
michaelquinn (@michaelquinn) – WordPress user profile |


Husband, #1 dad, left handed, pays for most music, warcrafter, photographer. Likes wine, smelly cheese, rugby, F1 & cricket. AdWords & web freelancer @ausclicks. Hello.


Warcraft, F1, Cricket, Photography, Rugby, Baseball

  • Member Since: January 16th, 2010
  • Location: Dubbo, Australia
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Owner.
  • Employer: AusClicks SEO, AdWords & Website Services
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Target = Blank? Open in a new Tab?, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, thanks for the Plugin. Tried a few to solve …

  • Created a topic, URL is truncated to main site only?, on the site Forums:
    Actually really impressed with this plugin. Almost set…

  • Created a topic, Excellent. Very useful plugin., on the site Forums:
    One of those plugins you can't believe hasn't been rol…

  • Posted a reply to Update seems to deactivate random “active” categories., on the site Forums:
    Excellent. Thank you for your VERY quick response. Can confirm that it seems to have…

  • Created a topic, Update seems to deactivate random “active” categories., on the site Forums:
    Just an FYI. I noticed a few days ago a few items w…

  • Created a topic, Sidebar Widget?, on the site Forums:
    This looks great but how do I get it to display as a s…

  • Created a topic, Most “Features” are Pro Features., on the site Forums:
    Looking at the listing and you would thi…

  • Posted a reply to reCaptcha Login – Invalid Site Key, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the suggestion. I tried that and I was able to log into the…

  • Created a topic, reCaptcha Login – Invalid Site Key, on the site Forums:
    Hey there. Been having some problems logging into one…

  • Created a topic, Problem saving Menu with Archiver installed?, on the site Forums:
    Hey there. I have been having problems saving my Prim…

  • Created a topic, Icon Libraries not uninstalling? Loading all after deselecting., on the site Forums:
    I was playing with the different Icon Libraries / Pack…

  • Created a topic, Works, but can’t recommend. Seems abandoned., on the site Forums:
    When it works it works. But if you need to make chang…

  • Created a topic, Possible to have Groups?, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to have "Groups" of ads and have a rand…

  • Posted a reply to Not working in Widgets? Short Code or Widget., on the site Forums:
    Looks like it was a problem with the other plugins. Contacted other developer and they…

  • Created a topic, Works great. Very simple and effective., on the site Forums:
    This plugin is a very simple and easy way to add Adsen…

  • Posted a reply to Disabling Plugin breaks other Short Codes in Widgets, on the site Forums:
    Seems to be fixed now with your latest update. Not sure if you did anything…

  • Created a topic, Disabling Plugin breaks other Short Codes in Widgets, on the site Forums:
    Hey there - got a very strange problem. I was using y…

  • Posted a reply to Not working in Widgets? Short Code or Widget., on the site Forums:
    Sorry I missed your initial reply. I have set up a widget and enabled debugging…

  • Posted a reply to Not working in Widgets? Short Code or Widget., on the site Forums:
    Ad Inserter 2.1.11 GENERATED (WP time): 2017-08-01 11:18:45 GENERATED (Server time): 2017-08-01 01:18:45 PLUGIN CODE…

  • Created a topic, Widget not working?, on the site Forums:
    Seem to be having an issue with getting Ads to show in…

  • Created a topic, Brilliant. +1 Core. Plus a little tip, on the site Forums:
    Brilliant and simple. Absolutely should be in Core. L…

  • Created a topic, Replacement Suggestion – FlickR Badges Widget, on the site Forums:
    Looks like this plugin has been abandoned. That's OK -…

  • Posted a reply to Using Redirection with Cloned / Duplicated websites?, on the site Forums:
    Ah well thanks for the reply. I guess one way or the other I will…

  • Created a topic, Using Redirection with Cloned / Duplicated websites?, on the site Forums:
    I am looking to replace some very old websites with Wo…

  • Created a topic, Add link to reCaptcha Admin from plugin settings, on the site Forums:
    Hey there. I think it would be super useful to have a…

  • Created a topic, Is “Net Asset Value” an option?, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. Trying to find a simple solution for a clien…

  • Posted a reply to Any cost involved to use this?, on the site Forums:
    Do you include "Net Asset Value" as one of your options to display?

  • Created a topic, Default size for image – any settings to change it?, on the site Forums:
    I was wondering what the default size is for the featu…

  • Created a topic, Any cost involved to use this?, on the site Forums:
    Wondering if there is any cost involved in using this …