
Nathan (@nathan1776) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: August 12th, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to 2FA Bug “User not identified”, on the site Forums:
    Ok I found out that if the website is using CloudFlare WP Cerber does not…

  • Posted a reply to 2FA Bug “User not identified”, on the site Forums:
    I think it seems like a user cannot be connected with 2FA enabled from multiple…

  • Posted a reply to 2FA Bug “User not identified”, on the site Forums:
    I do see this error on the IP"User's IP address does not match the one…

  • Created a topic, 2FA Bug “User not identified”, on the site Forums:
    The emails for 2FA arrive from the site but the user i…

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Affirm Payments do not auto update, on the site Forums:
    This is enabled. What I am talking about is EXTENSIONS. NOT PLUGINS.

  • Created a topic, Custom pricing, on the site Forums:
    HiI was wondering if you will have a server license in…

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Affirm Payments do not auto update, on the site Forums:
    Hi @aguinaldodarla There is no option to auto-update like the plugins on the website have.…

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Affirm Payments do not auto update, on the site Forums:
    Here requires me to manually update each time. There is no automation. Is it intentional?

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Affirm Payments do not auto update, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your swift reply!It is auto-updating the plugin but the extension is not…

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce Affirm Payments do not auto update, on the site Forums:
    This extension does not auto-update in WooCommerce>…

  • Created a topic, Redirections, on the site Forums:
    Hi redirections are n…

  • Posted a reply to Subscription Renewal Date Change, on the site Forums:
    ` WordPress Environment WordPress address (URL): https:// Site address (URL): https:// WC Version: 8.0.3 REST…

  • Posted a reply to Subscription Renewal Date Change, on the site Forums:
    Hi @beautyofcode !I am using the free version. I will post there!

  • Created a topic, Subscription Renewal Date Change, on the site Forums:
    HiI have an order that was create on the 26th but I wa…

  • Posted a reply to JetPack sends requests but I do not have the plugin installed, on the site Forums:
    This is woocommerce payments. Deleted the plugin all good now.

  • Posted a reply to JetPack sends requests but I do not have the plugin installed, on the site Forums:
    I found this:I guess it's related to the payments system? ./wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-blocks/vendor/composer/jetpack_autoload_filemap.php ./wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-blocks/vendor/composer/jetpack_autoload_psr4.php ./wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/packages/woocommerce-blocks/vendor/composer/jetpack_autoload_classmap.php ./wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/admin_notes/marketing-jetpack-2x.png ./wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/marketing/jetpack-crm.svg…

  • Created a topic, JetPack sends requests but I do not have the plugin installed, on the site Forums:
    /wp-json/jetpack/v4/sync/spawn-sync?time=1688717083I d…

  • Created a topic, WP Cerber user policy, on the site Forums:
    My users do not receive the emails for 2FA. Multipl…

  • Posted a reply to Elementor video width issue, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your reply! So there is no way to use standard embedding? it…

  • Created a topic, Elementor video width issue, on the site Forums:
    HiOn all of my websites, the videos I embed from youtu…

  • Created a topic, reCaptcha clarification, on the site Forums:
    HiI use reCaptcha V2 on my Elementor forms."Protect al…

  • Created a topic, Username Column Does Not Make Sense, on the site Forums:
    I am wondering what does the username column means? It…

  • Posted a reply to Brute Force Clarification, on the site Forums:
    Hi thank you for clarifying. So even Citadel mode will not stop them from logging…

  • Posted a reply to Brute Force Clarification, on the site Forums:
    Also, I was wondering if it blocks access to the admin panel or overall login…

  • Created a topic, Brute Force Clarification, on the site Forums:
    HiI was wondering if Limit login attempts 5 retrie…

  • Posted a reply to WP Cerber Deactivating Plugins?, on the site Forums:
    I was worried I was hacked because it is only happening on the websites that…

  • Created a topic, WP Cerber Deactivating Plugins?, on the site Forums:
    Hi I was wondering if WP Cerber can deactivate all of…

  • Posted a reply to Users cannot see the login page, on the site Forums:
    Hi Gregory This was not enough. I needed to disable this one as well: "Request…

  • Posted a reply to Removing WP-Cerber leads to losing wp-admin styles, on the site Forums:
    I have a trick for this. I rename it to pluginname.old and reinstall wp cerber…

  • Posted a reply to Users cannot see the login page, on the site Forums:
    When a user is trying to access it does not work but works!…

  • Posted a reply to Security Concerns, on the site Forums:
    Anyone can create an account if they place an order. Even if small. Is there…

  • Posted a reply to Security Concerns, on the site Forums:
    Got it I am concerned because I do have thousands of users since it's an…

  • Created a topic, Auto Refund, on the site Forums:
    Is this disabled by default?

  • Created a topic, Security Concerns, on the site Forums:
    Hi Is it not dangerous to let people upload files to …

  • Created a topic, THANK YOU!, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin! for FREE!

  • Posted a reply to Users cannot see the login page, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Users cannot see the login page, on the site Forums:
    Hi One of my users with a dynamic IP cannot stay logg…

  • Posted a reply to Out of stock message, on the site Forums:
    Stock status. "1 in stocck. Out of stock. etc

  • Posted a reply to Out of stock status message not showing up, on the site Forums:
    I found out the culprit to be "Enable stock management at product level" was unchecked.…

  • Created a topic, Out of stock message, on the site Forums:
    Hi How do I change the product status message text st…

  • Created a topic, Out of stock status message not showing up, on the site Forums:
    Out of stock message is not showing up :( ### WordPr…

  • Posted a reply to Out of Stock showing up anyway, on the site Forums: You can see some products showing up as "Read More" instead of "Add to…

  • Posted a reply to Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    Hi Again! I deactivated everything except WooCommerce and it seemed like Elementor PRO is causing…

  • Posted a reply to Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    This is the most recent fatal error report but I had plenty of very similar…

  • Posted a reply to Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    Here is an example of an unsorted results However, the category is fine…

  • Posted a reply to Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    Can I provide a link privately?

  • Posted a reply to Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    Hi Andre Thank you so much for your reply! So the search results still do…

  • Posted a reply to Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    I have 4000 products. I did start the regeneration for the product lookup tables. How…

  • Created a topic, Search Results Bug, on the site Forums:
    Hi Sorting is not working on my WooCommerce site. Als…

  • Created a topic, Stopped working, on the site Forums:
    Hi This plugin has stopped working yesterday and prod…