
Sean Nicholson (@seanrnicholson) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: December 31st, 2012
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  • Posted a reply to 2402.1 duplicates TOC, on the site Forums:
    We are experiencing the same issue. After updating to 2402.1 the TOCs are showing twice.…

  • Created a topic, Plugin Still Being Supported?, on the site Forums:
    WordPress is warning users from installing this plugin…

  • Posted a reply to TOC gone from the pages after update, on the site Forums:
    We are also experiencing this issue on sites that use the free version of the…

  • Created a topic, When will Booster be tested against WordPress version 6.2?, on the site Forums:
    The plugin says it is only tested up to version 6.1.1.…

  • Created a topic, Will this plugin be supported going forward?, on the site Forums:
    I'm considering using the plugin for a project, but it…

  • Created a topic, Will This Plugin continue to be advanced?, on the site Forums:
    I am considering using this plugin for a project, but …

  • Created a topic, Our favorite store locator plugin, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin, super-stable, and really feature rich. W…

  • Posted a reply to Insecure Stylesheet By OMGF, on the site Forums:
    Is this issue going to be resolved in a coming release? We see this issue…

  • Posted a reply to Headings with apostrophe won’t work in the plugin, on the site Forums:
    I just recently installed the plugin, so I can't say whether it is after any…

  • Posted a reply to Headings with apostrophe won’t work in the plugin, on the site Forums:
    ...any response to this from the developer?

  • Created a topic, Headings with apostrophe won’t work in the plugin, on the site Forums:
    First off, thank you for a great plugin. The only issu…

  • Posted a reply to Is there a way to clear the 404 Error log?, on the site Forums:
    Just a note. Having a button to clear the 404 logs would be a great…

  • Created a topic, When Will this plugin be certified to WP version 5.8.1?, on the site Forums:
    The plugin indicates that it is only compatible with W…

  • Posted a reply to When will this plugin be certified to 5.8?, on the site Forums:
    Any updates to this? It's been 2 weeks and no response.

  • Posted a reply to Replacing The Customer email address with shop email address as reply to, on the site Forums:
    This worked perfectly. Thanks to everyone for the assist. I hope it helps someone else…

  • Posted a reply to Replacing The Customer email address with shop email address as reply to, on the site Forums:
    Thnaks for the reply, Mirko. I saw that, but it actually pulls the email address…

  • Created a topic, Replacing The Customer email address with shop email address as reply to, on the site Forums:
    We are running into an issue that is becoming more com…

  • Created a topic, Creating an approved comment via API, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to create a comment using the API that …

  • Posted a reply to All my popups diseappeared from the dashboard, on the site Forums:
    @kaironlyra - that worked perfectly. Thanks for the assistance. @belimperial - This issue is resolve…

  • Posted a reply to All my popups diseappeared from the dashboard, on the site Forums:
    @kaironlyra or @belimperial - Any chance you can point me to what exactly you did…

  • Posted a reply to All my popups diseappeared from the dashboard, on the site Forums:
    @kaironlyra - Are you using WPML by any chance? Our site IS using WPML and…

  • Posted a reply to All my popups diseappeared from the dashboard, on the site Forums:
    We are having this same issue. If we make any update to our database, the…

  • Posted a reply to Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    It's the Avada theme on WP Engine, so a pretty common theme and hosting. I…

  • Posted a reply to Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    Any idea of an ETA on testing/resolving this? It's holding us up from proceeding on…

  • Posted a reply to Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    Any updates on testing this?

  • Posted a reply to Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    Thanks. If you need any help on my end, I'm glad to assist.

  • Posted a reply to Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    I did some further testing by just adding the shortcodes and info one by one…

  • Posted a reply to Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    I would really like to just use the shortcodes that are included in the plugin.…

  • Created a topic, Adding shortcodes causes emails to not send, on the site Forums:
    We are using the free version of the plugin. We create…

  • Created a topic, Periodic 500 errors after enabling the plugin, on the site Forums:
    After enabling this plugin, we are seeing periodic 500…

  • Posted a reply to 500 error after processing transaction on latest version, on the site Forums:
    This issue is an ongoing problem. Every version of the plugin beyond 1.5.13 causes 500…

  • Posted a reply to 500 error after processing transaction on latest version, on the site Forums:
    FYI for others out there, I even emailed the contact us at the developer's website.…

  • Posted a reply to 500 error after processing transaction on latest version, on the site Forums: the developer at NMI not supporting this plugin anymore?

  • Created a topic, 500 error after processing transaction on latest version, on the site Forums:
    We recently upated to versoin 1.5.15 and every time we…

  • Created a topic, Excerpt Limitation Not Working, on the site Forums:
    We are using the plugin to show categories of specific…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress 5.1.1 compatibility, on the site Forums:
    Will you be updating the plugin schema to reflect that it is WordPress 5.1.1 comaptible?…

  • Posted a reply to Tested only up to version WordPress 4.9.9, on the site Forums:
    +1 When will this plugin be validated against WordPress 5.1.1?

  • Created a topic, WordPress 5.1.1 compatibility, on the site Forums:
    Is there an ETA as to when the plugin will be tested/v…

  • Created a topic, Compatibility With 5.1.1, on the site Forums:
    Is there a timeline for when the Strip plugin will be …

  • Posted a reply to ACF 5.7.11 with WordPress 5.0.*, on the site Forums:
    @elliotcondon - We are ALL waiting for this plugin to be certified beyond WordPress 4.9.…

  • Created a topic, Timeline Issue with 3.1 update, on the site Forums:
    Hi Mega-Addons team, FYI, when we upgrade to version…

  • Posted a reply to Popup form opens on page load even when that option is turned OFF, on the site Forums:
    Never mind. No response, so I uninstalled the plugin.

  • Created a topic, Popup form opens on page load even when that option is turned OFF, on the site Forums:
    I have the popup form set to only show on exit intent,…

  • Posted a reply to Ads not being Displayed After last update, on the site Forums:
    Oddly, when I disable this plugin, my pages in the AMP queue display the ads…

  • Posted a reply to Ads not being Displayed After last update, on the site Forums:
    Interesting. I don't have GDPR turned on, but I still don't see the ads. @Giorgio888…

  • Posted a reply to Ads not being Displayed After last update, on the site Forums:
    I am experiencing the same issue where ads aren't showing on my amp pages. I…

  • Created a topic, Shopper Approved Integration No Longer An Option, on the site Forums:
    Everywhere in this plugin, including this page and the…

  • Posted a reply to Postie Stopped Processing Attachments, on the site Forums:
    Yeah, it's odd that it just started happening today. We are running WordFence, so not…

  • Posted a reply to Postie Stopped Processing Attachments, on the site Forums:
    One other note on this. I went in to the Media library for the site…

  • Created a topic, Postie Stopped Processing Attachments, on the site Forums:
    Hey Postie team, We've been running Postie for a few…