
vermaakpetrus (@vermaakpetrus) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: May 9th, 2018
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  • Posted a reply to [Flexible Checkout Fields for WooCommerce - WooCommerce Checkout Manager] Fields Not Removed, on the site Forums:
    I solved it by creating an elementor checkout page. It works there but does not…

  • Created a topic, Fields Not Removed, on the site Forums:
    We use translatepress which adds the following to the …

  • Posted a reply to [Spectra - WordPress Gutenberg Blocks] Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded., on the site Forums:
    That was it! As soon as I turned it off the problem went away. Never…

  • Created a topic, Layout was forced before the page was fully loaded., on the site Forums:
    We have a custom wp-content path defined in our wp-con…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    Well this is just weird. Seems that the CSS file required has changed, and cloudflare…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    we change the path of wp-content to xxx-wp-content as a security precaution and define it…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    It's not resolved, I thought it was. I guess I have to log a new…

  • Created a topic, Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    It keeps caching my site incorrectly. Been getting the…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    It's weird. It does not happen on the clone site at all. Only on the…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    Here is a screenshot of the problem on the homepage: have disabled super cloudflare cache…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    @isaumaya, looks like there are still issues. This page always corrupts. Not the entire website…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    and when I bypass cache, it loads correctly:

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    @isaumya First off, thank you for always providing first class support. Your plugin and support…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    @isaumaya,Here is the site in question: don't think it's a css error. It was a…

  • Created a topic, Cache corrupts shotly after clearing entire cache, on the site Forums:
    It keeps caching my site incorrectly. Been getting the…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    Got it, thanks for the help!

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    Perfect! Thanks for the great support!

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    Will wildcart also work? eq "*"

  • Posted a reply to [Redis Object Cache] High IO, on the site Forums:
    Update: It's working on both.There are two php versions available on a virtualized instance, alt-php…

  • Posted a reply to [Redis Object Cache] High IO, on the site Forums:
    @tillkruess, it's not that it has high I/O. The hosting runs on cagefs virtualization, and…

  • Posted a reply to [Redis Object Cache] High IO, on the site Forums:
    I did a LOT of testing and found that this happens when turning it on…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    Also, I do not have this option on the free plan:Ignore query string order.I have:Cache…

  • Posted a reply to [Redis Object Cache] High IO, on the site Forums:
    I am with Definitely something weird is going on. Tried many many many times.…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    I think I've got it. How do I add if I have domain ( and…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    WOW! This is really awesome. I need to create those rules myself right? Or does…

  • Created a topic, High IO, on the site Forums:
    Hi Till, I am on a shared host (I think they use vi…

  • Created a topic, Workers enabled on domain & subdomain, on the site Forums:
    Firstly, this is the best state-of-the-art cache plugi…

  • Posted a reply to [Announcement & Notification Banner - Bulletin] Fixed Header Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Purchased the lifetime plugin, is there any way to make it work above and below…

  • Posted a reply to [Announcement & Notification Banner - Bulletin] Fixed Header Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the fix. We do actually want this to work with the header as…

  • Posted a reply to [Announcement & Notification Banner - Bulletin] Fixed Header Elementor, on the site Forums:
    sorry finger trouble: view on mobile device to see the footer.

  • Created a topic, Fixed Header Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I'm trying before purchase and I have the…

  • Created a topic, Error: undefined Failed to fetch, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I get this error on chrome when trying to e…

  • Created a topic, Does an excellent job!, on the site Forums:
    I've been using InfiniteWP for 5 years now. It's my go…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    I asked for nextcloud support and was given webdav instead. Why not tell me from…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    So let me get this straight, I have to create links for each book I…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    I've successfully created a share that does not have a password. Can you please explain…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    Got it, that looks like a normal share and not webdav. I will try and…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    Unfortunately, I would never make my library public, I'll try to see if I can…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    @photonicgnostic I tried but looks like I have no idea what I am doing. I…

  • Created a topic, Search Blog, on the site Forums:
    Can I add a search blog to this? I got my layout setup…

  • Posted a reply to [Library Bookshelves] Nextcloud Storage, on the site Forums:
    Awesome! I will try and give feedback!

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Currency Conversion Price Being Cached, on the site Forums:
    @isaumya I know this may sound like an obscure question but is there a way…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Currency Conversion Price Being Cached, on the site Forums:
    @isaumya Awesome reply!! Thanks we're on it! Sneaky host cache that was not supposed to…

  • Posted a reply to [Super Page Cache for Cloudflare] Currency Conversion Price Being Cached, on the site Forums:
    sorry, power went off on my side. Did not know it posted twice!

  • Created a topic, Currency Conversion Price Being Cached, on the site Forums:
    We have a currency converter that switches the price a…

  • Created a topic, Cannot Skip Freemius Activation, on the site Forums:
    I get this error every time I try to skip the freemius…

  • Posted a reply to [GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform] Avoid At All Cost!!!, on the site Forums:
    WooCommerce PayFast (FREE) supports both once-off and recurring, straight out of the box, no questions…

  • Posted a reply to Avoid At All Cost!!!, on the site Forums:
    And by the way, your comment about this is just totally absurd: It's not an…

  • Posted a reply to Avoid At All Cost!!!, on the site Forums:
    PayFast has nothing to do with us mentioning bugs, shortcomings, and limitations! I'm not going…

  • Created a topic, Avoid At All Cost!!!, on the site Forums:
    They are unable to allow the transaction complete with…

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