
EmailShroud – WordPress-tillägg | Svenska

Det här tillägget har inte testats med någon av de 3 senaste huvudversionerna av WordPress. Det kanske inte längre underhålls och kan ha kompatibilitetsproblem när det används tillsammans med nyare versioner av WordPress.

Vanliga frågor

What will EmailShroud detect and protect?

EmailShroud will search for email addresses in the following places:

  • The contents of WordPress pages.
  • The contents of posts.
  • The contents of post excerpts.
  • The contents of RSS feeds.

It will search for:

  • Links to email addresses (i.e. anchor tags with mailto addresses.)
  • Email addresses written in the content of a post with the text mailto: in front of it.
  • Email addresses simply written in the content of a post.
What *won’t* EmailShroud detect and protect?

For almost all typical uses, EmailShroud works painless out of the box.

In the following rare circumstances, EmailShroud may pass through the email addresses, unprotected:

  • Domain names with multiple consecutive dashes.
  • Email addresses in WordPress page titles and post titles.
  • Where the anchor tag is malformed, so it is not recognized as an anchor tag.
  • Where the email tag appears outside of the pages, posts, excerpts and RSS feeds. In particular, in a list of links in a side-bar or in templates.

In the following rare circumstances, EmailShroud may damage existing links:

  • Where a user-name and password is included in a URL.
    • i.e. using the userinfo subcomponent of a URL.
    • This is rarely used outside of phishing attempts.
  • Where cc, bcc and subjects are provided in an anchor tag, they may be stripped out.
  • Where email addresses are included in title or similar attributes inside an anchor tag, they will be replaced with the user name.
    • There has been a report of this happening in input forms.
  • Where the anchor tag is malformed, so it is not recognized as an anchor tag.
  • Automatically generated excerpts may have their email addresses stripped.
  • Email addresses in Category Descriptions.

More information about the limitations is available.

Is it XHTML compliant?

EmailShroud should work in themes that use XHTML Strict and Transitional.


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