Sua equipe está enfrentando prioridades incertas. Como você pode comunicar efetivamente as mudanças a eles?
Navegando em um mar de mudanças de prioridades? Compartilhe como você conduz sua equipe através das marés da mudança.
Sua equipe está enfrentando prioridades incertas. Como você pode comunicar efetivamente as mudanças a eles?
Navegando em um mar de mudanças de prioridades? Compartilhe como você conduz sua equipe através das marés da mudança.
As a leader of non-profit organizations, I have faced this situation a few times but ensured that these uncertain priorities did not last long. These are great opportunities to lead from the front to clarify any uncertainties through authentic conversations with the team. These conversations can be online or face-to-face and can take various forms - Quarterly Town Hall, CEO Breakfasts, Skip-Level Discussions, etc. The end goal is a team with clarity in goals and alignment in efforts.
One thing I've found helpful is to remind your team of the company mission and vision statement. It is easiest to work through shifting priorities when you are reminded of the purpose you are trying to accomplish. After the team is on the same page you are only then able to start communicating changes to them. To effectively do so start by focusing on what is going right and segment into the changes that will be happening and why. Having an open conversation where team members can provide comments, ask questions, and voice concerns allows for a smoother transition and can help avoid potential conflicts before they occur.
The best way to handle this would be to have an effective and open communication to have everyone in alignment and on the same plateau. Clarify the reasons behind the priority changes and the expected outcomes. Identify the key stakeholders and team members who need to be informed.Schedule a meeting with the team to discuss the changes. Emphasize the need for adaptability during uncertain times. Encourage team members to stay flexible and ready to pivot as new priorities emerge. Offer to update the team moving forward this will bring reassurance that they will be well informed. Ensure the team feels comfortable asking questions or providing feedback, have one on one with them to keep the morale high.
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