Música y estudios americanos (MUSAM / SEdeM)
La Comisión de Trabajo “Música y Estudios Americanos” (MUSAM) pretende reunir a todos los investigadores de la Sociedad Española de Musicología interesados en el estudio de la música americana desde su más amplia perspectiva geográfica, cronológica y conceptual, haciendo especial énfasis en los procesos de contacto e intercambio con el mundo ibérico en un contexto europeo. Aunque desde la musicología española ha habido notables esfuerzos en las últimas décadas por analizar la cultura musical española y sus interacciones con la americana de una manera integrada (siendo los principales logros el Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana de la SGAE y la reciente Historia de la música en España e Hispanoamérica del Fondo de Cultura Económica), no existe en España ningún espacio científico específico que aglutine a los musicólogos interesados en temáticas americanistas.
La creación de esta Comisión es un reflejo de la creciente atención que la extensa y plural cultura musical del continente americano viene despertando en nuestro país y tiene como principal objetivo la promoción y la articulación de investigaciones y actividades académicas en torno a las tradiciones musicales de las Américas, subrayando tanto los elementos comunes como los particularismos locales, todo ello en un entorno globalizado. De esta manera, se pretende no sólo reforzar los fines asociativos de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, sino también establecer una red de discusión, reflexión y cooperación musicológica de marcado carácter internacional que contribuya a reducir la lejanía de la musicología española con respecto a las músicas americanas.
La vocación de la Comisión es integradora y el concepto de “estudios americanos” se utiliza en su acepción continental más completa y desprejuiciada: no se establecen discriminaciones entre los diversos conglomerados étnicos y culturales (ya sean de aborígenes o de raíz anglosajona, latina o africana), los distintos periodos históricos (América antigua, América colonial, América republicana, América contemporánea), las distintas clases de música (docta, folklórica, tradicional, popular urbana, con sus consiguientes cruces e hibridismos), ni tampoco entre los métodos de análisis adoptados (desde enfoques más tradicionales hasta las teorías postcoloniales, pasando por los estudios transatlánticos). El espíritu que alienta la Comisión es, en definitiva, abarcador e interdisciplinar, y promueve el máximo interés por la riqueza y diversidad de manifestaciones musicales continentales.
La creación de esta Comisión es un reflejo de la creciente atención que la extensa y plural cultura musical del continente americano viene despertando en nuestro país y tiene como principal objetivo la promoción y la articulación de investigaciones y actividades académicas en torno a las tradiciones musicales de las Américas, subrayando tanto los elementos comunes como los particularismos locales, todo ello en un entorno globalizado. De esta manera, se pretende no sólo reforzar los fines asociativos de la Sociedad Española de Musicología, sino también establecer una red de discusión, reflexión y cooperación musicológica de marcado carácter internacional que contribuya a reducir la lejanía de la musicología española con respecto a las músicas americanas.
La vocación de la Comisión es integradora y el concepto de “estudios americanos” se utiliza en su acepción continental más completa y desprejuiciada: no se establecen discriminaciones entre los diversos conglomerados étnicos y culturales (ya sean de aborígenes o de raíz anglosajona, latina o africana), los distintos periodos históricos (América antigua, América colonial, América republicana, América contemporánea), las distintas clases de música (docta, folklórica, tradicional, popular urbana, con sus consiguientes cruces e hibridismos), ni tampoco entre los métodos de análisis adoptados (desde enfoques más tradicionales hasta las teorías postcoloniales, pasando por los estudios transatlánticos). El espíritu que alienta la Comisión es, en definitiva, abarcador e interdisciplinar, y promueve el máximo interés por la riqueza y diversidad de manifestaciones musicales continentales.
Related Authors
Javier Marín-López
Universidad de Jaén
André Gaby
UFPA - Federal University of Pará
Paulo Castagna
Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho"
Montserrat Capelán
University of Santiago de Compostela
Margarita Pearce Pérez
Universidad de La Laguna
Juan José Pastor Comín
University of Castilla-La Mancha
Díez-Canedo María
UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Miriam Escudero Suastegui
University of Havana
Book Reviews by Música y estudios americanos (MUSAM / SEdeM)
Un ensayo de Emilio Casares preludia el corpus de trabajos que conforman el libro. Su relato en primera persona, en buena parte autobiográfico, refiere de manera pormenorizada la génesis y el devenir de las relaciones musicológicas entre España e Hispanoamérica en los tres últimos decenios, y documenta ciertos hitos importantes que ayudaron a integrar nuestra gran comunidad musical y musicológica iberoamericana.
Books (author & editor) by Música y estudios americanos (MUSAM / SEdeM)
En concreto, los diversos capítulos, firmados por investigadores de Argentina, Austria, Brasil, Chile, España, Estados Unidos, México, Portugal y Puerto Rico, analizan cómo la existencia de rutas de comunicación moldeó la movilidad de músicos, repertorios, prácticas e ideologías, configurando una dinámica y compleja estructura reticular que permite entender el universo sonoro iberoamericano como parte de un conjunto interaccionado.
Conferences (Call for Papers & Programs) by Música y estudios americanos (MUSAM / SEdeM)
intercambios y apropiaciones múltiples, como consecuencia de los masivos procesos de migración en, desde y hacia el continente americano a lo largo de su historia. La consiguiente desterritorialización, fragmentación, reterritorialización y producción de nuevas prácticas sonoras configura un objeto disciplinario complejo y multidimensional condicionado no sólo por innovaciones tecnológicas globalizantes, sino también por nuevas formas de sensibilidad y recepción. Así, las categorías ideales de autenticidad, hibridación y transculturalidad, en tanto retóricas identitarias, estéticas y políticas y espacio discursivo de negociación entre lo ajeno y lo propio, han articulado intersecciones históricas y discursos historiográficos que es necesario revisitar críticamente. Este congreso propone el estudio de las músicas iberoamericanas entendidas como un doble discurso que incluye tanto la
expresión de los cruces, encuentros e hibridaciones sonoras de su tiempo, como los relatos que tratan de explicarla o subsumirla dentro de proyectos ideológico-culturales a lo largo del tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva tienen cabida los discursos individuales o grupales, sus componentes y engarces socioculturales, así como las interpretaciones y resignificaciones que se proponen o imponen desde las instituciones, los espacios de poder cultural, la historiografía y la crítica, entre otras.
Para ello, se prestará especial atención a elementos poco trabajados o susceptibles de una nueva mirada como: las relaciones musicales entre países y regiones americanas, el establecimiento de rutas y circuitos en/desde/hacia las Américas, la reflexión sobre el quehacer musicológico en Iberoamérica o el empleo de la interdisciplinariedad y los medios digitales en nuestra aproximación a una realidad plural y en cambio constante. De este modo, pretendemos derribar algunas barreras que no solo consideramos artificiales sino también inoperantes, como la existente entre musicología y etnomusicología, entre musicología histórica y práctica performativa o, incluso, entre las culturas musicales luso-brasileña e hispano-americana, virtualmente “desconectadas”. Al mismo tiempo, este Congreso servirá para reforzar los vínculos entre investigadores interesados en el estudio de la música iberoamericana desde una perspectiva trasatlántica y globalizada.
Those interested in participating in the III MUSAM Conference can send their proposals on the following topics (or others close to the general scope of the conference):
- Music and migrations in/from/to Ibero-America: sources, methodologies and historiographical problems.
- Circulation, reception and transformation of repertoires, genres, instruments and musical and choreographic techniques in Ibero-America.
- Processes of territorialisation of the Ibero-American space and their impact on the musical sphere
- Creation of transatlantic music circuits and markets: paths, routes and tours
- Patterns of musical circulation within Ibero-America
- Musical relations between insular and continental spaces
- Connections between the Portuguese-Brazilian and Hispano-American spaces: Iberian Americas
- New disciplinary routes: the performance and recording of Ibero-American repertoires as an object of musicological study
- Digital musicology: possible applications to the study of Ibero-American music.
The modalities of presentations are: oral communication and recital-communication. Both modalities will have 20 minutes of presentation.
Papers proposals must include:
- Title and abstract (maximum 200 words); in the case of recital communications, an artistic production will be presented, explicitly the result of own academic research, including the live performance of the work/s and a commented abstract. Preference will be given to proposals involving historical revivals.
- Institutional affiliation (if applicable)
- Short CV (maximum 150 words)
- Modality of communication (paper/oral communication or recital-communication)
- Author’s e-mail address
- Audiovisual media and other technical requirements
Proposals should be sent to Belén Vega, MUSAM secretary, at the following email address: musam@sedem.es
Deadline for submission of proposals: 5 June 2021
Resolution of accepted proposals: 5 July 2021
The official languages of the Conference are: Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and English.
The organisation does not cover travel, board and lodging expenses. We understand that some international presenters may not be able to travel to Santiago de Compostela to present their research, mainly due to financial or health constraints. For certain cases, participation via videoconference may be considered.
In order to obtain the corresponding certificate of participation, speakers must present their paper in person.
Montserrat Capelán (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Javier Marín-López (University of Jaén)
Consuelo Carredano (UNAM/Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas)
David Cranmer (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/CESEM)
Victoria Eli Rodríguez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Marita Fornaro (Universidad de la República, Montevideo)
Javier Garbayo (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Beatriz Martínez del Fresno (Universidad de Oviedo)
Alberto Pacheco (Universidade Federal do Río de Janeiro)
Carlos Villanueva (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Leonardo J. Waisman (CONICET, Argentina)
María Victoria Arjona (Universidad de Granada)
Javier Gándara (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Ana María Liberal (Instituto Politécnico de Porto)
Yolanda López (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Iván César Morales (Universidad de Oviedo)
Edite Rocha (Universidade de Minas Gerais)
Ilduara Vicente Franqueira (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Belén Vega Pichaco (Universidad de La Rioja)
The most significant parallel activities will be the following:
1. Faculty of Geography and History will host an exhibition with a selection of the most important American musical materials conserved in the Biblioteca América of Compostela and with reproductions of some of the instruments from the Pórtico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago.
2. Concerts:
- Real Filharmonía de Galicia: programme with American repertoire from the 19th and 20th centuries. Conductor: Joana Carneiro.
- Chamber group of Manuel Vilas, who will play a harp from Huachacalla (Bolivia).
3. Guided visit to the recently restored Portico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago.
A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published.
To participate in the Conference, one of the following fees must be paid:
- Participants: 50 euros
- Students, MUSAM members and participants without communication: 30 euros.
The payment should be made to the SEdeM account:
IBAN: ES88.2100.3477.9322.0009.7194
Please indicate “III MUSAM Conference” and the name of the participant.
The intense migratory movement that began centuries ago and goes on until today is one of the most influential phenomena on the musical evolution of the countries of the Americas. The continuous migratory flows in, from and towards the American continent, not homogeneous neither in time nor in space, have been caused by different factors: technological developments, economic and socio-political motivations, personal circumstances or artistic interests, among others. The II MUSAM International Conference aims to promote new perspectives on the study of musical migrations in its American dimension, contemplating the circulation not only of people, texts, and objects but also of practices, ideas, symbols, and discourses, with all their implications in terms of imposition, appropriation and/or cultural negotiation. The conference will focus on some aspects hitherto almost unattended, such as the creation of transnational communities through music (both in origin and destination countries), the use of oral sources (and others between writing and orality, like private correspondence), and the processes of construction of individual and collective memory, that straightly affect the way in which music from the Americas and its history are narrated, spread and recalled.
The II International Conference of the Study Group ‘Music and (Latin)American Studies’ (MUSAM) of the Spanish Society of Musicology (SEdeM) warmly encourages submissions within the following themes, although other topics are also welcome:
* Methodologies, historiographical problems, and sources for the study of migratory processes in music towards/from/in the Americas.
* Migrations of musicians: motivations and networks.
* Circulation, reception and transformation of repertoires, genres, and musical and choreographical techniques.
* Export/import of musical instruments, organological models and performance practices.
* Transnational communities and musical migration.
* Oral sources and historical interpretation.
* Interrelations between academic and popular musical repertoires.
* Familiar history, domestic spaces, and everyday life.
* Musical migration: construction of individual and collective memory.
* Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and Cultural History: interdisciplinary challenges and musical imaginaries of Americanism.
Proposals must include:
- title and abstract (ca. 200 words).
- institutional affiliation (when applicable), short bio (ca. 150 words) and e-mail.
- technical requirements.
All proposals should be sent as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .rtf) to Belén Vega, Secretary of MUSAM at musam@sedem.es
- Deadline for abstract submission: May 15, 2019
- Committee decision: June 15, 2019
- Languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English
Travel and accommodation expenses are not borne by the Conference organization. Exceptionally, the possibility of an online presentation will be considered.
Conference fee: 40€
Method of payment: Bank transfer to the SEdeM.
- Account number: ES88.2100.3477.9322.0009.7194
- Details of payment: ‘II Congreso MUSAM’
- Participant full name
Victoria Eli Rodríguez (Complutense University of Madrid)
Javier Marín López (University of Jaen)
Enrique Cámara de Landa (University of Valladolid)
Emilio Casares Rodicio (Complutense University of Madrid)
David Cranmer (Universidade Nova de Lisboa-CESEM/Caravelas)
María Gembero-Ustárroz (Mila & Fontanals Institution-CSIC, Barcelona)
Julio Ogas Jofre (University of Oviedo)
Irma Ruiz (CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Juan Francisco Sans (Central University of Venezuela)
David Andrés-Fernández (Complutense University of Madrid)
Julio Arce Bueno (Complutense University of Madrid)
María Fouz Moreno (University of Oviedo)
Fernando Palacios Mateos (Catholic University of Ecuador)
Marta Rodríguez Cuervo (Complutense University of Madrid)
Belén Vega Pichaco (University of La Rioja)
- musicology and historiography: past, present and future
- problems of periodization, canon and historical subject
- creolism, cosmopolitanism, nationalism and avant-garde
- models of patronage and spaces of musical socialization
- sources, genres and iconographic traditions
- interrelations between erudite and popular music
- processes of circulation to-from-in Mexico: music, musicians, instruments, musical and choreographic practices
- Mexico and the Iberian and American world: musical traditions in other contexts
- colonialism and postcolonialism: interdisciplinary challenges and colonial imaginaries in the 19th and 20th centuries
- performance studies: history of interpretation; discology and recording practices; historically informed performance; experimentation, embodiment, improvisation, and arrangements; concert programming; analysis and performance
- Mexican music and digital technology: electronic repositories, digitization of documentary sources, scores and recordings, metadata retrieval (MusicXML, OCR), computational processing and analysis possibilities
The conference will serve as the first academic meeting of the newly formed Study Group “Music and (Latin)American Studies” (MUSAM) of the Spanish Society of Musicology, which brings together Americanist musicologists from this scientific community. It will culminate in a series of concerts by outstanding ensembles in the field of early music, such as (among others) Il Giardino Armonico, Vandalia, Concerto 1700, Soloists of the Seville Baroque Orchestra, La Fontegara, Capella Prolationum & La Danserye, and Forma Antiqva (from 6 to 9 December). The concerts will take place in venues of historical and artistic interest in Úbeda and Baeza, World Heritage cities, within the framework of the XXI Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza.
In 1917, the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States—still in force today—was promulgated. That year also witnessed the publication of the first history of music in Mexico: El arte musical en México by Alba Herrera y Ogazón. The year 1917 is, therefore, not only the starting point of a new Mexican constitutionalism but also that of the nascent historiography of Mexican music. In addition, it is a point of arrival that allows us to pose, in contrast to traditional historical narratives, a retrospective view of Mexican music from that time back to 1517, when the expedition of the Andalusian conquistador Francisco Hernández de Córdoba reached the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. The commemoration of both centenaries is an opportunity to reflect critically on the history of music in creole New Spain and independent Mexico, its practices, actors and discourses, their common elements and their differential characteristics in the broader framework of the musical traditions of Iberia and the Americas. At the same time, the conference aims to promote new perspectives of study in relation to Mexican music from three current paradigms: postcolonial criticism, performance studies and digital musicology.
The conference will serve as the first academic meeting of the newly formed Study Group “Music and (Latin)American Studies” (MUSAM) of the Spanish Society of Musicology, which brings together Americanist musicologists from this scientific community. It will culminate in a series of concerts by outstanding ensembles in the field of early music, such as (among others) Il Giardino Armonico, Vandalia, Concerto 1700, Soloists of the Seville Baroque Orchestra, La Fontegara, Capella Prolationum & La Danserye, and Forma Antiqva (from 6 to 9 December). The concerts will take place in venues of historical and artistic interest in Úbeda and Baeza, World Heritage cities, within the framework of the XXI Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza.
We welcome the presentation of individual or collective proposals of papers, thematic sessions, round tables, workshops or conferences-concerts on the following topics concerning Mexican music from the 16th to the 20th centuries:
* Musicology and historiography: past, present and future
* Problems of periodization, canon and historical subject
* Creolism, cosmopolitanism, nationalism and avant-garde
* Models of patronage and spaces of musical socialization
* Sources, genres and iconographic traditions
* Interrelations between erudite and popular music
* Processes of circulation to-from-in Mexico: music, musicians, instruments, musical and choreographic practices
* Mexico and the Iberian and American world: musical traditions in other contexts
* Colonialism and postcolonialism: interdisciplinary challenges and colonial imaginaries in the 19th and 20th centuries
* Performance studies: history of interpretation; discology and recording practices; historically informed performance; experimentation, embodiment, improvisation, and arrangements; concert programming; analysis and performance
* Mexican music and digital technology: electronic repositories, digitization of documentary sources, scores and recordings, metadata retrieval (MusicXML, OCR), computational processing and analysis possibilities
Proposals should include:
- title of the proposal and summary (250-300 words)
- institutional affiliation (if applicable), brief biography and electronic address of the author (ca. 150 words)
- audiovisual media or other technical requirements
Proposals should be submitted as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .rtf) to Belén Vega, secretary of MUSAM (musam@sedem.es):
- Deadline for submission of proposals: 3 September 2017
- Deadline for notification of accepted proposals: 17 September 2017
- Official languages of the Congress: Spanish and English
The organization does not pay for travel or lodging expenses, although it will offer accommodation possibilities in the Residence of the University to those interested.
We understand that some international researchers may not be able to travel to Baeza to present their research, mainly due to financial restrictions. In certain cases, the possibility of participation through videoconference may be considered.
- International University of Andalusia, Baeza (Spain)
- Study Group “Music and (Latin)American Studies” (MUSAM), Spanish Society of Musicology
- Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza (member of REMA and FestClásica, and EFFE Label 2017-2018)
Javier Marín López (University of Jaén / Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza)*
- Yael Bitran Goren (National Center of Musical Research, Documentation and Information Carlos Chávez, Mexico City)
- Walter Aaron Clark (University of California, Riverside)*
- Drew Edward Davies (Northwestern University, Evantson)
- Lucero Enríquez (Institute of Aesthetics Research, UNAM)*
- Armando Gómez Rivas (National Conservatorium of Music, Mexico City)
- John Koegel (California State University, Fullerton)
- Ricardo Miranda (National Center of Musical Research, Documentation and Information Carlos Chávez, Mexico City)
- Carmen Cecilia Piñero Gil (ComuArte-Spain)*
- Evguenia Roubina (National School of Music, UNAM, Mexico City)*
- Carlos Villanueva Abelairas (University of Santiago de Compostela)*
David Andrés-Fernández (University of Castilla-La Mancha)*
Maria Luísa Castilho (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco / CESEM)*
Belén Vega Pichaco (University of Oviedo)*
(*) MUSAM Study Group Members (SEdeM)
For more information, please contact with: musam@sedem.es
Books by Música y estudios americanos (MUSAM / SEdeM)
Un ensayo de Emilio Casares preludia el corpus de trabajos que conforman el libro. Su relato en primera persona, en buena parte autobiográfico, refiere de manera pormenorizada la génesis y el devenir de las relaciones musicológicas entre España e Hispanoamérica en los tres últimos decenios, y documenta ciertos hitos importantes que ayudaron a integrar nuestra gran comunidad musical y musicológica iberoamericana.
En concreto, los diversos capítulos, firmados por investigadores de Argentina, Austria, Brasil, Chile, España, Estados Unidos, México, Portugal y Puerto Rico, analizan cómo la existencia de rutas de comunicación moldeó la movilidad de músicos, repertorios, prácticas e ideologías, configurando una dinámica y compleja estructura reticular que permite entender el universo sonoro iberoamericano como parte de un conjunto interaccionado.
intercambios y apropiaciones múltiples, como consecuencia de los masivos procesos de migración en, desde y hacia el continente americano a lo largo de su historia. La consiguiente desterritorialización, fragmentación, reterritorialización y producción de nuevas prácticas sonoras configura un objeto disciplinario complejo y multidimensional condicionado no sólo por innovaciones tecnológicas globalizantes, sino también por nuevas formas de sensibilidad y recepción. Así, las categorías ideales de autenticidad, hibridación y transculturalidad, en tanto retóricas identitarias, estéticas y políticas y espacio discursivo de negociación entre lo ajeno y lo propio, han articulado intersecciones históricas y discursos historiográficos que es necesario revisitar críticamente. Este congreso propone el estudio de las músicas iberoamericanas entendidas como un doble discurso que incluye tanto la
expresión de los cruces, encuentros e hibridaciones sonoras de su tiempo, como los relatos que tratan de explicarla o subsumirla dentro de proyectos ideológico-culturales a lo largo del tiempo. Desde esta perspectiva tienen cabida los discursos individuales o grupales, sus componentes y engarces socioculturales, así como las interpretaciones y resignificaciones que se proponen o imponen desde las instituciones, los espacios de poder cultural, la historiografía y la crítica, entre otras.
Para ello, se prestará especial atención a elementos poco trabajados o susceptibles de una nueva mirada como: las relaciones musicales entre países y regiones americanas, el establecimiento de rutas y circuitos en/desde/hacia las Américas, la reflexión sobre el quehacer musicológico en Iberoamérica o el empleo de la interdisciplinariedad y los medios digitales en nuestra aproximación a una realidad plural y en cambio constante. De este modo, pretendemos derribar algunas barreras que no solo consideramos artificiales sino también inoperantes, como la existente entre musicología y etnomusicología, entre musicología histórica y práctica performativa o, incluso, entre las culturas musicales luso-brasileña e hispano-americana, virtualmente “desconectadas”. Al mismo tiempo, este Congreso servirá para reforzar los vínculos entre investigadores interesados en el estudio de la música iberoamericana desde una perspectiva trasatlántica y globalizada.
Those interested in participating in the III MUSAM Conference can send their proposals on the following topics (or others close to the general scope of the conference):
- Music and migrations in/from/to Ibero-America: sources, methodologies and historiographical problems.
- Circulation, reception and transformation of repertoires, genres, instruments and musical and choreographic techniques in Ibero-America.
- Processes of territorialisation of the Ibero-American space and their impact on the musical sphere
- Creation of transatlantic music circuits and markets: paths, routes and tours
- Patterns of musical circulation within Ibero-America
- Musical relations between insular and continental spaces
- Connections between the Portuguese-Brazilian and Hispano-American spaces: Iberian Americas
- New disciplinary routes: the performance and recording of Ibero-American repertoires as an object of musicological study
- Digital musicology: possible applications to the study of Ibero-American music.
The modalities of presentations are: oral communication and recital-communication. Both modalities will have 20 minutes of presentation.
Papers proposals must include:
- Title and abstract (maximum 200 words); in the case of recital communications, an artistic production will be presented, explicitly the result of own academic research, including the live performance of the work/s and a commented abstract. Preference will be given to proposals involving historical revivals.
- Institutional affiliation (if applicable)
- Short CV (maximum 150 words)
- Modality of communication (paper/oral communication or recital-communication)
- Author’s e-mail address
- Audiovisual media and other technical requirements
Proposals should be sent to Belén Vega, MUSAM secretary, at the following email address: musam@sedem.es
Deadline for submission of proposals: 5 June 2021
Resolution of accepted proposals: 5 July 2021
The official languages of the Conference are: Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and English.
The organisation does not cover travel, board and lodging expenses. We understand that some international presenters may not be able to travel to Santiago de Compostela to present their research, mainly due to financial or health constraints. For certain cases, participation via videoconference may be considered.
In order to obtain the corresponding certificate of participation, speakers must present their paper in person.
Montserrat Capelán (University of Santiago de Compostela)
Javier Marín-López (University of Jaén)
Consuelo Carredano (UNAM/Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas)
David Cranmer (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/CESEM)
Victoria Eli Rodríguez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Marita Fornaro (Universidad de la República, Montevideo)
Javier Garbayo (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Beatriz Martínez del Fresno (Universidad de Oviedo)
Alberto Pacheco (Universidade Federal do Río de Janeiro)
Carlos Villanueva (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Leonardo J. Waisman (CONICET, Argentina)
María Victoria Arjona (Universidad de Granada)
Javier Gándara (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Ana María Liberal (Instituto Politécnico de Porto)
Yolanda López (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Iván César Morales (Universidad de Oviedo)
Edite Rocha (Universidade de Minas Gerais)
Ilduara Vicente Franqueira (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Belén Vega Pichaco (Universidad de La Rioja)
The most significant parallel activities will be the following:
1. Faculty of Geography and History will host an exhibition with a selection of the most important American musical materials conserved in the Biblioteca América of Compostela and with reproductions of some of the instruments from the Pórtico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago.
2. Concerts:
- Real Filharmonía de Galicia: programme with American repertoire from the 19th and 20th centuries. Conductor: Joana Carneiro.
- Chamber group of Manuel Vilas, who will play a harp from Huachacalla (Bolivia).
3. Guided visit to the recently restored Portico de la Gloria of the Cathedral of Santiago.
A selection of the papers presented at the conference will be published.
To participate in the Conference, one of the following fees must be paid:
- Participants: 50 euros
- Students, MUSAM members and participants without communication: 30 euros.
The payment should be made to the SEdeM account:
IBAN: ES88.2100.3477.9322.0009.7194
Please indicate “III MUSAM Conference” and the name of the participant.
The intense migratory movement that began centuries ago and goes on until today is one of the most influential phenomena on the musical evolution of the countries of the Americas. The continuous migratory flows in, from and towards the American continent, not homogeneous neither in time nor in space, have been caused by different factors: technological developments, economic and socio-political motivations, personal circumstances or artistic interests, among others. The II MUSAM International Conference aims to promote new perspectives on the study of musical migrations in its American dimension, contemplating the circulation not only of people, texts, and objects but also of practices, ideas, symbols, and discourses, with all their implications in terms of imposition, appropriation and/or cultural negotiation. The conference will focus on some aspects hitherto almost unattended, such as the creation of transnational communities through music (both in origin and destination countries), the use of oral sources (and others between writing and orality, like private correspondence), and the processes of construction of individual and collective memory, that straightly affect the way in which music from the Americas and its history are narrated, spread and recalled.
The II International Conference of the Study Group ‘Music and (Latin)American Studies’ (MUSAM) of the Spanish Society of Musicology (SEdeM) warmly encourages submissions within the following themes, although other topics are also welcome:
* Methodologies, historiographical problems, and sources for the study of migratory processes in music towards/from/in the Americas.
* Migrations of musicians: motivations and networks.
* Circulation, reception and transformation of repertoires, genres, and musical and choreographical techniques.
* Export/import of musical instruments, organological models and performance practices.
* Transnational communities and musical migration.
* Oral sources and historical interpretation.
* Interrelations between academic and popular musical repertoires.
* Familiar history, domestic spaces, and everyday life.
* Musical migration: construction of individual and collective memory.
* Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and Cultural History: interdisciplinary challenges and musical imaginaries of Americanism.
Proposals must include:
- title and abstract (ca. 200 words).
- institutional affiliation (when applicable), short bio (ca. 150 words) and e-mail.
- technical requirements.
All proposals should be sent as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .rtf) to Belén Vega, Secretary of MUSAM at musam@sedem.es
- Deadline for abstract submission: May 15, 2019
- Committee decision: June 15, 2019
- Languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English
Travel and accommodation expenses are not borne by the Conference organization. Exceptionally, the possibility of an online presentation will be considered.
Conference fee: 40€
Method of payment: Bank transfer to the SEdeM.
- Account number: ES88.2100.3477.9322.0009.7194
- Details of payment: ‘II Congreso MUSAM’
- Participant full name
Victoria Eli Rodríguez (Complutense University of Madrid)
Javier Marín López (University of Jaen)
Enrique Cámara de Landa (University of Valladolid)
Emilio Casares Rodicio (Complutense University of Madrid)
David Cranmer (Universidade Nova de Lisboa-CESEM/Caravelas)
María Gembero-Ustárroz (Mila & Fontanals Institution-CSIC, Barcelona)
Julio Ogas Jofre (University of Oviedo)
Irma Ruiz (CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Juan Francisco Sans (Central University of Venezuela)
David Andrés-Fernández (Complutense University of Madrid)
Julio Arce Bueno (Complutense University of Madrid)
María Fouz Moreno (University of Oviedo)
Fernando Palacios Mateos (Catholic University of Ecuador)
Marta Rodríguez Cuervo (Complutense University of Madrid)
Belén Vega Pichaco (University of La Rioja)
- musicology and historiography: past, present and future
- problems of periodization, canon and historical subject
- creolism, cosmopolitanism, nationalism and avant-garde
- models of patronage and spaces of musical socialization
- sources, genres and iconographic traditions
- interrelations between erudite and popular music
- processes of circulation to-from-in Mexico: music, musicians, instruments, musical and choreographic practices
- Mexico and the Iberian and American world: musical traditions in other contexts
- colonialism and postcolonialism: interdisciplinary challenges and colonial imaginaries in the 19th and 20th centuries
- performance studies: history of interpretation; discology and recording practices; historically informed performance; experimentation, embodiment, improvisation, and arrangements; concert programming; analysis and performance
- Mexican music and digital technology: electronic repositories, digitization of documentary sources, scores and recordings, metadata retrieval (MusicXML, OCR), computational processing and analysis possibilities
The conference will serve as the first academic meeting of the newly formed Study Group “Music and (Latin)American Studies” (MUSAM) of the Spanish Society of Musicology, which brings together Americanist musicologists from this scientific community. It will culminate in a series of concerts by outstanding ensembles in the field of early music, such as (among others) Il Giardino Armonico, Vandalia, Concerto 1700, Soloists of the Seville Baroque Orchestra, La Fontegara, Capella Prolationum & La Danserye, and Forma Antiqva (from 6 to 9 December). The concerts will take place in venues of historical and artistic interest in Úbeda and Baeza, World Heritage cities, within the framework of the XXI Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza.
In 1917, the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States—still in force today—was promulgated. That year also witnessed the publication of the first history of music in Mexico: El arte musical en México by Alba Herrera y Ogazón. The year 1917 is, therefore, not only the starting point of a new Mexican constitutionalism but also that of the nascent historiography of Mexican music. In addition, it is a point of arrival that allows us to pose, in contrast to traditional historical narratives, a retrospective view of Mexican music from that time back to 1517, when the expedition of the Andalusian conquistador Francisco Hernández de Córdoba reached the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. The commemoration of both centenaries is an opportunity to reflect critically on the history of music in creole New Spain and independent Mexico, its practices, actors and discourses, their common elements and their differential characteristics in the broader framework of the musical traditions of Iberia and the Americas. At the same time, the conference aims to promote new perspectives of study in relation to Mexican music from three current paradigms: postcolonial criticism, performance studies and digital musicology.
The conference will serve as the first academic meeting of the newly formed Study Group “Music and (Latin)American Studies” (MUSAM) of the Spanish Society of Musicology, which brings together Americanist musicologists from this scientific community. It will culminate in a series of concerts by outstanding ensembles in the field of early music, such as (among others) Il Giardino Armonico, Vandalia, Concerto 1700, Soloists of the Seville Baroque Orchestra, La Fontegara, Capella Prolationum & La Danserye, and Forma Antiqva (from 6 to 9 December). The concerts will take place in venues of historical and artistic interest in Úbeda and Baeza, World Heritage cities, within the framework of the XXI Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza.
We welcome the presentation of individual or collective proposals of papers, thematic sessions, round tables, workshops or conferences-concerts on the following topics concerning Mexican music from the 16th to the 20th centuries:
* Musicology and historiography: past, present and future
* Problems of periodization, canon and historical subject
* Creolism, cosmopolitanism, nationalism and avant-garde
* Models of patronage and spaces of musical socialization
* Sources, genres and iconographic traditions
* Interrelations between erudite and popular music
* Processes of circulation to-from-in Mexico: music, musicians, instruments, musical and choreographic practices
* Mexico and the Iberian and American world: musical traditions in other contexts
* Colonialism and postcolonialism: interdisciplinary challenges and colonial imaginaries in the 19th and 20th centuries
* Performance studies: history of interpretation; discology and recording practices; historically informed performance; experimentation, embodiment, improvisation, and arrangements; concert programming; analysis and performance
* Mexican music and digital technology: electronic repositories, digitization of documentary sources, scores and recordings, metadata retrieval (MusicXML, OCR), computational processing and analysis possibilities
Proposals should include:
- title of the proposal and summary (250-300 words)
- institutional affiliation (if applicable), brief biography and electronic address of the author (ca. 150 words)
- audiovisual media or other technical requirements
Proposals should be submitted as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .rtf) to Belén Vega, secretary of MUSAM (musam@sedem.es):
- Deadline for submission of proposals: 3 September 2017
- Deadline for notification of accepted proposals: 17 September 2017
- Official languages of the Congress: Spanish and English
The organization does not pay for travel or lodging expenses, although it will offer accommodation possibilities in the Residence of the University to those interested.
We understand that some international researchers may not be able to travel to Baeza to present their research, mainly due to financial restrictions. In certain cases, the possibility of participation through videoconference may be considered.
- International University of Andalusia, Baeza (Spain)
- Study Group “Music and (Latin)American Studies” (MUSAM), Spanish Society of Musicology
- Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza (member of REMA and FestClásica, and EFFE Label 2017-2018)
Javier Marín López (University of Jaén / Early Music Festival of Úbeda & Baeza)*
- Yael Bitran Goren (National Center of Musical Research, Documentation and Information Carlos Chávez, Mexico City)
- Walter Aaron Clark (University of California, Riverside)*
- Drew Edward Davies (Northwestern University, Evantson)
- Lucero Enríquez (Institute of Aesthetics Research, UNAM)*
- Armando Gómez Rivas (National Conservatorium of Music, Mexico City)
- John Koegel (California State University, Fullerton)
- Ricardo Miranda (National Center of Musical Research, Documentation and Information Carlos Chávez, Mexico City)
- Carmen Cecilia Piñero Gil (ComuArte-Spain)*
- Evguenia Roubina (National School of Music, UNAM, Mexico City)*
- Carlos Villanueva Abelairas (University of Santiago de Compostela)*
David Andrés-Fernández (University of Castilla-La Mancha)*
Maria Luísa Castilho (Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco / CESEM)*
Belén Vega Pichaco (University of Oviedo)*
(*) MUSAM Study Group Members (SEdeM)
For more information, please contact with: musam@sedem.es