Cilium is a popular and widely-deployed Container Network Interface (CNI) solution that is now the default across many Kubernetes distributions and cloud provider offerings. Get a practical introduction to using Cilium as the networking plug-in for Kubernetes, including installation, observability with Hubble, securing network connections, and multi-cluster support – all based on eBPF for scalability.
Introduction to Cilium (LFS146)
- The hands-on exercises require a Kubernetes cluster pre-provisioned without a CNI plugin.
- The cluster hosts must be using a Linux kernel with socket load balancing support (kernel versions v4.19.57, v5.1.16, v5.2.0 or more recent)
- The learners’ primary system should have the helm, kubectl and curl commands available.
- All exercises have been tested using local development clusters based on Kind (v0.25.0) and minikube (v1.31), as well as Azure’s AKS service.