Papers by Daria Iozhitsa (Korziuk)
Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии, Dec 15, 2022
Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии. Вып. XХVII. , 2022
В балке Каралез-дере, у северо-западного подножия Мангупа в ходе раскопок 1983 г. был выявлен хри... more В балке Каралез-дере, у северо-западного подножия Мангупа в ходе раскопок 1983 г. был выявлен христианский храм. В историографии он известен как раннесредневековая базилика VII–X вв. Несмотря на наличие полевой документации и двух научных отчетов, результаты археологических исследований памятника не были опубликованы. В научный оборот введены лишь эпиграфические находки, дискуссии о датировке которых до сих пор продолжаются среди исследователей. Местонахождение всей археологической коллекции на сегодняшний день неизвестно. В статье впервые публикуются капители из раскопок «Каралезской базилики», обнаруженные в фондах крымских музеев. Особое внимание уделено их архитектурному анализу и датировке. В статье поднят вопрос о планировочной структуре памятника «Каралезская базилика».
Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии. Симферополь, 2021. Вып. XXVI. С. 255-281 , 2021
Throughout the entire period of the Middle Ages, the settlement of Mangup was one of the most imp... more Throughout the entire period of the Middle Ages, the settlement of Mangup was one of the most important ideological centres for the spread of Christianity in the south-western Crimea. From the creation of the independent Gothic bishopric on, it housed the residence and the cathedral church of the hierarchs of Crimean Gothia. This is evidenced by numerous churches and monasteries discovered by many-year-long excavations of the site (27 in total). This paper is the first in the scholarship attempt of systematization of all available information from the sources related to the Christian history of the castle of Mangup, written, epigraphic, archaeological, and so on. Particular attention has been paid to the results of modern excavations of the church archaeology monuments at the settlement in question, carried out systematically in 2012–2021. They formed the basis for the reconstruction of the main stages of church building and the most important periods in the history of the local Christian community.
Generally, it covers a wide period from the mid-sixth century, when a big basilica featuring the nave and two aisles, the future cathedral of the Gothic bishopric (metropolia), was built at Mangup along with the
large Byzantine castle, and finished in the early seventeenth century. The construction and functioning of most part of known churches and monasteries of the castle of Mangup dates to the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries, when this site finally developed into a large mediaeval city, the capital of the principality of Theodoro in the south-western Crimea.
История и археология Крыма. Симферополь, 2021. Вып. XV. С. 27-37 , 2021
Статья посвящена итогам раскопок Мангупского княжеского дворца в 2020 г.
XXII Боспорские чтения «Боспор Киммерийский и варварский мир в период античности и средневековья. Новые открытия, новые проекты». Симферополь-Керчь, 2021. С. 278-290 , 2021
Статья посвящена истории христианской общины Мангупа. В работе представлен обзор основных групп п... more Статья посвящена истории христианской общины Мангупа. В работе представлен обзор основных групп письменных, эпиграфических и археологических источников по данной проблематике, а также реконструкция основных периодов христианизации местного населения. Использованы результаты новейших исследований храмово-погребальных комплексов городища и его округи
История и археология Крыма. Симферополь, 2020. Вып. XIII. С. 111-128 , 2020
Статья посвящена основным результатам раскопок Мангупского городища в 2019 г. Исследования провод... more Статья посвящена основным результатам раскопок Мангупского городища в 2019 г. Исследования проводились на территории Мангупского княжеского дворца, "церкви 1968 г." и раннесредневекового могильника в балке Алмалык-дере
Христианство в археологических и письменных источниках Материалы IX международной научной конференции по церковной археологии Севастополь, 21-25 сентября 2020 г., 2020
Вопросы всеобщей истории архитектуры, 2018
Mangup is the largest medieval fortress from the group of “cave cities” of the South-Western Crim... more Mangup is the largest medieval fortress from the group of “cave cities” of the South-Western Crimea. One of the
most important results of the modern stage of the study of the monument is the formation of ideas about it as a
center of an extensive district, on the territory of which a group of diverse architectural and archaeological objects
is now known, including six medieval temple complexes. The article is devoted to the publication of the results of
excavations of one of them — a roadside chapel on mountain Ilka on the southern periphery of Mangup, which
dates back to the late 14 th — first half of the 15 th centuries. The questions of architectural composition and bulk
reconstruction of the temple are considered.
The church on mountain Ilka is a one-nave one-apse chapel with rectangular naos and a horseshoe apse. The general
orientation of the construction along the axis is north-west — south-east. The temple had a roof truss structure, covered
with tiles. Its prominent feature is the southern entrance to the building. This compositional technique is characteristic of
numerous one-nave one-apsidal churches of the 14th–15th centuries on the territory of the Southern coast of Crimea.
During the excavations inside the church, an altar throne of the “throne-table” type with one support was found.
This type of altar is typical for Byzantine architecture of the 10 th –11 th centuries, but continues to occur on monu-
ments of a later time.
The chapel on mount Ilka functioned for a short time and had only one construction period. Significant traces of
repairs and rebuilding were not found during excavations. The final stage of the history of the temple is connected
with total destruction due to a fire.
Актуальные вопросы охраны и использования культурного наследия Крыма. Сборник материалов VI научно-практической конференции. Симферополь: ИТ «Ариал», 2019. С. 60-70, 2019
Значительный массив материальных источников, накопленный за годы систематического изучения Мангуп... more Значительный массив материальных источников, накопленный за годы систематического изучения Мангупского дворца, в настоящее время находится на стадии обобщения. Одной из задач, стоящих перед научно-исследовательским коллективом, является реконструкция объемно-планировочного облика комплекса.
Предложенную в данной работе концепцию объемно-планировочного решения центральной части Мангупского дворца следует рассматривать как первый этап подготовки научно-обоснованной реконструкции комплекса. Актуальными задачами для следующих этапов являются совершенствование методики расчета высотности зданий, построение моделей построек южного, западного и восточного участков исследования
комплекса, а также ревизия массива лапидарных находок 1912–2018 гг. с целью получения данных для более детальной реконструкции архитектурного облика резиденции правителей княжества Феодоро.
ИАК. Симферополь, 2019. Вып. XI. С. 79-90 , 2019
Статья посвящена предварительным результатам раскопок Мангупского городища в 2018 г. Основными об... more Статья посвящена предварительным результатам раскопок Мангупского городища в 2018 г. Основными объектами исследования в этом сезоне были - дворец 1425-1475 гг., "церковь 1967 г." и раннесредневековый могильник Южный-II.
Ученые записки Крымского федерального университета имени В. И. Вернадского. Серия «Исторические науки». Том 5 (71), № 3. 2019 г., с. 35-67. , 2019
This article offers an attempt to compile an archaeological map of the South-Western Crimea drawi... more This article offers an attempt to compile an archaeological map of the South-Western Crimea drawing on
extensive archival material. The man focuses of the study is on medieval churches located in the valleys of the
Alma and Kacha rivers. Based on the archival data available, I have been able to locate 62 cave and ground
In course of my work, I have addressed a number of shortcomings of earlier studies. First, over the years,
significant archaeological material has accumulated that, due to unclear circumstances, was not made properly
accessible for academic study. These materials are nowadays stored across a variety of archives and stock
collections (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Bakhchisarai). The compilation offered
brings together these scattered data for the first time. Second, there were numerous inaccurate and obscure
topographical names of location of churches, either duplicated or not specified. These have been clarified and
amended. Thirdly, I have offered updates on visual archiving of the churches that have been insufficiently
competent or outright incorrect, with pool illustrative material. Forth, structural classification of cave churches
was also elaborated. Lastly, through the analysis of the data, I was able to argue for new overall dating of the
churches. Cultic Christian buildings in the Alma Valley date to the 8th–13th cc., in the Kachinskaya Valley 9th–
15th cc.
It also followed from the archive data analysis that the cluster of churches in two river valleys –
Alminskaya (13 units) and Kachinskaya (49 units) – are mutually different. The quantitative variation of
structures there also manifests itself in the variety of the types of churches. There are 4 cave and 9 ground
churches in the Alminskaya Valley, 7 cave and 35 ground churches in the Kachinskaya. It proved impossible
to typologically identify only 7 churches located in the Kachinskaya Valley. In terms of their structural
planning, the ground churches are predominantly single-nave, single-apse buildings, two of which were rebuilt
into cruciform churches of various datings. In the Kachinskaya Valley, there is also a three-nave, three-apse
cross-domed church.
The monographie is devoted to the results of complex archaeological and anthropological studies o... more The monographie is devoted to the results of complex archaeological and anthropological studies of temples and necropolises of the largest medieval fortress of the South-Western Crimea - the Mangup settlement. Within the framework of the project 2015-2017 a part of the anthropological collection from the excavation of the monument in recent decades has been studied. At the same time, a complete excavation of the new temple complex Mangup - the church of St. George XV-XVI centuries. Research materials are published for the first time
Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского VIII Международный Византийский семинар ... more Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского VIII Международный Византийский семинар ΧΕΡΣΩΝΟΣ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ: ИМПЕРИЯ И «ПОЛИС Севастополь, Го сударственный историко-археологиче ский музей-заповедник «Херсонес Таврический» 30 мая -4 июня 2016 г. МАТЕРИАЛЫ НАУЧНОЙ КОНФЕРЕНЦИИ Севастополь 2016 УДК 93 ББК 63.3(0)4 ΧΕΡΣΩΝΟΣ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ: ИМПЕРИЯ И ПОЛИС // Материалы научной конференции. VIII-й Международный Византийский Семинар (Севастополь -Херсонес 30.05 -04.06 2016) Издаются по решению Ученого Совета ФГБУК «Государственный историкоархеологический музе й-заповедник «Херсонес Таврический» РЕДАКЦИОННАЯ КОЛЛЕГИЯ: АЙБАБИН АЛЕКСАНДР ИЛЬИЧ, профессор, доктор исторических наук, директор Научно-исследовательского центра истории и археологии Крыма Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского (Симферополь) -ПРЕДСЕДАТЕЛЬ АЛЕКСЕЕНКО НИКОЛАЙ АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧ, dr. Etudes Médiévales (Paris IV -Sorbonne), кандидат исторических наук, заместитель директора по научной работе ФГБУК «Государственный историко-археологический музей-заповедник «Херсонес Таврический» (Севастополь) -КООРДИНАТОР АФИНОГЕНОВ ДМИТРИЙ ЕВГЕНЬЕВИЧ, профессор, доктор филологических наук, кандидат исторических наук, ведущий специалист Института всеобщей истории РАН (Москва) СТЕПАНЕНКО ВАЛЕРИЙ ПАВЛОВИЧ, профессор, доктор исторических наук, профессор кафедры древнего мира и средних веков Уральского Федерального университета им. первого президента России Б.Н. Ельцина (Екатеринбург) ЯШАЕВА ТАТЬЯНА ЮСУФОВНА, заведующая отделом ФГБУК «Государственный историко-археологический музей-заповедник «Херсонес Таврический» (Севастополь) -СЕКРЕТАРЬ Конференция проводится при финансовой поддержке группы компаний севатопольских предпринимателей © Коллектив авторов (2016) © ФГБУК «Государственный историкоархеологический музей -заповедник «Х ерсонес Таврическ ий »
В публикации представлены предварительные результаты раскопок нового храмового комплекса средневи... more В публикации представлены предварительные результаты раскопок нового храмового комплекса средневизантийского периода в округе Мангупского городища
OUBS XVII International Graduate Conference
Papers by Daria Iozhitsa (Korziuk)
Generally, it covers a wide period from the mid-sixth century, when a big basilica featuring the nave and two aisles, the future cathedral of the Gothic bishopric (metropolia), was built at Mangup along with the
large Byzantine castle, and finished in the early seventeenth century. The construction and functioning of most part of known churches and monasteries of the castle of Mangup dates to the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries, when this site finally developed into a large mediaeval city, the capital of the principality of Theodoro in the south-western Crimea.
most important results of the modern stage of the study of the monument is the formation of ideas about it as a
center of an extensive district, on the territory of which a group of diverse architectural and archaeological objects
is now known, including six medieval temple complexes. The article is devoted to the publication of the results of
excavations of one of them — a roadside chapel on mountain Ilka on the southern periphery of Mangup, which
dates back to the late 14 th — first half of the 15 th centuries. The questions of architectural composition and bulk
reconstruction of the temple are considered.
The church on mountain Ilka is a one-nave one-apse chapel with rectangular naos and a horseshoe apse. The general
orientation of the construction along the axis is north-west — south-east. The temple had a roof truss structure, covered
with tiles. Its prominent feature is the southern entrance to the building. This compositional technique is characteristic of
numerous one-nave one-apsidal churches of the 14th–15th centuries on the territory of the Southern coast of Crimea.
During the excavations inside the church, an altar throne of the “throne-table” type with one support was found.
This type of altar is typical for Byzantine architecture of the 10 th –11 th centuries, but continues to occur on monu-
ments of a later time.
The chapel on mount Ilka functioned for a short time and had only one construction period. Significant traces of
repairs and rebuilding were not found during excavations. The final stage of the history of the temple is connected
with total destruction due to a fire.
Предложенную в данной работе концепцию объемно-планировочного решения центральной части Мангупского дворца следует рассматривать как первый этап подготовки научно-обоснованной реконструкции комплекса. Актуальными задачами для следующих этапов являются совершенствование методики расчета высотности зданий, построение моделей построек южного, западного и восточного участков исследования
комплекса, а также ревизия массива лапидарных находок 1912–2018 гг. с целью получения данных для более детальной реконструкции архитектурного облика резиденции правителей княжества Феодоро.
extensive archival material. The man focuses of the study is on medieval churches located in the valleys of the
Alma and Kacha rivers. Based on the archival data available, I have been able to locate 62 cave and ground
In course of my work, I have addressed a number of shortcomings of earlier studies. First, over the years,
significant archaeological material has accumulated that, due to unclear circumstances, was not made properly
accessible for academic study. These materials are nowadays stored across a variety of archives and stock
collections (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Bakhchisarai). The compilation offered
brings together these scattered data for the first time. Second, there were numerous inaccurate and obscure
topographical names of location of churches, either duplicated or not specified. These have been clarified and
amended. Thirdly, I have offered updates on visual archiving of the churches that have been insufficiently
competent or outright incorrect, with pool illustrative material. Forth, structural classification of cave churches
was also elaborated. Lastly, through the analysis of the data, I was able to argue for new overall dating of the
churches. Cultic Christian buildings in the Alma Valley date to the 8th–13th cc., in the Kachinskaya Valley 9th–
15th cc.
It also followed from the archive data analysis that the cluster of churches in two river valleys –
Alminskaya (13 units) and Kachinskaya (49 units) – are mutually different. The quantitative variation of
structures there also manifests itself in the variety of the types of churches. There are 4 cave and 9 ground
churches in the Alminskaya Valley, 7 cave and 35 ground churches in the Kachinskaya. It proved impossible
to typologically identify only 7 churches located in the Kachinskaya Valley. In terms of their structural
planning, the ground churches are predominantly single-nave, single-apse buildings, two of which were rebuilt
into cruciform churches of various datings. In the Kachinskaya Valley, there is also a three-nave, three-apse
cross-domed church.
Generally, it covers a wide period from the mid-sixth century, when a big basilica featuring the nave and two aisles, the future cathedral of the Gothic bishopric (metropolia), was built at Mangup along with the
large Byzantine castle, and finished in the early seventeenth century. The construction and functioning of most part of known churches and monasteries of the castle of Mangup dates to the fourteenth and
fifteenth centuries, when this site finally developed into a large mediaeval city, the capital of the principality of Theodoro in the south-western Crimea.
most important results of the modern stage of the study of the monument is the formation of ideas about it as a
center of an extensive district, on the territory of which a group of diverse architectural and archaeological objects
is now known, including six medieval temple complexes. The article is devoted to the publication of the results of
excavations of one of them — a roadside chapel on mountain Ilka on the southern periphery of Mangup, which
dates back to the late 14 th — first half of the 15 th centuries. The questions of architectural composition and bulk
reconstruction of the temple are considered.
The church on mountain Ilka is a one-nave one-apse chapel with rectangular naos and a horseshoe apse. The general
orientation of the construction along the axis is north-west — south-east. The temple had a roof truss structure, covered
with tiles. Its prominent feature is the southern entrance to the building. This compositional technique is characteristic of
numerous one-nave one-apsidal churches of the 14th–15th centuries on the territory of the Southern coast of Crimea.
During the excavations inside the church, an altar throne of the “throne-table” type with one support was found.
This type of altar is typical for Byzantine architecture of the 10 th –11 th centuries, but continues to occur on monu-
ments of a later time.
The chapel on mount Ilka functioned for a short time and had only one construction period. Significant traces of
repairs and rebuilding were not found during excavations. The final stage of the history of the temple is connected
with total destruction due to a fire.
Предложенную в данной работе концепцию объемно-планировочного решения центральной части Мангупского дворца следует рассматривать как первый этап подготовки научно-обоснованной реконструкции комплекса. Актуальными задачами для следующих этапов являются совершенствование методики расчета высотности зданий, построение моделей построек южного, западного и восточного участков исследования
комплекса, а также ревизия массива лапидарных находок 1912–2018 гг. с целью получения данных для более детальной реконструкции архитектурного облика резиденции правителей княжества Феодоро.
extensive archival material. The man focuses of the study is on medieval churches located in the valleys of the
Alma and Kacha rivers. Based on the archival data available, I have been able to locate 62 cave and ground
In course of my work, I have addressed a number of shortcomings of earlier studies. First, over the years,
significant archaeological material has accumulated that, due to unclear circumstances, was not made properly
accessible for academic study. These materials are nowadays stored across a variety of archives and stock
collections (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Sevastopol, Simferopol, Bakhchisarai). The compilation offered
brings together these scattered data for the first time. Second, there were numerous inaccurate and obscure
topographical names of location of churches, either duplicated or not specified. These have been clarified and
amended. Thirdly, I have offered updates on visual archiving of the churches that have been insufficiently
competent or outright incorrect, with pool illustrative material. Forth, structural classification of cave churches
was also elaborated. Lastly, through the analysis of the data, I was able to argue for new overall dating of the
churches. Cultic Christian buildings in the Alma Valley date to the 8th–13th cc., in the Kachinskaya Valley 9th–
15th cc.
It also followed from the archive data analysis that the cluster of churches in two river valleys –
Alminskaya (13 units) and Kachinskaya (49 units) – are mutually different. The quantitative variation of
structures there also manifests itself in the variety of the types of churches. There are 4 cave and 9 ground
churches in the Alminskaya Valley, 7 cave and 35 ground churches in the Kachinskaya. It proved impossible
to typologically identify only 7 churches located in the Kachinskaya Valley. In terms of their structural
planning, the ground churches are predominantly single-nave, single-apse buildings, two of which were rebuilt
into cruciform churches of various datings. In the Kachinskaya Valley, there is also a three-nave, three-apse
cross-domed church.