
Facebook for WooCommerce — Плагин для WordPress | Русский

Facebook for WooCommerce


This is the official Facebook for WooCommerce plugin that connects your WooCommerce website to Facebook. With this plugin, you can install the Facebook pixel, and upload your online store catalog, enabling you to easily run dynamic ads.

Маркетинг в Facebook помогает вашему бизнесу устанавливать прочные отношения с людьми, находить новых клиентов и увеличивать продажи вашего интернет-магазина. С помощью этого расширения для рекламы в Facebook можно легко найти людей, которые наиболее важны для вашего бизнеса. Это расширение позволяет отслеживать результаты рекламы на разных устройствах. Оно также поможет вам:

  • Максимальное повышение эффективности кампаний. Настроив пиксель Facebook и сформировав свою аудиторию, вы оптимизируете рекламу для людей, которые, скорее всего, купят ваши товары, и будете обращаться к людям с релевантной рекламой на Facebook после того, как они посетят ваш сайт.
  • Найдите больше покупателей. Подключение каталога товаров автоматически создает рекламную карусель, которая демонстрирует продаваемые товары и привлекает больше покупателей на ваш сайт.
  • Генерируйте продажи среди посетителей вашего сайта. Установив пиксель Facebook и подключив каталог товаров, вы сможете использовать динамическую рекламу, чтобы обращаться к покупателям, когда они находятся на Facebook, с объявлениями о товарах, которые они просматривали на вашем сайте. Эта функция будет включена в будущий выпуск Facebook для WooCommerce.


If you believe you have found a security vulnerability on Facebook, we encourage you to let us know right away. We investigate all legitimate reports and do our best to quickly fix the problem. Before reporting, please review this page, which includes our responsible disclosure policy and reward guideline. You can submit bugs here or contact advertising support here.

When opening a bug on GitHub, please give us as many details as possible.

  • Symptoms of your problem
  • Screenshot, if possible
  • Your Facebook page URL
  • Your website URL
  • Current version of Facebook-for-WooCommerce, WooCommerce, WordPress, PHP


Visit the Facebook Help Center here.


20.08.2024 3 ответа
Ho utilizzato questo plugin per un anno, con notevoli difficoltà sia per quanto riguarda la configurazione che risulta essere molto complessa e articolata in modo che fai le cose senza capire esattamente a cosa servono, ma anche complicato da gestire. Spesso risultano errori di vario tipo e pubblicazioni di prodotti non riuscite. Se poi, come me gestite un sito multilingua, lasciate perdere, non aspettatevi di poter pubblicare i vostri prodotti in ogni lingua. Oggi, dopo aver appreso che Facebook non mostra più i prodotti al pubblico, ho disattivato tutto. NON PERDERE TEMPO CON QUESTO PLUGIN — MEGLIO ORIENTARSI SU STRATEGIE DI MARKETING PIÙ PRODUTTIVE. PENSO CHE ABBANDONERÒ FACEBOOK PERCHÈ SEMBRA OSTACOLARE IN OGNI MODO CHIUNQUE NON SIA DISPOSTO A PAGARE PER I LORO SERVIZI PUBBLICITARI!
14.07.2024 1 ответ
It doesn’t even deserve one star. It conflicts with many plugins that previously worked in harmony and disrupts their functions. I can’t even update Wordpress, WooCommerce and other plugins because of this. I have to deactivate this plugin before every update, otherwise I see the «update failed» error! Not to mention that Pixel cannot collect all the data correctly. YOU HAVE TO DO MUCH BETTER!
07.07.2024 1 ответ
The integration with Facebook for WooCommerce was not successful. It is very difficult to integrate.
29.06.2024 1 ответ
Terrible plugin for integration. It does not recognize the stock even if you have maintain inventory checked on Woocommerce. It uploads to the shop as 0 product to sell, says sold out.
08.05.2024 1 ответ
There was an issue with version 3.2.0 breaking wp dashboard admin area. Send them a message and within a few hours they fixed it and released 3.2.1. Can’t tell much about the plugin itself though since I was just fixing this particular issue for a client. Many thanks team for your prompt support.
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Журнал изменений

3.2.9 — 2024-09-12

  • Break — Removes WooCommerce navigation items.
  • Tweak — WC 9.3 compatibility.

3.2.8 — 2024-09-03

  • Update — Access Token retrieval procedure.
  • Update — Use get_title() for content_name to match catalog name.

3.2.7 — 2024-08-13

  • Dev — Updated phpcs ruleset.
  • Fix — Update failing due to undefined constant error in Lifecycle.
  • Tweak — WC 9.2 compatibility.

3.2.6 — 2024-07-23

  • Add — Filter facebook_for_woocommerce_fb_product_description.
  • Fix — Remove deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING usage.
  • Tweak — Align PHP require version to composer.json.

3.2.5 — 2024-07-10

  • Tweak — WC 9.1 compatibility.
  • Tweak — WP 6.6 compatibility.

3.2.4 — 2024-06-13

  • Dev — Adds support for wp-env.
  • Tweak — Fully remove Facebook Messenger code references.
  • Tweak — WC 9.0 compatibility.

3.2.3 — 2024-05-28

  • Add — Versioning and compatibility checks to implement support policy.
  • Fix — Errors and warnings while generating pot file.
  • Tweak — Bump Marketing API version to v20.0.
  • Tweak — Remove hidden files from build archive.

3.2.2 — 2024-05-14

  • Fix — Incorrect alert for Product Sets without excluded categories.
  • Tweak — WC 8.9 compatibility.

3.2.1 — 2024-05-07

  • Fix — Defer only AddToCart events if applicable.
  • Fix — Direct upgrade path from < 3.1.13 to ≥ 3.2.0.
  • Tweak — Adds WooCommerce as a dependency to the plugin header.
  • Tweak — Revert to domain.

3.2.0 — 2024-05-01

  • Tweak — PHP8.3 to GitHub PHPCS and Unit Tests workflows.
  • Update — Remove the sunsetted Messenger Chat feature.

3.1.15 — 2024-04-16

  • Tweak — Replace the middleware URL from to
  • Tweak — Test environment setup to resolve notice.

3.1.14 — 2024-04-03

  • Fix — Remove facebook_messenger_deprecation_warning notice on deactivation.
  • Tweak — Insert pixel-event-placeholder element via vanilla JS.
  • Tweak — WC 8.8 compatibility.

3.1.13 — 2024-03-27

  • Add — Messenger feature deprecation notices.

3.1.12 — 2024-03-19

  • Tweak — Check if condition is set before setting a default value.
  • Tweak — Updates readme.txt to meet WordPress requirements.

3.1.11 — 2024-03-12

  • Fix — Add video syncs to fbproduct.
  • Fix — Deprecation warnings with PHP 8.2.
  • Tweak — WC 8.7 compatibility.
  • Tweak — WP 6.5 compatibility.