
xjamesb (@xjamesb) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: January 23rd, 2014
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Works well, on the site Forums:
    I wanted to track my WooCommerce activity. This plugin…

  • Created a topic, Works well so far – test with Google Tag Assistant in Chrome, on the site Forums:
    I have installed this plugin and it works well. You ca…

  • Created a topic, Documentation request: Google Consent Mode, on the site Forums:
    Yesterday I found that Google Analytics has not record…

  • Posted a reply to Why no SPF? – surely Gmail will reject!, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your reply which quotes from the MailPoet manual on this topic. However…

  • Posted a reply to Why no SPF? – surely Gmail will reject!, on the site Forums:
    Update (+3 hours) Having read the Amazon SES documentation I now realise that adding a…

  • Created a topic, Why no SPF? – surely Gmail will reject!, on the site Forums:
    The Gmail guidance on the new authentication requireme…

  • Created a topic, Fixed: Gutenslider breaks file uploads, on the site Forums:
    Gutenslider breaks file uploads on my site because it …

  • Created a topic, Excellent plugin that does what it says, on the site Forums:
    I used this plugin to create a dashboard widget with l…

  • Posted a reply to Temporary or permanent closure?, on the site Forums:
    For many fans of this plugin non-availability here is a breaking change. It would be…

  • Created a topic, Bugs in regex searches and export to CSV, on the site Forums:
    I have raised three issues in the Github repository an…

  • Created a topic, Awesome and very safe – one feature request, on the site Forums:
    I am working on production and what I really like is t…

  • Created a topic, Is Pro version available?, on the site Forums:
    The link to the Pro version does not work. Is it avail…

  • Created a topic, Very good product, on the site Forums:
    It does what it should.

  • Created a topic, Is the Pro version GPL?, on the site Forums:
    I try to keep everything on my site GPL because I do a…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin – turn off debug using hook, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin that does what it is meant to. Should be …

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    This plug is a very good way to create and manage FAQs.

  • Created a topic, Does not work with WordPress 5.9, on the site Forums:
    I have just published a Page and a Post on WordPress 5…

  • Created a topic, Excellent plugin works perfectly, on the site Forums:
    This is an excellent plugin that works perfectly with …

  • Created a topic, Great idea – looks really good, on the site Forums:
    I am developing my own plugins and I wanted an easy wa…

  • Created a topic, Force use of SCA + Direct Payments when $disable_multivendor_checkout == ‘yes’, on the site Forums:
    I use Stripe Direct Payments. In the default WCFM Mar…

  • Posted a reply to How do I access $store_user->get_id() in a filter?, on the site Forums:
    This is a generic issue and a solution is given here, I declared a…

  • Created a topic, How do I access $store_user->get_id() in a filter?, on the site Forums:
    I want to filter the text on the Store page "About" ta…

  • Posted a reply to How do I enable Stripe Connect Direct Charges, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your great advice. Looking in the Stripe dashboard will solve my problem.…

  • Posted a reply to How do I set product permalink to include STORE_NAME, on the site Forums:
    There is help doing this here,

  • Created a topic, How do I set product permalink to include STORE_NAME, on the site Forums:
    I am migrating from a rival product. I require my use…

  • Posted a reply to How do I enable Stripe Connect Direct Charges, on the site Forums:
    I need to use Direct Charges. * Is SCA a big problem in the real…

  • Created a topic, Thank you for sharing this excellent plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hosted Stripe Checkout is important because it is guar…

  • Posted a reply to How do I enable Stripe Connect Direct Charges, on the site Forums:
    I have now found that if I disable "3D Secure and SCA" then the option…

  • Posted a reply to How do I enable Stripe Connect Direct Charges, on the site Forums:
    Please note that I do not need to split a cart. The entire payment will…

  • Created a topic, How do I enable Stripe Connect Direct Charges, on the site Forums:
    I am trying to migrate my marketplace to WCFM Stripe C…

  • Posted a reply to Stripe split payment express to standard direct charge, on the site Forums:
    Brilliant support

  • Created a topic, Great plugin and great support, on the site Forums:
    This plugin simply replaces the adhoc triggering of yo…

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: What do I do about Action Exists = “No”, on the site Forums:
    That is brilliant Chris. I suggest that you may wish to make minor changes to…

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: What do I do about Action Exists = “No”, on the site Forums:
    Yes. This is a beautiful plugin which should be great for testing. *

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: What do I do about Action Exists = “No”, on the site Forums:
    You can see the actions here. The first two come from the theme. Others come…

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: What do I do about Action Exists = “No”, on the site Forums:
    I have now read the WP-cron manual and I understand that your Cronjob Scheduler plugin…

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: What do I do about Action Exists = “No”, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the prompt reply Chris, Sorry but I am still baffled. I have the…

  • Created a topic, Urgent: What do I do about Action Exists = “No”, on the site Forums:
    I have installed cronjob scheduler and created my unix…

  • Created a topic, Brilliant, on the site Forums:
    I needed this for QR codes. It works very well.

  • Created a topic, Bug at line 105 causes server crashes when used with S2Member and other plugins, on the site Forums:
    In "WSDesk - WordPress Support Desk", the "wsdesk.php"…

  • Created a topic, Excellent – Allows you choose custom taxononies, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is superior to some others because it allo…

  • Created a topic, Use this one it works, on the site Forums:
    This simple plug works (unlike some others).

  • Posted a reply to Parent Theme bug still present, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your prompt reply. James

  • Created a topic, [Security Ninja - WordPress Security Plugin] Parent Theme bug still present, on the site Forums:
    This plugin has a nasty bug where it prompts you to au…

  • Created a topic, Ability to whitelist HTTP Methods, on the site Forums:
    I have used this plugin to prevent bad-people scrappin…

  • Created a topic, Works brilliantly and you can whitelist routes, on the site Forums:
    I needed to prevent content scrapping of my site by di…

  • Posted a reply to Getting a PHP Warning, on the site Forums:
    I tried Gray’s fix but oddly it did not work for me. This reply was…

  • Posted a reply to Getting a PHP Warning, on the site Forums:
    Fixed: It is also necessary to make the change in debug-bar.php

  • Created a topic, [Kint Debugger] 2019/01/07 Working perfectly, on the site Forums:
    My WordPress and Debug bar are upto date and this plug…

  • Created a topic, [Media Cleaner] Brilliant, on the site Forums:
    Works very well. Use the list view in Media Library to…
