
marbs (@marbs) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: November 11th, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to Beware: Sensitive Data Exposed Despite Claims, on the site Forums:
    ZealousWeb, uploads or the plugin directory, PDF files should stay private and secured.*.pdf may…

  • Posted a reply to Beware: Sensitive Data Exposed Despite Claims, on the site Forums:
    Hi, there is no issue with the configuration but with the plugin as yourself noted…

  • Created a topic, Beware: Sensitive Data Exposed Despite Claims, on the site Forums:
    Updated to version 4.0.9 to fix the problem of PDFs wi…

  • Posted a reply to Meta description is missing for the entire site on Google?, on the site Forums:
    So I checked this article on Rank Math's website and for unknown reason the Advanced…

  • Created a topic, Meta description is missing for the entire site on Google?, on the site Forums:
    I did a site search and learned all the meta descripti…

  • Posted a reply to Fields Disappearing from Product A After Adding to Product B, on the site Forums:
    I've identified the cause: "tagDiv Shop" plugin.

  • Created a topic, Fields Disappearing from Product A After Adding to Product B, on the site Forums:
    Issue with Custom Product Fields and here is the situa…

  • Created a topic, Crypto – GiveWP integration?, on the site Forums:
    I am looking for a free solution to receive crypto as …

  • Posted a reply to PDF files found in Search Engines!, on the site Forums:
    @zealopensource I definitely will when this issue is resolved.

  • Posted a reply to PDF files found in Search Engines!, on the site Forums:
    @zealopensource thanks you're the best!

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error: Missing Table wpeq_rank_math_analytics_objects, on the site Forums:
    @rankmathsupport thank you Yes I tried repair db tool but that did not fixed the…

  • Created a topic, Critical Error: Missing Table wpeq_rank_math_analytics_objects, on the site Forums:
    Hello Rank Math Support Team, I am experiencing a c…

  • Posted a reply to Warning: Hidden codes takes money from each transaction., on the site Forums:
    You are right, I must have overlooked it 3 times. Changed my review.

  • Created a topic, PDF files found in Search Engines!, on the site Forums:
    Why is this plugin putting PDFs with sensitive data st…

  • Created a topic, Warning: Hidden codes takes money from each transaction., on the site Forums:
    As @tuhinbhuiyanofficial already pointed out in the su…

  • Created a topic, Why isn’t my AJAX contact form working correctly?, on the site Forums:
    I have visited this article but no solution. I am runn…

  • Created a topic, Issues Initializing Conditional Logic After AJAX Calls, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am experiencing issues with the Conditiona…

  • Created a topic, Assistance Needed: Integrating Fact-Check Schema for Enhanced SEO, on the site Forums:
    Hello Rank Math Team, I am seeking your expert advi…

  • Posted a reply to Excluded Pages Due to ‘noindex’ Tag Validation Error, on the site Forums:
    Dear @rankmathsupport, Thank you for your reply. I'm still unsure what to do with my…

  • Posted a reply to Excluded Pages Due to ‘noindex’ Tag Validation Error, on the site Forums:
    ps i have read the blog on your website to let you know I am…

  • Created a topic, Excluded Pages Due to ‘noindex’ Tag Validation Error, on the site Forums:
    Dear Rank Math SEO Support Team, I am reaching out …

  • Posted a reply to Form is not published, on the site Forums:
    Same here!

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: People can’t complete paid registration, on the site Forums:
    @jarryd-long I believe so, I will check once a week and I will disable all…

  • Posted a reply to Urgent: People can’t complete paid registration, on the site Forums:
    "The “Token” status on orders means that the person made it to the PayPal Checkout…

  • Created a topic, Urgent: People can’t complete paid registration, on the site Forums:
    Today I received a complaint that someone wanted to jo…

  • Created a topic, Theme conflict: Categories & Tags pages, on the site Forums:
    The featured images are not being displayed in categor…

  • Created a topic, Tags & Indexing information request, on the site Forums:
    Should I allow WordPress tags to be indexed by search …

  • Created a topic, Content AI Inquiry, on the site Forums:
    Hi RankMath Team, I am interested in your product …

  • Posted a reply to Sticky ads between paragraphs?, on the site Forums:
    Perfect I will grab a license tonight.

  • Created a topic, Sticky ads between paragraphs?, on the site Forums: use sticky ads between paragraphs, see examp…

  • Created a topic, Have my first paid member, on the site Forums:
    Just got started and I have already my first paid memb…

  • Created a topic, Wow, on the site Forums:
    i am using it for my Buddhism community. If it grows I…

  • Created a topic, query-input google and, on the site Forums:
    After updating I received the following email from Goo…

  • Created a topic, What’s the recommend settings chat-gpt4?, on the site Forums:
    I write news articles. What are the recommend settings…

  • Posted a reply to Information request Site Kit – Ad blocking recovery, on the site Forums:
    @jamesosborne after hitting the reset button that option became available. Thank you!

  • Posted a reply to Information request Site Kit – Ad blocking recovery, on the site Forums:
    That's great but I don't have that option see screenshot.

  • Created a topic, Information request Site Kit, on the site Forums:
    Does Site Kit inject javascript code for Privacy &…

  • Posted a reply to Spam registrations, on the site Forums:
    Hi @katereji I have opened a ticket. Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Spam registrations, on the site Forums:
    I am suddenly getting daily massive spam registrations…

  • Posted a reply to Information req: JavaScripts Used by Ads Inserter, on the site Forums:
    @spacetime as promised for future inquiries related to caching and wp-rocket users I recommend to…

  • Posted a reply to Information req: JavaScripts Used by Ads Inserter, on the site Forums:
    Hmm ok, I am letting WP Rocket look into this I gave them my login…

  • Posted a reply to Information req: JavaScripts Used by Ads Inserter, on the site Forums:
    @spacetime when I enable "Disable caching" the ad is being displayed on mobile without delay.…

  • Posted a reply to Information req: JavaScripts Used by Ads Inserter, on the site Forums:
    @spacetime I added all the javascripts in the exclusion list but no result. On mobile…

  • Posted a reply to Information req: JavaScripts Used by Ads Inserter, on the site Forums:
    Yes, I have set this already to inline and I have added /wp-content/plugins/ad-inserter/js/(.*).js in the…

  • Created a topic, Information req: JavaScripts Used by Ads Inserter, on the site Forums:
    Ads Inserter uses various JavaScripts for its function…

  • Created a topic, It was never Rank Math, on the site Forums:
    I removed my old review because I learned after so muc…

  • Posted a reply to Request for Assistance: Images Not Appearing on Search Engines, on the site Forums:
    Yes and it is increasing humongous since the removal of Cloudflare @rankmathteam. Here's the Google…

  • Posted a reply to Request for Assistance: Images Not Appearing on Search Engines, on the site Forums:
    Hello @rankmathteam, Thank you for your reply. Yes, my images are optimized perfectly. I learned…

  • Created a topic, Request for Assistance: Images Not Appearing on Search Engines, on the site Forums:
    Dear Rank Math, I am writing to seek your assistanc…

  • Created a topic, Works as advertised but is not providing support., on the site Forums:
    It works as advertised but it says "if the field is no…