
RankWorks In-Site — Плагин для WordPress | Русский

RankWorks In-Site


RankWorks Behavioural Analytics plugin allows you to create an account and connect your website to our platform. Our unique AI recommendation model analyzes hundreds of data points to provide you with the next best actions to boost your online presence and digital marketing performance.

Our system centralizes:

  1. Website behavioral metrics to understand visitor behaviors
  2. Google Business Profile reputation management
  3. Social media management including post creation and scheduling.
  4. Advertising Campaigns aggregation across platforms

Everything in one place saving your business time and money.

To learn more about what RankWorks can do to help grow your business online visit

Third Party Service

Create an account of Rankworks’s plugin endpoint.
Our plugin uses to help users create a New User Account, GA4 Metrics tokens, service areas and business categories.
Privacy Policy:


  1. Install Rankworks AI Behavioral Analytics Platform plugin either via the plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress
  3. Fill out the account creation form and submit to create a user account on platform and collect metrics to display on our AI driven dashboard. =

Часто задаваемые вопросы

How does this platform help with SEO?

The RankWorks platform compares your website to competitors, analyzing visitor behavior with AI to identify gaps and suggest actions to improve using crowd-sourced insights.

How does this help my business?

Using the RankWorks in-site platform saves businesses time and money by automating competitor analysis and website performance evaluation. It quickly identifies gaps and provides actionable insights, reducing the need for costly consultants and extensive resources. By consolidating all online visibility tools into one platform, RankWorks further streamlines the process, saving time, minimizing errors, and maximizing the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of marketing efforts.


I’ve been able to get all conversion metrics visible in one spot including my ads in one place. I’m curious to see what recommendations the AI gives as it learns more about my site.
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Журнал изменений

1.0.0 — 2024-07-20

  • First release!