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Hi everyone, Just call me Ronald. I’m 27 years young from Philippines. I am a license ECE with CCNA certification and currently have a full time work in the leading cable company here in the Philippines.

I’m a fan of Android Platform since I bought my LG Optimus G E975 in 2013 and then I started to explore many things on my phone. I started this blog with the aim of helping Android users especially to the new ones.

Today, my phone is Huawei P9 and I’m really enjoying it and started to explore many things on it. will publish Tips, Tutorials, How To Guides and Reviews about Android Phones. I’m not considering myself as a “guru” on Android Platform but I want to help Android newbies that’s why I started this blog to share my little knowledge to you, with my friends and with my family. There’s a Chinese proverb:

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”

I hope you find this blog helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, you may contact me using the Contact Us page or you can contact me using the link on my profile..

WordPress Origin Story is a blog that publishes Android Tips, How To Guide Tutorials, Reviews, Best of and many more! We are not affiliated nor endorse by Google, Inc. or any company mentioned in the website. Trade mark, logo and registration are owned by respective companies. We are just Android enthusiast!

  • Member Since: May 12th, 2014
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  • Posted a reply to An AMP component ‘script’ tag is present, but unused, on the site Forums:
    I fixed this by disabling "Back to Top" option.

  • Posted a reply to HELP: The extension ‘amp-animation’ was found on this page, but is unused., on the site Forums:
    It's weired. I have 2 sites with the same settings in amp. Site A has…

  • Created a topic, An AMP component ‘script’ tag is present, but unused, on the site Forums:
    How to fix this error?

  • Posted a reply to Author Box is showing in Related Posts, on the site Forums:
    I use custom theme(amp theme framework) but the site is ok until I upgraded to…

  • Created a topic, Author Box is showing in Related Posts, on the site Forums:
    As the title say, after the update, the author box is …

  • Created a topic, Links inside the content is not amp, on the site Forums:
    Every links in single posts inside the content are NOT…

  • Posted a reply to Missing Enable/Disable Button, on the site Forums:
    Got it. Thanks!

  • Created a topic, Missing Enable/Disable Button, on the site Forums:
    So the title speaks itself. This happens after update …

  • Created a topic, Replace deprecated tags and attributes in your AMP pages error, on the site Forums:
    Although non-critical issues, I want to fix this. It k…

  • Created a topic, Settings not loading, on the site Forums:
    After installing and activating, I'm stuck in getting …

  • Posted a reply to How do you get the total share count?, on the site Forums:
    BUMP. I also want to know..

  • Posted a reply to Problem in unordered list, on the site Forums:
    Hi Steve, thanks I already fixed my problem. I didn't know it has css like…

  • Posted a reply to Problem in unordered list, on the site Forums:
    Hi Steve, for example this links. this link has unordered list of "links" .…

  • Created a topic, Problem in unordered list, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I don't know if its the right section but please m…

  • Posted a reply to Not compatible when Multisite is enable on WordPress, on the site Forums:
    I have solved my own problem. Thanks!

  • Created a topic, Not compatible when Multisite is enable on WordPress, on the site Forums:
    I have one site single site setup and one with multisi…

  • Posted a reply to This is a great plugin. However . . ., on the site Forums:
    Hi, I get more errors on webmasters. This errors occurs only on 'Page' type. This…

  • Posted a reply to This is a great plugin. However . . ., on the site Forums:
    I got an error on webmaster on contact us page. It says no amp markup…

  • Posted a reply to This is a great plugin. However . . ., on the site Forums:
    Should I create sitemap of amp version and submit it to webmasters?

  • Posted a reply to This is a great plugin. However . . ., on the site Forums:
    Yep I know that. What I mean is that, It is not amp version when…

  • Created a topic, This is a great plugin. However . . ., on the site Forums:
    I have successfully install this plugin and I complete…

  • Created a topic, Error 522: Happens everytime I clear all cache in W3TC, on the site Forums:
    Everytime I clear all cache on W3TC, I always get an e…