Papers by roberto la rocca
Jahresbericht 2023 Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGfU), 2024
Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare and the Fondazione Giuseppe... more Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare and the Fondazione Giuseppe Whitaker the south side of the island. This essay presents finds, which were made during excavations in the south during the 2023 campaign. The find spectrum consists of several worked timbers, pottery, animal bones and skin as well as possible post stand-tracks.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Jahresbericht 2023 der Bayerischen Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGfU), 2024
Mozia Team 1 examined the waters in the South side of the island in cooperation with the Soprinte... more Mozia Team 1 examined the waters in the South side of the island in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo and the Fondazione Giuseppe Whitaker Palermo/Mozia. In this essay aerial pictures as well as core drilling catenae are being discussed in connection to a pincer-shaped submerged structure. One possible interpretative approach is identifying the possibly man-made structure as breakwaters.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Jahresbericht 2023 Bayerische Gesellschaft für Unterwasserarchäologie (BGfU), 2024
Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo and the Fondazione ... more Mozia Team 1 examined in cooperation with the Soprintendenza del Mare Palermo and the Fondazione Whitaker Palermo/Mozia the waters of the Marsala Lagoon. This paper deals with the investigation in the area of the imbarcadero storico Whitaker, where one half of a stone anchor stock was found as well as some translocated finds, a diverse spectrum of pottery and a net sinker made by stone. The finds which are being published and studied in this essay are being continously flushed out of the ground and their contexts by the ship's propellers of the ferry boats, running from the Sicilian mainland to the island multiple times a day.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing and there were confusions in the captions in the article on the stone anchor stock. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Underwater Archaeology in the Aeolian Islands, the Panarea 1 shipwreck, 2017
In July 2010, the first survey in the waters of Panarea held by Soprintendenza del Mare of Palerm... more In July 2010, the first survey in the waters of Panarea held by Soprintendenza del Mare of Palermo in collaboration with the AURORA Trust Foundation, gave back evidences for four shipwrecks of Greek and Roman periods, within a representative record of cargoes. The "ArchEolie 2010" project included the extensive survey of the aeolian seabeds by remote sensing systems. The identified shipwrecks, that lie on the seabed approximetely between -85 and -135 metres in depth, were designated as Panarea 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Fig. 2). The Panarea 1 wreck was thoroughly explored in 2014 by Soprintendenza del Mare della Regione Siciliana, in cooperation with Global Underwater Explorers. In 2015, Aurora Trust Foundation realized detailed 2D and 3D models of the site (Fig. 4 and Fig. 5).
Mirabilia maris. Tesori dai mari di Sicilia, 2016
Atti delle X Giornate Gregoriane, Agrigento, 2016
La posizione geografica della Sicilia, cerniera delle rotte commerciali tra il bacino orientale e... more La posizione geografica della Sicilia, cerniera delle rotte commerciali tra il bacino orientale e occidentale del Mediterraneo, ha posto le sue coste in una posizione privilegiata, favorendo da sempre il progredire di attività produttivo-artigianali connesse con il mare.
Convegno Fecisti Cretaria, Pompei, 2016
Quaternary International, 2015
Lipari island belongs to the Aeolian archipelago, located in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy),... more Lipari island belongs to the Aeolian archipelago, located in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), which is one of the most active volcanic areas of the Mediterranean basin. Although this region has been settled since prehistory, only during Roman times were coastal installations built in these islands. In this study, we present and discuss data on the relative sea level change estimated from a submerged pier of Roman age dated 2100 ± 100 BP. This structure, about 140 Â 60 m, is located along the coast of Marina Lunga, corresponding to the present location of the main harbor of Lipari island. This pier, which was accidentally discovered in 2008 during preliminary excavations for the construction of a new pier, is a valuable indicator of relative sea level changes and vertical land movements. Its top surface is presently located at À9.1 ± 0.05 m, while the foundations at the outer end of the pier are at À11.6 ± 0.05 m, above a shoreline placed at À13.0 ± 0.05 m. We studied this site through direct archaeological investigations and ultra-high resolution multibeam bathymetry.
La ceramica africana nella Sicilia romana., 2016
Maria, lacus et flumina - Studî di storia, archeologia e antropologia “in acqua” dedicati a Claudio Mocchegiani Carpano., 2016
Mirabilia Maris. Tesori dai mari di Sicilia, 2016
Mirabilia Maris. Tesori dai mari di Sicilia., 2016
III Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Storia e Etnologia Navale, 2016
Si coglie qui l'occasione per presentare la sintesi dello studio che scaturisce dalle campagne di... more Si coglie qui l'occasione per presentare la sintesi dello studio che scaturisce dalle campagne di ricerca in alto fondale realizzate nelle acque dell'arcipelago eoliano, in particolare al largo delle coste dell'isola di Panarea, tra il 2010 e il 2015. Le prime ricognizioni risalgono al mese di luglio del 2010 quando la Soprintendenza del Mare in collaborazione con la statunitense Aurora Trust Foundation nell'ambito del progetto "Archeorete Eolie 2010" ha individuato i primi target.
Sicily and the Sea, Books Allard Pierson Museum, 2015
Sicily and the Sea, Books Allard Pierson Museum, 2015
Cossyrae Mirabilia Maris. I tesori sommersi di Pantelleria, 2015
Cossyrae Mirabilia Maris. I tesori sommersi di Pantelleria, 2015
NAVIS. Atti del II convegno nazionale Cesenatico Museo della Marineria (13-14 aprile 2012) , 2014
Proprietà letteraria riservata © edizioni Webster srl, Padova, Italy I d... more Proprietà letteraria riservata © edizioni Webster srl, Padova, Italy I diritti di traduzione, di memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfi lm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta, distribuita o trasmessa in qualsivoglia forma senza l'autorizzazione scritta dell'Editore, a eccezione di brevi citazioni incorporate in recensioni o per altri usi non commerciali permessi dalla legge sul copyright. Per richieste di permessi contattare in forma scritta l'Editore al seguente indirizzo: ISBN: 978-88-6292-422-1 Prima edizione: settembre 2014 Il nostro indirizzo internet è: Per segnalazioni di errori o suggerimenti relativi a questo volume potete contattare:
Percorsi Naturalistici e Archeologici. Area marina protetta Isole Egadi., 2014
© Degli autori 2014 Ogni riproduzione del testo e delle immagini anche parziale è vietata Si ring... more © Degli autori 2014 Ogni riproduzione del testo e delle immagini anche parziale è vietata Si ringrazia inoltre Egidio Trainito per le foto di pagg. 58 sx, 64, 70 sx, 71, 93, 104-105, 141, 155 sx, 157 VI, 158 I e III, 159 V e VI, 160 I e IV, 161 I e V, 162 III V e VI; Alfonso Santoro pagg. 63 sx, 64 sx, 83, 87 sx, 94 sx, 100 dx, 117, 132 sx, 158 VI, 160 II, 161 II; Renato Chemello pagg. 46 sx, 58 dx, 78 sx, 89 in basso, 92 sx, 122 sx, 132 dx, 157 VII, 158 V; Archivio Soprintendenza del Mare Regione Siciliana pagg.
Percorsi Naturalistici e Archeologici. Area marina protetta Isole Egadi., 2014
© Degli autori 2014 Ogni riproduzione del testo e delle immagini anche parziale è vietata Si ring... more © Degli autori 2014 Ogni riproduzione del testo e delle immagini anche parziale è vietata Si ringrazia inoltre Egidio Trainito per le foto di pagg. 58 sx, 64, 70 sx, 71, 93, 104-105, 141, 155 sx, 157 VI, 158 I e III, 159 V e VI, 160 I e IV, 161 I e V, 162 III V e VI; Alfonso Santoro pagg. 63 sx, 64 sx, 83, 87 sx, 94 sx, 100 dx, 117, 132 sx, 158 VI, 160 II, 161 II; Renato Chemello pagg. 46 sx, 58 dx, 78 sx, 89 in basso, 92 sx, 122 sx, 132 dx, 157 VII, 158 V; Archivio Soprintendenza del Mare Regione Siciliana pagg.
Papers by roberto la rocca
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing and there were confusions in the captions in the article on the stone anchor stock. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing. Therefore these have been corrected here.
Unfortunately, a few errors crept in during printing and there were confusions in the captions in the article on the stone anchor stock. Therefore these have been corrected here.