
ritzonline (@ritzonline) – WordPress user profile |


A talented web designer for wordpress & woocommerce ,seo and security and fully Optimized for speed , and has the ability to capture the client’s vision, bring the design elements to life, and ultimately create a website that appeals and Improving the overall interface and user experience of customer.


A talented web designer for wordpress & woocommerce ,seo and security and fully Optimized for speed, and has the ability to capture the client’s vision, bring the design elements to life, and ultimately create a website that appeals and Improving the overall interface and user experience of customer.

WordPress Origin Story

I don’t how to use wordpress in the beginning no one teach me to fix any problem, just looking the forum for the problem i solved my own problem to fix ,wordpress is the Best cms you can build your website beautifully and woocommerce..

  • Member Since: July 22nd, 2016
  • Location: Canada
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Web designer for wordpress & woocommerce ,seo and security and fully Optimized for speed..
  • Employer: Ritz Web Design
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to white screen after login, on the site Forums:
    Hi, to fixed that problem, set first to Maintenance mode the website deactived 1 by…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce section on front-end is very slow, on the site Forums:
    How Many Products WooCommerce Can handle for a large store Website? balancing these 10 aspects…

  • Created a topic, Big Improvement for Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Another Woocommerce Big step for Improvements interfac…

  • Posted a reply to Version: 2.6.4 feedback Best Google insight score., on the site Forums:
    Thanks i already have the reviews of 5 star the other site have the perfect…

  • Created a topic, Version: 2.6.4 feedback Best Google insight score., on the site Forums:
    Version: 2.6.4 Best Google insight its give me a score…

  • Created a topic, Next Update need to Add Notice to the Affiliates, on the site Forums:
    Next Update need the admin can make Notice to all the …

  • Created a topic, Best for Woocommerce use., on the site Forums:
    if i have a time i have to browse for the wordpress ar…

  • Posted a reply to for the Next Update Additional Features, on the site Forums:
    That its i have already purchase that add on

  • Created a topic, [Backup WordPress Site by WPvivid] This is Better than udraftplus backup, on the site Forums:
    Exactly what I needed Easy to use and work well,I test…

  • Created a topic, for the Next Update Additional Features, on the site Forums:
    for the next update any possible to implements you can…

  • Posted a reply to [Fast Velocity Minify] New Update Total Page size Big, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Raul, I rollback to version 2.4.4 this working from our side with no problem…

  • Created a topic, New Update Total Page size Big, on the site Forums:
    We still use the old FVM Version 2.4.4 we try to updat…

  • Posted a reply to Error New Update and conflict other plugin, on the site Forums:
    its generate 423 error if i have to deactived its give a 182 lines error…

  • Created a topic, Error New Update and conflict other plugin, on the site Forums:
    its generated error and line 182 error and conflict wi…

  • Created a topic, Update Problem Version 3.1.4, on the site Forums:
    Meta title character used 0 Meta description used 0

  • Created a topic, Best Gift Voucher, on the site Forums:
    I am searching for the best plugin that can offer me a…

  • Created a topic, installed the plugin but no setting showing, on the site Forums:
    Just buy this plugin we installed but no setting showi…

  • Posted a reply to How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    Ok i already post to all flatsome user in the facebook the security plugin ...

  • Posted a reply to How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    ok thanks for the update, Ninja Firewall + Pareto security best combination of security before…

  • Posted a reply to How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    Hi here the log of Googles bots to index but it blocked. 12-08-2018 11:41:38 AM…

  • Posted a reply to How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    thanks for the update its work now for the Paypal IPN standard mode if i…

  • Posted a reply to How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    its ok now Paypal IPN only get Post it can be disable through Paypal account…

  • Posted a reply to How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    its fixed now I have to disable in Paypal the IPN notification I need a…

  • Created a topic, How to add whitelist, on the site Forums:
    Hi, How can i add whitelist a ip like paypal is bann…

  • Created a topic, Very aggressive Firewall, on the site Forums:
    Best Firewall its Block all the attack that wordfence …

  • Posted a reply to Achieved best possible results, on the site Forums:
    I already used this plugin before in my old website but i don't know how…

  • Created a topic, Achieved best possible results, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the plugin its take me 3 days to perfectly …

  • Posted a reply to One of the Beast Caching Plugin.., on the site Forums:
    Here the latest i tweak with another plugin cleared cache (99%) YSlow Score (80%) Page…

  • Posted a reply to One of the Beast Caching Plugin.., on the site Forums:
    If i have to enable the lazy load its make fewer http request for more…

  • Posted a reply to One of the Beast Caching Plugin.., on the site Forums:
    here the plugin

  • Created a topic, One of the Beast Caching Plugin.., on the site Forums:
    I using the HTTP Requests, Disable Emojis & Disabl…

  • Created a topic, Excellent caching, on the site Forums:
    The key features of this plugin is simple interface wi…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce can hold 1 Million products, on the site Forums:
    Hello Hanna. Here the example of website Built in woocommerce with no problem full of…

  • Posted a reply to Canonical, on the site Forums:
    its fixed caused the problem minify HTML....

  • Posted a reply to Problem with canonical tag, on the site Forums:
    thanks its save me the same problem with me now its fix i was hit…

  • Created a topic, Canonical, on the site Forums:
    Hi I check the canonical link why is showing only / in…

  • Posted a reply to Improve site performance (woocommerce with 3500 produts), on the site Forums:
    hi immunity 3500 products you need to compress your image and javascript in the front…

  • Posted a reply to v 3.2.6 broke the site, on the site Forums:
    They always Blame to the Plugin Author,If you are the owner you always Backup and…

  • Posted a reply to HTTP Error When Uploading Images! Have Researched, Can’t Fix, Please Help!, on the site Forums:
    php problem for http error go to your control panel look for your database php…

  • Posted a reply to Password Reset email is not send to customer email, on the site Forums:
    if you using captcha reset password disable its test again I faced that problem before…

  • Posted a reply to Woocomerce categories URL not working, on the site Forums:
    try to go to your permanent setting and click save again it will fix your…

  • Posted a reply to HTTP Error When Uploading Images! Have Researched, Can’t Fix, Please Help!, on the site Forums:
    the only solution you have to go to your ftp and open your wp content…

  • Posted a reply to The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content” error message solve Problem, on the site Forums:
    hello James, The name of the folder MU Plugin I* don't use any custom job

  • Created a topic, The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content” error message, on the site Forums:
    This will help other Problem with upload cannot move c…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot access wp-admin (returns a white page), on the site Forums:
    you have a problem with your cache plugin delete the plugin thru you control panel…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot upload media, on the site Forums:
    If you using filezilla you need to creat target directory files upload you delete the…

  • Posted a reply to SEO company gaining unauthorised access, on the site Forums:
    here find this similar code in php function add_action('pre_user_query','yoursite_pre_user_query'); function yoursite_pre_user_query($user_search) { global $current_user; $username…

  • Posted a reply to Unable to redirect users to the payment page, on the site Forums:
    if you using woocommerce go to the system status check if you have missing pages…

  • Posted a reply to SEO company gaining unauthorised access, on the site Forums:
    you have to check your PHP function there are invisible user hiding there code you…

  • Posted a reply to How to scan and clean database of malware or spam, on the site Forums:
    use this anti malware