
Oscar Gonzalez (@rakxzo) – WordPress user profile |


Oscar Gonzalez. I build websites, systems and applications based on WordPress. Been doing websites since 1999. I also can wrangle servers, Linux, and networks. You can find me everywhere online @notagrouch and


Computers, high-tech, low-tech, art, affiliates, startups, entrepreneurs

WordPress Origin Story

No fancy origin story. Started using WP around 1.4 or so and have been using it ever since for all kinds of projects. I love the project, I love the results, and I love using it for my clients and my own projects.

  • Member Since: May 9th, 2005
  • Location: Irvine California
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Founder & Blogger
  • Employer: OscarsTech & Notagrouch
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Automatically created links don’t show, on the site Forums:
    @tyler - Submitted immediately, still no response.

  • Posted a reply to Automatically created links don’t show, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. Will do.

  • Created a topic, Automatically created links don’t show, on the site Forums:
    When I make posts automatically from an "outside" proc…

  • Posted a reply to Site Kit: Error: Bad Request (missing parameter: ‘code’), on the site Forums:
    @jamesosborne you're welcome. I just kept running into it and the error is not descriptive…

  • Posted a reply to Site Kit: Error: Bad Request (missing parameter: ‘code’), on the site Forums:
    I ran into this issue recently. I had a few factors I removed from the…

  • Wrote a comment on the post 5.3 Retrospective – Call for feedback, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    I had no idea this was a thing until right now. I can't wait to…

  • Created a topic, Works exactly as you’d wish., on the site Forums:
    This is simple, easy to use and works exactly as you'd…

  • Created a topic, Nice try… but fails big time., on the site Forums:
    I will try not to add to what has already been said 1,…

  • Posted a reply to Terrible Idea, on the site Forums:
    Totally agree.

  • Posted a reply to Support, on the site Forums:
    Does anybody know of any updates on this?

  • Posted a reply to wp_options: Table is marked as crashed, on the site Forums:
    I had this happen to me recently. I had to run a repair from within…

  • Created a topic, For taking over 1/3 of the screen, on the site Forums:
    Uninstalled. Terrible way to beg for a review. No opti…

  • Created a topic, Still works great, on the site Forums:
    Still works as intended, and also works with custom po…

  • Created a topic, One of the Most Underrated Plugins in the WordPress World, on the site Forums:
    The toolset plugins are amazing. Without php coding, y…

  • Created a topic, Bug – Excerpt gets deleted on scan action, on the site Forums:
    When you initially save the draft, the excerpt you quo…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress could not be reached, on the site Forums:
    Nope. I couldn't diagnose beyond what I said here and didn't get anywhere. I checked…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress could not be reached, on the site Forums:

  • Posted a reply to WordPress could not be reached, on the site Forums:
    FWIW, if I add this to my htaccess: <IfModule mod_headers.c> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </IfModule>…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress could not be reached, on the site Forums:
    So it seems like I’m having a similar issue as described on bug #74 –…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress could not be reached, on the site Forums:
    Sure, I'll try to capture it. -- I checked firewalls and modsec and all that…

  • Created a topic, WordPress could not be reached, on the site Forums:
    When I try to export to my site, a new blank tab opens…

  • Posted a reply to Site is not an option on export, on the site Forums:
    I removed the key, deactivated/re-activated the plugin and added the key again and it's working…

  • Created a topic, Site is not an option on export, on the site Forums:
    I've installed the plugin, got the token setup, and th…

  • Posted a reply to Avoid ratings on specific page or post, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Lester, but I think I didn't explain myself. I am looking for an easy…

  • Posted a reply to How to change author’s displayed name, on the site Forums:
    Understood, can you share a snippet to add to the functions file to display the…

  • Created a topic, Avoid ratings on specific page or post, on the site Forums:
    I think I've looked through all FAQ and other suggeste…

  • Posted a reply to Doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
    Very helpful!

  • Created a topic, How to change author’s displayed name, on the site Forums:
    Great theme! Thank you. How do we make it so that the…

  • Created a topic, The Best Of its Kind, on the site Forums:
    Without going into all the details, this is by far the…
