
oscararroliga (@oscararroliga) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: March 31st, 2017
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  • Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website, on the site Forums:
    Hello Joost, thanks for you support. In the section you indicate, I see the following…

  • Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website, on the site Forums:
    Hello Joost, here are the details: Thanks for you support! Logs: // 2021-09-30T12:02:35+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught…

  • Created a topic, There has been a critical error on this website, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have the following problem when I install the…

  • Created a topic, Works perfect, on the site Forums:
    The plugin works perfectly. It managed to convert the …

  • Posted a reply to Print link in new order email, on the site Forums:
    Hello. I have enabled the option to include the print link in the emails. however…

  • Posted a reply to small printer ?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for the answer. The options available in the settings limit me to conventional…

  • Posted a reply to Print link in new order email, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, the option you indicate only includes the print link in the "customer's emails".…

  • Created a topic, Print link in new order email, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for this wonderful plugin! I'm using it in …

  • Posted a reply to small printer ?, on the site Forums:
    I'm trying to get this same functionality. I've read the documentation but there's nothing about…

  • Created a topic, Translate string of text “LOGIN”, on the site Forums:
    Hello, before buying your fabulous plugin I would like…

  • Created a topic, Mobile Menu, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thanks for this great Plugin, I have improved the …

  • Created a topic, social menu duplicate on footer, on the site Forums:
    Hi, i have a issue with social menu, when i set the so…

  • Created a topic, Lo mejor que existe, on the site Forums:
    Con solo la versión FREE puedes resolver, pero con el…

  • Posted a reply to Ocean Extra new update Problem ( Version 1.5.2 ), on the site Forums:
    If upgrading to this latest version causes problems, the solution is to update PHP7.0. I…

  • Created a topic, Simple and beauty, on the site Forums:
    delighted to work my projects with this spectacular th…

  • Created a topic, image size woocommerce product, on the site Forums:
    Hello, thanks for this excellent theme. I would like …

  • Created a topic, The only coming soon plugin responsive, on the site Forums:
    It is work perfect