
MotionBlocks (@motionblocks) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: March 9th, 2022
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  • Created a topic, Most featured, on the site Forums:
    Currently most powerful extender plugin for WordPress …

  • Posted a reply to Navigation Blocks in Design, on the site Forums:
    Hi. This is how Navigation block is working. Check this video about FSE design, it…

  • Posted a reply to Got Error in Google PageSpeed Insights as ‘ARIA IDs are not unique’, on the site Forums:
    Hi. This error doesn't relate to theme. It's bug of wordpress search block. Check your…

  • Created ticket #133139 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Blockpress – 1.2.1

  • Posted a reply to Site Logo?, on the site Forums:
    I think I know which problem you have. Just click to edit site logo block…

  • Posted a reply to Site Logo?, on the site Forums:
    I think it should work on mobile also, I didn't see any problem on our…

  • Posted a reply to Not Able to Translate the Homepage and Menu with WMPL, on the site Forums:
    Currently, gutenberg blocks don't support multi language. It's on Roadmap for 6.4 Wordpress version

  • Posted a reply to How to Disable Beta Editor on the Blockpress Theme, on the site Forums:
    You can't disable Editor on block themes, it's main difference from classic themes, if you…

  • Posted a reply to Sticky Header for All Site, on the site Forums:
    Hi. You need to make sticky header also for inner pages separately. Appearance - Site…

  • Posted a reply to querey loop post amount on mobile, on the site Forums:
    I don't think that animation can do this by itself. I guess, reason was in…

  • Created ticket #130839 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Blockpress – 1.2

  • Posted a reply to Help Needed: big pix under transparent header like, on the site Forums:
    Can you send me link to your page?

  • Posted a reply to Theme breaks WordPress network, on the site Forums:
    Hi. So, did you fix issue?

  • Posted a reply to Custom Footer “Template Part” shows ONLY on Frontpage!-), on the site Forums:
    Maybe you changed footer template part for homepage, this is why it's not as expected

  • Posted a reply to Custom Footer “Template Part” shows ONLY on Frontpage!-), on the site Forums:
    Theme has some different headers for different page templates, but footer is the same. So,…

  • Posted a reply to SEE MY 5-STAR REVIEW + previously installed ‘starter themes’ create confusion, on the site Forums:
    Thank you

  • Posted a reply to Sticky header padding/design, on the site Forums:
    In current point, I was not able to see any difference in padding. It's the…

  • Posted a reply to About Favicon, on the site Forums:
    P.s. for other. Appearance - Site editor. Add Site logo block in header, in Site…

  • Posted a reply to Header in plugin templates, on the site Forums:
    No way, FSE themes doesn't use php, this is main difference between FSE and classic…

  • Created ticket #128988 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Blockpress – 1.1.1

  • Created ticket #128981 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Blockpress – 1.1

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Global Typography presets on Headers Blocks, on the site Forums:
    I think Wordpress 6.1 added support for Font family for separate blocks (like headings), so,…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Hompage overrided, on the site Forums:
    Hi. Block themes use Appearance - Site editor for customization

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Duplicated title tag, on the site Forums:
    Hi. One of title is set by WordPress. Your second title is set by your…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Missing asset bug report, on the site Forums:
    You are right, this will be fixed in update

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Big responsive text, on the site Forums:
    Sure, New update has New Fluid - Colossus preset

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Featured images / thumbnails stretched, on the site Forums:
    I think you found option to set height and cover size? Because I can't see…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] FSE Header block unavailable, on the site Forums:
    Yes, this wordpress margin system is ugly, We will add fix in update. By the…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Child Theme?, on the site Forums:
    No, but why do you need it? Block themes can be customized in Appearance -…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] fonts, on the site Forums:
    In Appearance - Site Editor, you can find Style icon in top right corner. You…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] How can I change the small site width from 748px to 920px?, on the site Forums:
    On Site editor, click on style icon and select Layout (this works only in Wordpress…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Display caption on featured image on single post template, on the site Forums:
    Maybe with this plugin

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Set default font to Arial, on the site Forums:
    there is no such font because it's outdated. But latest update has option to upload…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Styles (theme colors) don’t allow selecting RGBA/HSLA, on the site Forums:
    This is not related to theme, it's related to Gutenberg editor. Here you can write…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Child Theme, on the site Forums:
    Child theme doesn't change urls. Purpose of child theme is to overwrite functions of main…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] GDPR compliance with Local Google Fonts | Back to top Botton | Shrink Header, on the site Forums:
    Added in update

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Dynamic font sized, on the site Forums:
    Closed as I didn't get reply

  • Created ticket #125763 on Themes Trac:
    THEME: Blockpress – 1.0

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] GDPR compliance with Local Google Fonts | Back to top Botton | Shrink Header, on the site Forums:
    Update will be available in next few days Theme doesn't have own navigation block, it…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Add code to head, featured image, on the site Forums:
    Upcoming update will have option to add scripts, styles to head, body

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Child Theme, on the site Forums:
    There is no child theme, feel free to create it. To be true, I am…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Conflit with Youzify, on the site Forums:
    We can't include, block based themes technicality doesn't include header and footer files, because they…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Suggest add ajax pagination function, on the site Forums:
    Hi. We don't have such plans, we need to use core Query loop for FSE…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Local Fonts, on the site Forums:
    It will be in upcoming update soon

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Mobile Menu Spacing, on the site Forums:
    It's correct, otherwise, this can be hard to tap and this can have bug in…

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Home Static Page, on the site Forums:
    closing this

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Transfer customized design, on the site Forums:
    Closing this

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] How to create the looping text efect of the, on the site Forums:
    Closing this

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] Change block margin and padding, on the site Forums:
    Closing this

  • Posted a reply to [Blockpress] GDPR compliance with Local Google Fonts | Back to top Botton | Shrink Header, on the site Forums:
    I am expecting to make update on next week, because this feature is almost ready