
philipt18 (@philipt18) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: February 22nd, 2005
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  • Posted a reply to Get undefined when adding specific text to cells, on the site Forums:
    I came up with a solution. I switched the sorting to html-num, and used an…

  • Posted a reply to Get undefined when adding specific text to cells, on the site Forums:
    Okay, so I found the datatables sorting plug-in, which seems to work. However, how do…

  • Created a topic, Get undefined when adding specific text to cells, on the site Forums:
    I have a table where the items are numbered 1-40. I wa…

  • Posted a reply to Importing into an ACF link field, on the site Forums:
    It needs to be UTF-8 and quoted text.

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error on, on the site Forums:
    Ocean Extra also took down my site today.

  • Posted a reply to Javascript features not working on one table, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, I'll fix those. That's what happens when you decide to hand code a…

  • Posted a reply to Javascript features not working on one table, on the site Forums:
    Hmmm. I published the post and it's still missing the Javascript features. There are no…

  • Created a topic, Javascript features not working on one table, on the site Forums:
    I have several tables on my site that all work fine, b…

  • Created a topic, Suggestion for large tables, on the site Forums:
    I'm having trouble loading large tables, where I can i…

  • Posted a reply to Love this plugin, but it times out consistently now, on the site Forums:
    @hissy If you want a queue system and didn't want to wait for WP to…

  • Posted a reply to Love this plugin, but it times out consistently now, on the site Forums:
    What I love about this plugin is that as long as I format the CSV…

  • Created a topic, Love this plugin, but it times out consistently now, on the site Forums:
    I've been using this plugin for a long time, and even …

  • Posted a reply to Change API KEY in Cloudflare Plugin, on the site Forums:
    It seems like this is a missing feature from the plugin. I wanted to check…

  • Posted a reply to Filtering for language (with Polylang or WPML), on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I'm not clear how to do this. If I use the taxonomy shortcode…

  • Created a topic, Filtering for language (with Polylang or WPML), on the site Forums:
    Is there a built-in way to filter posts by language? I…

  • Created a topic, Using a menu outside of WordPress, on the site Forums:
    I have some PHP pages that are outside of Wordpress, b…

  • Posted a reply to Long-Term Support for this Plugin for Critical Website?, on the site Forums:
    I would love to see the plugin updated, but that's up to @miyarakira to do.…

  • Created a topic, Adding second orderby makes the loop disappear, on the site Forums:
    I have a loop that I'm trying to order by date, except…

  • Posted a reply to any update coming soon?, on the site Forums:
    @peterpolow Support for Gutenberg would be nice...

  • Posted a reply to Long-Term Support for this Plugin for Critical Website?, on the site Forums:
    I'd also like to see some kind of commitment for the plugin. There have been…

  • Created a topic, Filtering loop using drop-down menus, on the site Forums:
    I'm trying to figure out how to use two drop-down menu…

  • Posted a reply to Customizer white-screen-of-death triggered by Jetpack, on the site Forums:
    Well, before I disable my whole site to test, I simply deactivated Jetpack, and tried…

  • Posted a reply to Customizer white-screen-of-death triggered by Jetpack, on the site Forums:
    @bruceallen Any other ideas?

  • Posted a reply to Customizer white-screen-of-death triggered by Jetpack, on the site Forums:
    Deleted and re-installed, and it's the same. What do I try next? Can I just…

  • Created a topic, Customizer white-screen-of-death triggered by Jetpack, on the site Forums:
    I was trying to customize my site, and all I saw was a…

  • Posted a reply to Extra line spaces in loop where IF statements are, on the site Forums:
    So first I tried enabling the [raw] shortcode and using that, but it didn't seem…

  • Created a topic, Extra line spaces in loop where IF statements are, on the site Forums:
    I'm creating a page to list posts, and I want the cate…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple items in a single loop (different items in a single TR), on the site Forums:
    Okay I think this works: <table style="table-layout:fixed; width: 100%;"> [set total]0[/set] [loop type=post order=DESC] [calc]total…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple items in a single loop (different items in a single TR), on the site Forums:
    I've been thinking maybe there's a way to do this by incrementing a variable and…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple items in a single loop (different items in a single TR), on the site Forums:
    I think I spoke to soon. Something weird is going on. I get two rows…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple items in a single loop (different items in a single TR), on the site Forums:
    Okay, I think this is the code that does what I need: <table width="100%"> [loop…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple items in a single loop (different items in a single TR), on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I'll check out those tags. Right now I'm trying to figure out why…

  • Created a topic, Gutenberg Block for CCS, on the site Forums:
    I see I brought up the issue of Gutenberg mangling CCS…

  • Created a topic, Multiple items in a single loop (different items in a single TR), on the site Forums:
    I'm looking to create a table with three columns, wher…

  • Posted a reply to Critical error when trying to edit a page, on the site Forums:
    I never found a solution to this, but instead re-created the page, and deleted the…

  • Created a topic, Critical error when trying to edit a page, on the site Forums:
    I'm not certain this is a CCS issue, but I have a page…

  • Created a topic, Hebrew sorting with nikud, on the site Forums:
    So I've used TablePress with Hebrew before and it work…

  • Posted a reply to Changing the font size in a table, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to apply this is a specific column or row?

  • Created a topic, Deleting only users who have a specific role, on the site Forums:
    I have over 20,000 users registered on my site, many o…

  • Posted a reply to Footer Widget area is dark, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, that worked. Is that documented somewhere? Any idea why it was doing that?…

  • Created a topic, Footer Widget area is dark, on the site Forums:
    For some reason the footer widget area is very dark, a…

  • Posted a reply to When will there be a version for WP 5.x?, on the site Forums:
    Ed, Looking forward to seeing Rootspersona 4 next year. I hope you will build one…

  • Created a topic, Display content if it is past a specific date during the year, on the site Forums:
    How can I display content based on it being past a cer…

  • Posted a reply to Using the left sidebar as the left sidebar, on the site Forums:
    Alternatively, you could rename (and add to) the layouts as: Left and Right Sidebars Left…

  • Created a topic, Using the left sidebar as default, on the site Forums:
    I have a layout that uses both left and right sidebar,…

  • Posted a reply to Gutenberg editor destroying CCS code, on the site Forums:
    I've added this as an issue on the Gutenberg GitHub: Although maybe this is…

  • Created a topic, Gutenberg editor destroying CCS code, on the site Forums:
    I recently updated a site of mine to WP5 (5.2.1 specif…

  • Created a topic, Sending e-mail from a G Suite Group address, on the site Forums:
    How does one send messages from a G Suite Group addres…

  • Created a topic, Send from G Suite Group?, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to use this to send from a G Suite grou…

  • Created a topic, WordPress registration event, on the site Forums:
    I noticed that you can automatic create an event when …