Sreeramana Aithal
Dr. P. S. Aithal is belonging to Udupi, India, born on 04/04/1966. He has M.Sc. in Physics from Mangalore University, India, M.Sc. in E-Business from Manipal University, India, M.Tech. in Information Technology from Karnataka University, India, Ph.D. in Physics from Mangalore University, India, and Ph.D. in Management from Manipal University, India. His major fields of study are characterization of nonlinear optical materials, optical solutions, e-commerce and mobile business. He has two years post doctoral research experience at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India and one year post doctoral research experience at CREOL, University of Central Florida, USA, in the field of Characterization of nonlinear optical materials. He has about 22 years teaching experience both at UG and PG level in Electronics, Computer Science and Business management. Currently he is working as Vice Chancellor, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India. He has published about 635 research papers in peer reviewed journals and two text books on physics and Electronics for Engineering students. He has research interest in Nonlinear optical absorption, Optical Phase Conjugation, Photorefractive materials, e-business, m-business, ideal business, and nanotechnology business Opportunities. Dr. Aithal is member of World Productivity Council, U.K., member of Strategic Management Foruum, India, member of Photonics Society of India, CUSAT, Cochin, senior member of, Singapore.
Phone: 9343348392
Address: Srinivas University, India
Phone: 9343348392
Address: Srinivas University, India
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Papers by Sreeramana Aithal
Objectives: Study on Criteria wise performance of top nine A++ scored Indian Universities according to NAAC Accreditation, full scores obtained in various criteria with reasons, compare research performance and analyse it using ABC model of research productivity, the effect of organizational leaders as role models on the research output, and to critically analyse the organizational SWOC based on NAAC data and outcome.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Analysis of information collected from self-study reports of NAAC A++ graded universities, comparing and analyzing criteria wise, and analyzing research productivity of these universities and their leaders using ABC model of annual Research performance framework.
Findings/Result: Out of nine NAAC A++ graded universities, five universities got full scores in the Curricular Aspects criterion. The universities are ranked based on their overall scores in the accreditation process. Based on the scores obtained in different criteria, the strengths and weaknesses of these universities are studied. These nine universities are further ranked based on their annual research performance and the leaders/Vice-chancellors research annual research productivity by considering the last five years research productivity. It is observed that many vice-chancellors failed to contribute to universities research outcomes as role models and motivators to other researchers of these universities. A comparative study on research performance-based grading is found to be ambiguous and little disparity is observed on key indicator-based university grading. Based on observations, some general recommendations are suggested.
Research limitations/implications: This study used the data from the Self-study Report, Peer Team Report, and Grade Report of respective universities kept for public reference in the NAAC website in accordance with the new accreditation framework, downloaded on 30/04/2021.
Originality/Value: This paper compares the research performance of nine NAAC A++ accredited universities of India using their last 5 years’ research data and identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of these universities for further improvement.
Paper Type: Explorative Research based on research analysis.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study is based on secondary data from 2001/02 to 2014/15.Descriptive statistics has been applied to develop the trends and compositions.
Findings/Result: In FY 2014/15, the total foreign aid commitment increased by totaling to Rs.1195.5million as compared to Rs.2125.9million in FY 2014/15. Of the total commitment in FY 2014/15 the contribution of bilateral aid was totaling and multilateral aid contributed. While categorizing the total foreign aid the share of grant assistance constituted and loan assistance million. In FY 2014/15 the foreign grant assistant subsequently increased by whereas foreign loan assistance decreased. The bilateral aid disbursement was out of total bilateral aid commitment. Multilateral aid disbursement was 56 percent. The amount of loan is increasing in the economy. This condition also indicates that in future debt burden in budgetary system is directly reducing the development expenditure which decreases the flow of budget in poverty reduction sectors. In amount Swiss aid is much less but is efficiency is widespread in increasing people's living standard. Due to 100% grant Swiss aid doesn't create fiscal burden in the economy.
Originality/Value: it is an empirical research to signify the urgency of increasing Swiss aid and Swiss project in Nepal for sustained and broad based economic development.
Paper Type: Analytical Policy Research
objectives of building a successful firm. This study demonstrates that the founding members
of Retail start-ups in India knowingly or unknowingly distance themselves from understanding such objectives of investors, they are constantly reaching out to fund their start-ups. We have noticed that the most important aspects that have given the highest attention by the founding members (implicitly influenced by organized investors’ ideology) and have a greater significance in the failure to protect the majority shareholding in the firm revolve around (i) Quick reward; (ii) Short-term reward; (iii) Immediate reward; (iv) Impulsivity and rapid
decision-making for the reward; (v) A desire for prodigious financial returns. And the only strategy that has a significant association and determination in getting rid of such aspects is the concept of Delayed Gratification (DG) i.e., ‘a person’s ability to resist either a smaller or
immediate reward to receive either a larger or more enduring reward later’. This study indicates that even after ten years of operation, the founding members with high levels of DG were able to retain more than 65% of their original shareholding with a relatively better financial performance of their firm whereas, founders with lower levels of DG were able to retain less than 5% and founders with no DG are no more holding any shareholding of the startup they founded. Besides finding evidence of the DG strategy’s role for the founding members, our results are also consistent with the arguments, suggestions, and recommendations of Cognitive, Biological, Psychodynamic, Social, Behavioral, and Developmental psychologists. However, our findings are contrary to Evolutionary theorists.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Using secondary data of the contract the mean planned duration is compared with mean actual duration to analyze delay analysis and Disputes of the contract have been interpreted based on standards of contract using content analysis.
Findings/Result: The mean planned duration of the contracts under the study is 17.42 months and mean actual time 32.28 months with a standard deviation of 7.72 months and meantime variance is 13.46 months behind the schedule and meantime overrun is 14.85 months. Dispute resolution of only Papu costal JV has been analyzed. The contracts need to be rectified in terms of time by proper scheduling and resource leveling based local calendar. Hope the new amendments (PPMO 10th) of time extension will be helpful for the timely completion of contracts.
Originality/Value: Action research to enhance the performance of Projects by avoiding Disputes.
Paper Type: Analytical Policy Research.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Secondary data from 2013 to 2019 from seven commercial banks along with the survey as primary data were collected. The correlation and regression along with ratio analysis have been used to assure a contributory association among return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and net interest margin (NIM).
Findings/Result: The size of banks is in increasing trend. The decreasing trend of standard deviation showed that the size of Nepalese commercial banks has lower variation in the use of total assets as the year increases. There is a negative relation between ROA and ROE with loan ratio, deposit ratio and capital ratio, while there is positive relation with bank size and inflation. However, in case of NIM, bank size, loan ratio, deposit ratio and inflation exhibit a positive relation while the capital ratio shows the negative relationship with NIM. Majority of the respondents feel that the publication of financial reports is one of the major influencing factors of bank profitability.
Originality/Value: It is an empirical research to signify the contribution of Bank Size, Loan Ration, Deposit Ratio, Capital Ratio and Inflation as determinants of Profitability.
Paper Type: Analytical Business Research.
computing system model. In this model, the infrastructure required for an ideal computingprocessor section is owned by a third party vendor and the cloud computing services aredelivered to the ideal computing system over the Internet on a leased/wireless basis with thecapability to extend up or down their service requirements or needs ubiquitously and almostinfinite scale-up capability. A well designed flexible cloud computing system can work andfulfill the requirement of the processing section of an ideal computing device. It also offersan innovative business concept for organizations to adopt ideal computing services without
advance investment and enables convenient, on-request network accessibility to a sharedpool of IT computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services
knowledge from teaching domain to the learning domain. This profession requires deepknowledge, dedication in teaching, encouragement, and control over the activities of thelearning domain, providing the knowledge to the learning domain, teaching the discipline,behavior and smart skills as out of box teaching subjects. The teacher has to continuouslyupgrade himself in discharging the knowledge because whatever he has learned in his learningdomain might be outdated. The Knowledge is always updating and it is the responsibility ofall the teachers to update their knowledge so that they can effectively transform the same tothe learning domain. The knowledge transformation in technical subject needs a ratherdifferent methodology than the traditional classroom based teaching. The subject likeSoftware Engineering needs a different method of teaching than the traditional classroombased teaching. In this subject the learning domain should be active in looking into the variousaspects of the software development. In this subject, the traditional classroom based teaching
does not transform the knowledge to the learning domain because the learning domain cannotfollow the subject since the domain does not have any idea about the subject. This paperexplains the need for active teaching in software engineering where in the learning domain hasto be active than the teaching domain. The teaching domain has to concentrate on variousconcepts which are supposed to be given to the learning domain and guide the learningdomain how to get the knowledge, effective use of the available technology and its adoption atthe right place. The objective of this paper is how to convert the learning domain into smartlearning domain. This paper strongly recommends the case study based teaching and learningpractice than the traditional unidirectional classroom teaching.
areas of business, strategic management, new idea generation as well as effective decisionmaking. The issues or problems identified in a given industry and the efforts made byorganizations to handle such issues or solve such problems are learning opportunities forstudents and researchers in business management institutions. In this paper, we havediscussed the procedure of writing case studies based on industry analysis framework. Wealso recommend the Industry analysis as a class of case study methodology in managementresearch for developing research case studies as a first step for budding researchers
business is becoming increasingly important, they are in ever shorter supply. Demand fordata scientists is so exponentially growing that McKinsey expects a 50 percent difference indata scientists' supply versus demand by 2018. In this paper, we have analysed the continuedopportunities for data scientists for 21st century business and how lucrative and challengingis their job based on opportunities and challenges framework
Design/Methodology/Approach: Here we describe to develop a custom robot. At first, we created a DH parameter for our robot. Then following the step-by-step procedure, the robot is created. After creating, we can attach our code on any object using LUA script language. To control the robot from external world, we can connect through TCP/IP socket communication. Establishing the communication, our robot will move depending on processed algorithm.
Findings/Result: The robotic arm researcher needs robotics arm to test their forward kinematics, Inverse kinematics, statics, dynamics etc. code. Here we design our custom robots for research purpose.
Originality/Value: Using CoppeliaSim, we can design custom robot for our research.
Paper Type: Experimental Research
Design/Methodology/Approach: Here we are using the prebuild robot model of CoppeliaSim IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to save the time and attach Lua scripts associated with robot object. From Visual studio IDE we control the Virtual Robot through TCP/IP socket object. Using GUI (Graphical User Interface) we send the command to the robot.
Findings/Result: The researcher who is developing robotics arm, is required the vast knowledge of position and rotation of different joints. Changing the joint value using the GUI element, we can observe the various robot pose. The researcher can proceed further Sending the multiple sequential command. Thus, we can simulate industrial process automation.
Originality/Value: Using both CoppeliaSim and visual studio IDE can create a better environment for our robotics research.
Paper Type: Simulation.
new method for thinning is not proposed but a real attempt is made to explain the Edgeprediction based thinning process. The Edge Prediction based Skelton formation is totallybased on the conditional thinning set of rules, which is used to carry out thinning. The EdgePrediction based thinning process is explained with the help of workflow, algorithm, andflowchart.
the controller to be designed which will use the energy produced from renewable energyefficiently. This controller has a responsibility to avoid the energy from the traditional methodas long as there is a supply of energy from renewable resources. The controller uses thetraditional energy only when there is no alternative energy supply from renewable energy.
the ideal energy system. The system model of the ideal energy system is proposed and itspredicted characteristics are proposed and discussed in detail. The possibility of realization ofsuch a system in practice is also discussed by comparing the ideal energy systemcharacteristics with practically possible energy system using renewable energy sources andsuitable technology.
among the learners. A variety of activities which are carried out as part and parcel of
postgraduate degree level courses carry along with it inbuilt confidence inducers which serveto attain the desired outcome of learning. This paper discusses the role of confidence and thetechniques of imparting confidence among learners vis-a-vis knowledge and skills.
64 variables that directly or indirectly determine the returns on investment of a lifestyle retailer, ofwhich we have chosen 16 input-driven variables to design the LSRS-b instrument in addition toensuring integration of variables that have a significantly positive association and determination withconsumer repeat visit rate, sales personnel consumer orientation, cash flow efficiency, revenuegeneration, profitability, returns on investment, and consumer-level performance evaluation. Basedon 24 months of data evaluated, we have found that these 16 input-driven variables have a significant
determination of about 86.90 percent concerning the final output i.e., returns on investment (ROI)which is a strong indicator of the reliability of LSRS-b instrument in evaluating the overall retailingperformance of organized brick-and-mortar lifestyle retailers in India