
theconsul (@theconsul) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: September 12th, 2011
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  • Posted a reply to Gloassary breaks design, on the site Forums:
    I understand completely

  • Posted a reply to Gloassary breaks design, on the site Forums:
    thanks, but even when disabling everything, the problem stays, until I deactivate your plugin. I…

  • Posted a reply to Gloassary breaks design, on the site Forums:
    mine looks different

  • Posted a reply to Gloassary breaks design, on the site Forums:
    thanks for the help, it might be the difference in native language but can "autoinjection"…

  • Posted a reply to Gloassary breaks design, on the site Forums:
    where can i change this in the free version?

  • Created a topic, Gloassary breaks design, on the site Forums:
    It might be a template or a plugin problem, not sure y…

  • Posted a reply to set https and getting redericts, on the site Forums:
    thanks, I also found that info but.... In my database is see siteurl and home…

  • Created a topic, set https and getting redericts, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I had this old Wordpress installation and the h…

  • Posted a reply to How to align content left on mobile view?, on the site Forums:
    good tip, thanks :)

  • Posted a reply to How to align content left on mobile view?, on the site Forums:
    thanks, though it was the theme or theme settings, i'll continue the search ;-)

  • Created a topic, How to align content left on mobile view?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Thanks for this great theme but I do have 1 …

  • Posted a reply to After update plugin stopped working, on the site Forums:
    rolling back for the 4th time now

  • Posted a reply to After update plugin stopped working, on the site Forums:
    your fix, doesnt fix it

  • Posted a reply to After update plugin stopped working, on the site Forums:
    I found this post: I can confirm rolling back to this version: Download link: Resolves…

  • Created a topic, After update plugin stopped working, on the site Forums:
    I had 4 sections created with product tabs but after u…

  • Created a topic, Partial payments and deposits, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, It seems that I am asking quite something i…

  • Posted a reply to Partial payments and deposits, on the site Forums:
    ok, I will, thx

  • Created a topic, Partial payments and deposits, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, It seems that I am asking quite something i…

  • Posted a reply to can not login as admin, on the site Forums:
    so...the database was full; could not do anything anymore. Hosting company forced me to upgrade…

  • Posted a reply to can not login as admin, on the site Forums:
    i'll try that, thanks

  • Created a topic, can not login as admin, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I seem not to be able to login anymore …

  • Posted a reply to WordPress carpooling or ride-sharing, on the site Forums:
    Hoi @linardsn That sounds great but besides nr 1, the rest are non existing plugins…

  • Created a topic, WordPress carpooling or ride-sharing, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I did look already and did not find a plugi…

  • Posted a reply to check and improve health & speed, on the site Forums:
    ok, i'll have a look at that to star, thanks

  • Created a topic, check and improve health & speed, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Since a long time our website seems to be very sl…

  • Created a topic, Looking for a plugin but which one…., on the site Forums:
    Hello all, We have a personal training studio but the…

  • Created a topic, rsvp extended, on the site Forums:
    I’ve been having the following problem for years: hey,…

  • Posted a reply to woocommerce as ticket platform for travels, on the site Forums:
    for the record, I was thinking in the line of connecting an event plugin with…

  • Posted a reply to woocommerce as ticket platform for travels, on the site Forums:
    thank you for your response, I'll check the links you have posted.

  • Created a topic, woocommerce as ticket platform for travels, on the site Forums:
    I've been having the following problem for years: hey,…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce gebruiken als reis ticket platform, on the site Support forums:
    Hey, Ik zit al jaren met het volgende probleem: Tick…

  • Posted a reply to error 500 but different :-), on the site Forums:
    can not replicate it, I deleted the page and made it again, page gone =…

  • Posted a reply to error 500 but different :-), on the site Forums:
    i can not open that page with elementor

  • Posted a reply to error 500 but difefrent :-), on the site Forums:
    these are my 2 latest error messsages in the server logs: [Mon Dec 27 11:19:34.267454…

  • Created a topic, error 500 but difefrent :-), on the site Forums:
    Hello , I am getting a typical error 500 when trying …

  • Posted a reply to backup a single plugin, on the site Forums:
    plugin authors do not have that functionality, I checked already of course but thanks for…

  • Created a topic, backup a single plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi and Merry Xmas, I am making use of a single plugin…

  • Posted a reply to gym or PT studio plugin, on the site Forums:
    thank you for the tip but payment is only wit Stripe, that is not good…

  • Created a topic, gym or PT studio plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hello and Merry Xmas, I have been looking for a while…

  • Created a topic, split VAT in invoices, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Great plugin but I wonder if we can have the V…

  • Posted a reply to Display products including vat, on the site Forums:
    great thanks and the last one for the day, how do i upgrade? It can…

  • Created a topic, Display products including vat, on the site Forums:
    Hi, How do I display all products in POS tax included…

  • Posted a reply to wanted, filter for attributes and categories, on the site Forums:
    thank you for leaving the thread open

  • Posted a reply to wanted, filter for attributes and categories, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Thank you for this. I know most can be done with blocks but always…

  • Created a topic, wanted, filter for attributes and categories, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have been looking all over and maybe it just do…

  • Posted a reply to l:ong titles breaking layout, and prices, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, l:ong titles breaking layout, and prices, on the site Forums:
    Morning, I have one website where i use woocommerce f…

  • Created a topic, rendering issue, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Thanks for a great plugin and it was working a fe…

  • Created a topic, some pages not https, on the site Forums:
    Hi and thank you for the nice theme but... some pages…

  • Posted a reply to variable or grouped or both?, on the site Forums:
    thank you for the suggestions