
Tano (@tanohex) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: June 11th, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to Dashboard Menu Items Issue in v1.12.0, on the site Forums:
    If I disable the following CSS condition, the menu elements look fine again: However, this…

  • Posted a reply to Quiz Reviews Page Issue in v1.12.0, on the site Forums:
    @shresthauzwal Indeed, Deactivating-Activating Masteriyo fixed the issue. Thanks!

  • Created a topic, Dashboard Menu Items Issue in v1.12.0, on the site Forums:
    Please note that v1.12.0 broke again the dashboard men…

  • Created a topic, Quiz Reviews Page Issue in v1.12.0, on the site Forums:
    Please note that while trying to view the Quiz Reviews…

  • Posted a reply to Menu issue on DIVI Theme, on the site Forums:
    Fixed. Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Quiz – Randomize Options: Weird Behaviour, on the site Forums:
    @hakangur Where/when did you get the option to randomize the answers, as I don't see…

  • Created a topic, Menu issue on DIVI Theme, on the site Forums:
    Please note that there recent changes you made in v1.1…

  • Created a topic, Responsive display issue, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.11.2, there's an issue on mobil…

  • Posted a reply to Course Description text formatting – Divi, on the site Forums:
    @shresthauzwal This fixes the issue. Thanks a lot!

  • Posted a reply to Course Description text formatting – Divi, on the site Forums:
    Indeed, now the bullet points/numbers appear, but are missing indentation:

  • Posted a reply to Quizzes Cache Issue in v1.11.1, on the site Forums:
    @shresthauzwal Finally, this fixes the issue! I tested both logged out and logged in, in…

  • Posted a reply to Quizzes Cache Issue in v1.11.1, on the site Forums:
    To me, it's weird the fact that you can't reproduce this, as I'm having the…

  • Posted a reply to Quizzes Cache Issue in v1.11.1, on the site Forums:
    Please let me doubt your issue replication skills... :) My web host uses LiteSpeed Web…

  • Posted a reply to Course Description text formatting – Divi, on the site Forums:
    Please note that you didn't read my topic's description. Again: Please note that in Masteriyo v1.11.1 and Divi…

  • Posted a reply to Issue with word break in Course Highlights, on the site Forums:
    Indeed, this fixes the issue. Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Course Description text formatting – Divi, on the site Forums:
    Here is the page. As you can see, the bolded elements are part of a…

  • Created a topic, Quizzes Cache Issue in v1.11.1, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in your latest update (v1.11.1), agai…

  • Created a topic, Issue with word break in Course Highlights, on the site Forums:
    Please note that Masteriyo v1.10.1 uses word-break: br…

  • Created a topic, Course Description text formatting – Divi, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in Masteriyo v1.10.1 and Divi v4.25.1…

  • Created a topic, TranslatePress Issue, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.10.1, there's a remaining issue…

  • Posted a reply to New Account Page Design Issues, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the update. v1.10.1 fixes most of the issues, except the account page bottom…

  • Posted a reply to New Account Page Design Issues, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the update. It works. Also, there's another issue in the User Dashboard >…

  • Created a topic, Error when deleting Questions and Answers, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.10.0, you can't delete the Ques…

  • Created a topic, Free vs Pro Comparison all messed up, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.10.0, the new Free vs Pro compa…

  • Created a topic, New Account Page Design Issues, on the site Forums:
    As you can see in the screenshots below, the new accou…

  • Posted a reply to Courses Cards Display Issue, on the site Forums:
    @masteriyo Thanks for the snippet. This fixes the issue.

  • Posted a reply to Courses Cards Display Issue, on the site Forums:
    Here is the website. Be my guest :)

  • Posted a reply to Download Materials Issue, on the site Forums:
    Also, there's an issue with previewing the uploaded file, as you can see in the…

  • Posted a reply to Download Materials Issue, on the site Forums:
    Ohh yeah, it works, but only for already existing/published lessons. If you create a new…

  • Created a topic, Courses Cards Display Issue, on the site Forums:
    Please note that on v1.9.3 and Divi v4.25.0, there's a…

  • Created a topic, Download Materials Issue, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.9.3, when Download Materials ad…

  • Created a topic, Download Materials, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.9.0, Download Materials appears…

  • Posted a reply to LiteSpeed Cache breaks the Quizzes, on the site Forums:
    Great job! Now try purging the LiteSpeed Cache, deleting the browser cache, and doing exactly…

  • Posted a reply to LiteSpeed Cache breaks the Quizzes, on the site Forums:
    I know about those settings, and they were already applied, but still the same issue.…

  • Created a topic, LiteSpeed Cache breaks the Quizzes, on the site Forums:
    Please note that LiteSpeed Cache v6.1 breaks the Quizz…

  • Posted a reply to LiteSpeed Cache v6.0 Conflict, on the site Forums:
    Firstly, my issue happens to non-logged-in users, so the LiteSpeed setting you provided in the…

  • Posted a reply to CSS issue in v1.7.0, on the site Forums:
    Like I said in my previous message, this issue is easily reproducible just by setting…

  • Created a topic, LiteSpeed Cache v6.0 Conflict, on the site Forums:
    Please note that Masteriyo v1.7.0 has a conflict with …

  • Created a topic, CSS issue in v1.7.0, on the site Forums:
    Please note that in v1.7.0, on the Lesson page, the he…

  • Posted a reply to Cache issue, on the site Forums:
    @qtwrk You're the man! Enabling debug and running the website with it on for a…

  • Posted a reply to Cache issue, on the site Forums:
    @qtwrk Exactly. However, the JS Deferred or Delayed thing stopped doing this today. What I…

  • Posted a reply to Cache issue, on the site Forums:
    @qtwrk Report number: KJXEZMER Thanks!

  • Posted a reply to Cache issue, on the site Forums:
    Well, this is a funny one. I found that disabling the Load JS Deferred (which…

  • Created a topic, Cache issue, on the site Forums:
    I'm using LiteSpeed Cache v5.7 on WP v6.3.2, LSWS v6.1…

  • Posted a reply to Masteriyo LMS issue, on the site Forums:
    I'm Actually using BBQ Pro v3.6.1, on a LiteSpeed Hosting with Imunify360, and when I…

  • Posted a reply to User Registration Issue, on the site Forums:
    @lihsaa I found the issue. The redirect is blocked by the BBQ Firewall plugin. I…

  • Created a topic, Masteriyo LMS issue, on the site Forums:
    Please note that BBQ creates an issue with the User Re…

  • Posted a reply to User Registration Issue, on the site Forums:
    @lihsaa PS: It happens to all my 6 production websites, so yeah... A huge joy!

  • Posted a reply to User Registration Issue, on the site Forums:
    You have a demo website. Just install the plugin, and try to register as a…

  • Created a topic, User Registration Issue, on the site Forums:
    Please note that v1.6.16 broke the User Registration p…