever seems impossible in the land of milk and honey.
Recommended Citation
Lercier, Marine (2021) "Review of Lisa Kemmerer's Sister Species: Women, Animals, and Social Justice," Between the Species: Vol. 24: Iss. 1, Article 7.
Available at:
Although primarily human-centric, IHL contains provisions that can extend protections to animals. Despite these potential safeguards, enforcement is often lacking, and war crimes, when perpetrated against animals, are not sanctioned due to the exclusion of animals as ‘victims’ within the current structure of ICL. This exclusion results in a significant gap in accountability for harm inflicted upon animals during conflicts when no connection is established with human suffering.
We emphasise that these disciplines are not immune from binary classifications in which animals do not fit well, adversely affecting their protection. Given that none of these classifications is entirely satisfactory, there is a pressing need to proceed with caution and pragmatism. We advocate for interpreting the provisions of IHL and ICL in combination with other branches of law, such as International Environmental Law and the emerging Global Animal Law.
IHL aims to reduce human suffering during armed conflicts, while ICL seeks to hold individuals accountable for serious international crimes. Recognising the pragmatic and contextual constraints of IHL and ICL, we propose expanding their scope to explicitly protect animals as sentient beings affected by war without compromising their already much-debated effectiveness.
Si les interesa, pueden acceder a mi presentación; en breve estará disponible la grabación de mi intervención.
Con motivo del Día internacional del trabajo, se explorarán las normas que protegen a los "animales de trabajo" en el mundo son inadecuadas. Los “animales de trabajo” no tienen el estatuto jurídico de trabajadores ni gozan de derechos laborales efectivos. Marine propone extender algunos derechos "humanos" a los "animales de trabajo" y desarrollar lo que ella denomina "derecho laboral animal" para regular las condiciones laborales de los animales y, a la vez, mejorar sus vidas tanto laborales como personales. Marine aboga por la regulación internacional del trabajo animal y por la creación de una auténtica "legislación laboral animal" para allanar el camino para una sociedad multiespecie que honre las contribuciones de todos sus miembros, tanto humanos como animales.
El Gobierno se está enfocando en sensibilizar al público sobre cinco cuestiones clave, después de que la Convención Europea para la Protección de Animales de Compañía acabe de ser firmada y ratificada por España. Estos 5 temas centrales, que giran alrededor de la difusión del conocimiento científico y legal sobre animales de compañía, presentados en la Guía para la Tenencia Responsable de los Animales de Compañía, son: 1) pensarlo; 2) elegir; 3) adquirir; 4) conocer; 5) educarlo.
La campaña del gobierno ha sido diseñada para alcanzar el objetivo general de promover un cambio en las actitudes de adopción y tenencia dentro de la sociedad, porque con demasiada frecuencia los animales sufren debido al abuso o negligencia de sus dueños a causa de la ignorancia, falta de anticipación de la adopción, y falta general de compromiso realista. Se ha divulgado un sitio web para abordar las lagunas de conocimiento sobre la tenencia y el cuidado de los animales domésticos, y el hashtag #eresresponsable de la campaña, que lleva su nombre.
El paso final será la expansión de la responsabilidad de las profesiones que se benefician de la cría, adopción y venta de mascotas, a través de una mayor regulación de las mismas, gracias a la acción catalizadora del gobierno que atrae a organizaciones profesionales, administraciones y asociaciones de defensa de animales para participar en las acciones conjuntas.
En última instancia, la cría ilegal y el comercio ilegal de animales de compañía deben combatirse para romper con las malas condiciones de vida impuestas a los animales criados y retenidos ilegalmente, y con los riesgos que tales prácticas representan para la salud humana y animal.
During this venue, issues related to the welfare of animals used for human entertainment were discussed, comparing their protection in Europe and in the USA, focusing on companion animals trained for live performances and in the film industry in particular.
This exchange was enriched by the long experience of Dorothy Berloni, our speaker, who shared her impressions with us on the occasion of the performance of "Link Link Circus" in March 2018 in the Teatre Akademia.
The ethics of the Berloni couple and their role in promoting high private standards in the use of animals in the entertainment industry are of paramount importance, in order for these animals to no longer be treated as objects, with the priority that their performances respect their natural behavior. In the long run, there is hope for the adoption of a law to regulate such use of animals in the USA.
The translation of this classic in the animal rights field and international movement for the recognition of legal personhood and fundamental rights for animals will provide the Spanish-speaking public with the opportunity, more than 30 years after Steven Wise pioneered the fight for their legal rights, to understand the arguments that abound in favor of upgrading the legal status of animals and the mechanisms and legal techniques that are used to reach this goal before US courts.
The government is focusing on sensitizing the public on five key issues, after the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals has just been recently signed and ratified by Spain. These 5 central themes, revolving around the dissemination of scientific and legal knowledge about pets, presented in the Guide for the Responsible Ownership of Companion Animals, are: 1) think about it; 2) choose; 3) acquire; 4) know; 5) educate.
The government’s campaign has been designed to reach the overall objective of promoting a change in adoption and ownership attitudes within society, because still too often animals suffer from abuse or neglect in the hands of their owners because of ignorance, insufficient anticipation, and overall lack of a realistic commitment. A website has been inaugurated to address the knowledge gaps in the ownership and care of domestic animals, and the campaign’s hashtag, #eresresponsable, has been named after it.
The final step will lie in the expansion of the responsibility of the professions profiting from pet breeding, adoption and sale through an increased regulation thereof, thanks to the catalyzing action of the government that attracts profesional organizations, administrations, and animal defense associations to participate in joint actions.
Ultimately, illegal breeding and trade of companion animals has to be fought to put an end to the poor living conditions imposed upon illegally raised and kept animals, and the risks such practices pose to human and animal health.
Focused on the many strategies of activism and advocacy in favor of animals’ interests, the conference highlighted and answered many of the challenges the movement will have to face in the future, while giving confidence in that new technologies and research are making the transition to an animal cruelty-free world possible, in light of the calls for better consideration and protection of animals worldwide.