Giacomo Delledonne
Giacomo Delledonne is currently Associate Professor of Constitutional and Public Law at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, where he also served as Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law (2021-2024) and conducted postdoctoral research (2017-2021). In 2018, he got the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) for the roles of Associate Professor of Comparative Law and Associate Professor of Constitutional Law. In November 2020, he got the National Scientific Qualification for the role of Full Professor of Comparative Law.
From 2015 to 2016, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Institute for European Studies of Université Saint-Louis in Brussels. In March 2014 he got a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
He was a visiting student in Paris (École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm), Heidelberg (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), and Montreal (Université de Montréal). He was visiting postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest and guest researcher at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Autumn 2014). Over the past few years, he held teaching positions at Università eCampus, the University of Pisa, the University of Florence, and the Italian Naval Academy.
Since 2014 he has been one of the convenors of a research group of the International Association of Constitutional Law (alongside Professors Patricia Popelier and Nicholas Aroney). He worked as trainee clerk at the Italian Constitutional Court under Justice Sabino Cassese (2010-2011). Since 1 October 2022, he has collaborated with the Research Department of the Italian Constitutional Court.
He has written extensively in five languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, and German). He published a monograph on L’omogeneità costituzionale degli ordinamenti composti (2017), which was awarded the 10th “Opera Prima – Sergio P. Panunzio Prize”, organised by the Italian Association of Constitutional Law Scholars. Another monograph, Costituzione e legge elettorale. Un percorso comparatistico nello Stato costituzionale europeo, was published in 2019. A book on Populismo e Costituzione. Una prospettiva giuridica, jointly authored with Giuseppe Martinico, Matteo Monti and Fabio Pacini, was published in 2022. He has co-edited five books: a collection of essays celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary of the Canadian Constitution (Il costituzionalismo canadese a 150 anni dalla Confederazione. Riflessioni comparatistiche, Delledonne, Martinico and Pierdominici eds., 2017), an interdisciplinary book on the current state of free movement of persons in the European Union (La libre circulation sous pression. Régulation et dérégulation des mobilités dans l'Union européenne, Mercenier, Ni Chaoimh, Damay and Delledonne eds., 2018), a collection of essays celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Quebec Secession Reference and its influence outside Canada (The Canadian Contribution to a Comparative Law of Secession: Legacies of the Quebec Secession Reference, Delledonne and Martinico eds., 2019), an edited book on the constitutional implications of populism in Italy (Italian Populism and Constitutional Law: Strategies, Conflicts and Dilemmas, Delledonne, Martinico, Monti and Pacini eds., 2020), a comprehensive comparative handbook on subnational constitutionalism (Routledge Handbook of Subnational Constitutions and Constitutionalism, Popelier, Delledonne and Aroney eds., 2021), and an edited book on abstention in Italy (Il peso dell'assente. Il fenomeno dell'astensionismo elettorale in Italia, Delledonne, Gori, Martinico and Pacini eds., 2024).
He is one of the editors of Sant’Anna Legal Studies – STALS and Perspectives on Federalism. He is part of the editorial staff of the following journals: Forum di Quaderni costituzionali Rassegna, Diritti comparati, Quaderni costituzionali, and Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo. He is member of the advisory board of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, published by Oxford University Press. He is member of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL-AIDC), the Associazione Gruppo di Pisa, and the Associazione di diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo.
Since 1 February 2022, he has been coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module ENACTING – European Values in Context: Challenges and Comparative Insights. Since November 2023, he has been principal investigator of the PRIN project "Identitarian public law: Dynamics of illiberal exclusion and democratic inclusion".
Supervisors: Prof. Paolo Carrozza (†), Prof. Giuseppe Martinico, Prof. Emanuele Rossi, and Prof. Rolando Tarchi
From 2015 to 2016, he conducted postdoctoral research at the Institute for European Studies of Université Saint-Louis in Brussels. In March 2014 he got a Ph.D. in Constitutional Law from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
He was a visiting student in Paris (École Normale Supérieure de la rue d’Ulm), Heidelberg (Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law), and Montreal (Université de Montréal). He was visiting postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest and guest researcher at the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Autumn 2014). Over the past few years, he held teaching positions at Università eCampus, the University of Pisa, the University of Florence, and the Italian Naval Academy.
Since 2014 he has been one of the convenors of a research group of the International Association of Constitutional Law (alongside Professors Patricia Popelier and Nicholas Aroney). He worked as trainee clerk at the Italian Constitutional Court under Justice Sabino Cassese (2010-2011). Since 1 October 2022, he has collaborated with the Research Department of the Italian Constitutional Court.
He has written extensively in five languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, and German). He published a monograph on L’omogeneità costituzionale degli ordinamenti composti (2017), which was awarded the 10th “Opera Prima – Sergio P. Panunzio Prize”, organised by the Italian Association of Constitutional Law Scholars. Another monograph, Costituzione e legge elettorale. Un percorso comparatistico nello Stato costituzionale europeo, was published in 2019. A book on Populismo e Costituzione. Una prospettiva giuridica, jointly authored with Giuseppe Martinico, Matteo Monti and Fabio Pacini, was published in 2022. He has co-edited five books: a collection of essays celebrating the sesquicentennial anniversary of the Canadian Constitution (Il costituzionalismo canadese a 150 anni dalla Confederazione. Riflessioni comparatistiche, Delledonne, Martinico and Pierdominici eds., 2017), an interdisciplinary book on the current state of free movement of persons in the European Union (La libre circulation sous pression. Régulation et dérégulation des mobilités dans l'Union européenne, Mercenier, Ni Chaoimh, Damay and Delledonne eds., 2018), a collection of essays celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Quebec Secession Reference and its influence outside Canada (The Canadian Contribution to a Comparative Law of Secession: Legacies of the Quebec Secession Reference, Delledonne and Martinico eds., 2019), an edited book on the constitutional implications of populism in Italy (Italian Populism and Constitutional Law: Strategies, Conflicts and Dilemmas, Delledonne, Martinico, Monti and Pacini eds., 2020), a comprehensive comparative handbook on subnational constitutionalism (Routledge Handbook of Subnational Constitutions and Constitutionalism, Popelier, Delledonne and Aroney eds., 2021), and an edited book on abstention in Italy (Il peso dell'assente. Il fenomeno dell'astensionismo elettorale in Italia, Delledonne, Gori, Martinico and Pacini eds., 2024).
He is one of the editors of Sant’Anna Legal Studies – STALS and Perspectives on Federalism. He is part of the editorial staff of the following journals: Forum di Quaderni costituzionali Rassegna, Diritti comparati, Quaderni costituzionali, and Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo. He is member of the advisory board of the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law, published by Oxford University Press. He is member of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL-AIDC), the Associazione Gruppo di Pisa, and the Associazione di diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo.
Since 1 February 2022, he has been coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module ENACTING – European Values in Context: Challenges and Comparative Insights. Since November 2023, he has been principal investigator of the PRIN project "Identitarian public law: Dynamics of illiberal exclusion and democratic inclusion".
Supervisors: Prof. Paolo Carrozza (†), Prof. Giuseppe Martinico, Prof. Emanuele Rossi, and Prof. Rolando Tarchi
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Books by Giacomo Delledonne
The volume examines systems with subnational entities that have full subnational constituent autonomy and systems where subnational constituent powers, while claimed by subnational governments, are incomplete or non-existent. Understanding why complete subnational constituent power exists or is denied sheds significant light on the status and functioning of subnational constitutions. The book deals with questions of how constitutions at multiple levels of a political system can co-exist and interact. The term ‘multilevel constitutionalism’, recognized as explaining how a supranational European constitution can exist alongside those of the Member States, is now used to capture dynamics between constitutions at the national, subnational and, where applicable, supranational levels. Broad in scope, the book encompasses many different types of multi-tiered systems world-wide to map the possible meanings, uses and challenges of subnational or state constitutions in a variety of political and societal contexts.
The book develops the building blocks of an explanatory theory of subnational constitutionalism and as such will be an essential reference for all those interested in comparative constitutional law, federalism and governance.
Il volume non ha la pretesa di offrire una trattazione esaustiva di tutti gli
aspetti principali del costituzionalismo canadese, ma piuttosto di raccogliere le riflessioni di un gruppo ristretto di giovani autori su tre dimensioni che abbiamo considerato di straordinaria rilevanza con riferimento all’influenza canadese all’estero: il federalismo, l’interpretazione costituzionale e le “sfide della diversità” (per non utilizzare le note formule multiculturalismo e interculturalismo).
Edited Journal Issues by Giacomo Delledonne
Papers by Giacomo Delledonne
contribution of ordinary laws and the case law of the Constitutional Court. The endurance of proportional representation can be explained by the adaptive capacity of the Austrian constitutional order.
The volume examines systems with subnational entities that have full subnational constituent autonomy and systems where subnational constituent powers, while claimed by subnational governments, are incomplete or non-existent. Understanding why complete subnational constituent power exists or is denied sheds significant light on the status and functioning of subnational constitutions. The book deals with questions of how constitutions at multiple levels of a political system can co-exist and interact. The term ‘multilevel constitutionalism’, recognized as explaining how a supranational European constitution can exist alongside those of the Member States, is now used to capture dynamics between constitutions at the national, subnational and, where applicable, supranational levels. Broad in scope, the book encompasses many different types of multi-tiered systems world-wide to map the possible meanings, uses and challenges of subnational or state constitutions in a variety of political and societal contexts.
The book develops the building blocks of an explanatory theory of subnational constitutionalism and as such will be an essential reference for all those interested in comparative constitutional law, federalism and governance.
Il volume non ha la pretesa di offrire una trattazione esaustiva di tutti gli
aspetti principali del costituzionalismo canadese, ma piuttosto di raccogliere le riflessioni di un gruppo ristretto di giovani autori su tre dimensioni che abbiamo considerato di straordinaria rilevanza con riferimento all’influenza canadese all’estero: il federalismo, l’interpretazione costituzionale e le “sfide della diversità” (per non utilizzare le note formule multiculturalismo e interculturalismo).
contribution of ordinary laws and the case law of the Constitutional Court. The endurance of proportional representation can be explained by the adaptive capacity of the Austrian constitutional order.
This short essay engages with Antonio Zorzi Giustiniani’s writings on fiscal federalism. The essay focuses on some developments during Donald Trump’s term office that stand out as a paradigmatic example of punitive federalism.
This paper analyses the significance of the financial autonomy of Italian regions within the Italian model of regional state. In so doing, it focuses not only on the constitutional model but also on how it has been implemented by ordinary laws. In fact, the history of the financial autonomy of the regions has often been one of non-implementation of constitutional provisions, which has also affected the case law of the Constitutional Court in its capacity as interpreter of the Constitution. The multiple crises of the last decade have also impacted on the Italian model of fiscal federalism and have sometimes led to questioning the very existence of regional autonomy.
Dienstag, 20.3.2018, 16:30-19:30
Il Corso offre un’analisi approfondita e aggiornata della normativa nazionale, sovranazionale e internazionale in tema di tutela dei diritti fondamentali, nonché della giurisprudenza rilevante, dedicando una particolare attenzione alla dimensione processualistica.
Il corso si sofferma sulle interazioni fra i vari sistemi di protezione dei diritti fondamentali (interno, dell’Unione europea, del Consiglio d’Europa), con particolare attenzione alla Corte costituzionale, alla Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea e alla Corte europea dei diritti dell’uomo. Sarà altresì preso in considerazione l’apporto dei giudici comuni.