Lidar com um executivo resistente em sessões de coaching. Como você pode romper suas barreiras?
Você já enfrentou um lÃder inflexÃvel durante o coaching? Compartilhe suas estratégias para navegar nessas interações desafiadoras.
Lidar com um executivo resistente em sessões de coaching. Como você pode romper suas barreiras?
Você já enfrentou um lÃder inflexÃvel durante o coaching? Compartilhe suas estratégias para navegar nessas interações desafiadoras.
Absolutely! I've encountered unyielding leaders during coaching. My strategy is to focus on their goals and find ways to align them with my approach. By framing my suggestions in a way that benefits them, I've been able to build trust and create a more collaborative environment.
Resistance in coaching often looks the same, no matter the clientâs job title. The source of that resistance, however, can differ. It may stem from an unwillingness to confront areas that require change or be directed towards you as the coach if theyâre unsure youâre the right person to help them. Thatâs why itâs essential to first take the time to truly understand the individual - what their goals and aspirations are - and then begin aligning with those. Most people crave a non-judgmental space, though they may not realise it until they experience it. When theyâre finally able to breathe, drop their shoulders, and feel safe in the relationship, thatâs when the most meaningful work begins.
Para lidar com um lÃder resistente a mudanças, comece entendendo suas preocupações e o que está causando a resistência. Comunique os benefÃcios da mudança de forma clara, destacando como ela alinha com os objetivos da organização e o bem-estar da equipe. Envolva o lÃder no processo de planejamento, permitindo que ele participe das decisões e sinta-se valorizado. Ofereça suporte com treinamento e ferramentas que facilitem a transição. Utilize exemplos concretos de sucessos anteriores e celebre pequenas conquistas durante o processo. Focar em uma abordagem empática e colaborativa ajuda a romper a resistência gradualmente.
Breaking through a resistant executiveâs barriers is like trying to unlock a door with a hidden key. At first, the door is firm, seemingly impossible to open. But rather than forcing it, you search patiently, listening for the clicks that indicate a shift. You try different approachesâgentle nudges, adjusting your angleâuntil the key fits. Slowly, the door begins to give, revealing what was once guarded. Youâre not breaking down walls; youâre finding the right key to help them open the door from within, leading them to unlock their own potential at their own pace.
To build trust and positively influence others, itâs essential to first create the optimal environment to support that. The ideal state to have someone in is engaged, curious, open and neutral. Resistance often stems from a perceived threat or an "away" response, whether the executive is aware of it or not. My approach begins with seeking to understand the underlying driver of that resistance and work to diminish that. I ask open & curious questions to help identify potential biases or assumptions & beliefs they may hold about coaching. The key is to listen, ask thoughtful questions and give them space to respond and share their perspectives. By addressing their concerns we can shift the conversation and gradually reduce resistance.
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