
Commercially Supported GPL Themes | Portugal

Temas GPL com suporte comercial

While our directory is full of fantastic themes, sometimes people want to use something that they know has support behind it, and don’t mind paying for that. The GPL doesn’t say that everything must be zero-cost, just that when you receive the software it must not restrict your freedoms in how you use it.

With that in mind, here are a collection of folks who provide GPL themes with extra paid services available around them. Some of them you may pay to access, some of them are membership sites, some may give you the theme for zero-cost and just charge for support. What they all have in common is people behind them who support open source, WordPress, and its GPL license.

Quer ver a sua empresa nesta lista? Conheça os requisitos.

Lista de temas

If you would like to be included in this list please send your info to themes at wordpress dot org. To be included, you should:

  • Distribute 100% GPL themes, including artwork and CSS.
  • Have at least one theme in the Theme Directory that is actively maintained (i.e. updated within the last year).
  • Have professional support options, and optionally customization.
  • O seu site deve estar completo, bem concebido, actualizado e com aspecto profissional.
  • Forneça um endereço de email actualizado, caso um contacto se torne necessário.
  • Forneça uma descrição sobre si em formato haiku (5-7-5), para ser incluída.