
AcyMailing – An Ultimate Newsletter Plugin and Marketing Automation Solution for WordPress – WordPress-tillägg | Svenska

AcyMailing – An Ultimate Newsletter Plugin and Marketing Automation Solution for WordPress



  • Effortlessly create attention-grabbing newsletters with our intuitive drag-and-drop editor – no HTML skills required.
  • Automate your newsletter formation process using pre-saved zones.
  • Seamlessly include your WordPress articles in your newsletters.
  • Personalize your newsletters with user data such as name, email, or custom fields.
  • Implement social media share options for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to expand your reach.
  • Experience mobile-responsive default templates with previews for desktop and mobile versions.


  • Conduct automated mass actions on users, including sending birthday newsletters, welcome greetings, and more.
  • Plan follow-up newsletter sequences based on user interaction to nurture and engage your audience.
  • Effortlessly schedule your newsletters for timely delivery.
  • Automatically send timely reminders to recover abandoned WooCommerce shopping carts.
  • Create and duplicate marketing automation workflows with ease.
  • Handle bounce emails efficiently for improved deliverability.


  • Effectively dispatch emails in real-time using our queue system.
  • Follow recommendations from our analysis tool to optimize your deliverability.
  • Track reliable statistics to gain insights into your newsletter performance.


  • Effortlessly manage your subscribers with AcyMailing.
  • Import users seamlessly from any platform or source.
  • Utilize efficient filter options to target specific user segments.
  • Automatically subscribe users during registration for streamlined list management.
  • Handle false email addresses and integrate strong captchas for enhanced data security.


🔎Stay tuned to know every update on our plugins. Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or our website.


  • Drag & Drop editor
  • AcyMailing dashboard
  • Subscriber page
  • Automations


Detta tillägg tillhandahåller 3 block.

  • Subscription Form
  • Profile
  • Archive


There are 3 ways to install this plugin:

1. The WordPress store search

  1. In the admin part of your site, navigate to the menu Plugins => Add New
  2. Search for AcyMailing
  3. Find it, install it, activate it

2. Manually, via the interface

  1. Download the installation ZIP at the top of this page by clicking the ”Download” button
  2. On the admin part of your site, navigate to the menu Plugins => Add New
  3. Click on ”Upload Plugin” at the top of the page
  4. Select the ZIP file you downloaded then click the ”Install Now” button
  5. Once installed, activate the plugin

3. Manually, via FTP

  1. Download the installation ZIP at the top of this page by clicking the ”Download” button
  2. Unzip it
  3. Upload the ”acymailing” folder previously contained in the ZIP file via FTP on your site, under the folder wp-content/plugins/
  4. Enable the plugin on the admin part of your site

Vanliga frågor

How to contact us?

Feel free to do it via this form:

Where can I find a documentation?

On any page of the AcyMailing plugin, you can click the ”Documentation” button at the top-right of the screen.
If you don’t find the information you’re looking for, you can find the complete documentation here:

How will AcyMailing help me doing Marketing Automation?

With AcyMailing you can automate a lot of tedious tasks to focus on what’s really important.
Our spam-checker tells you what you need to change in your server configuration, you can instantly insert content from other plugins like products from WooCommerce or events from The events calendar, etc…
You can automate the sending of your newsletters based on user actions, or set a campaign to be automatically generated every X days/weeks/months including your last X posts.

If I update or upgrade AcyMailing, will I lose my data?

No, you can safely update or upgrade AcyMailing, you won’t lose data.
Your configuration, existing subscribers, templates, newsletters, marketing automation workflows… will be kept intact.

How does AcyMailing send emails?

You can select your own favorite sending methods.
AcyMailing is integrated with Sendgrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, Sendinblue and many more services.
You can even send emails from your own server or another SMTP service of your choice.

What is AcyMailing Sending Service?

An all in one solution, simple, cheaper and made for you that allows you to completely handle the email sending process.


20 maj 2024 2 svar
Love everything about this plugin, easy to use. They added Woo block checkout compatibility recently, too.
17 mars 2024
Always – for me – scores a 10 on MailTester. Well thought out interface. Great design features, and love that it works with Wordpress.
2 februari 2024 2 svar
Very simple and useful plugin, I use the free veraion for years now and I like it.
4 juli 2023
I don’t understand WordPress users’ fascination with MailPoet – in my opinion, AcyMailing is cheaper, faster, simpler, more flexible, and gives you total control over your user’s data. Highly recommended
Läs alla 154 betyg

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9.8.1 – August 21, 2024

  • Added a new route on the REST-API to get statistics for every email from a follow-up

  • Fixed the campaigns creation and templates selection step.

  • For the ElasticEmail integration, we added a verification on the access rights for attachments and fixed the attachments names when they contain characters not handled by ElasticEmail

See the whole changelog here.