
mango404 (@mango404) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: November 16th, 2021
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  • Posted a reply to Current Status of jQuery Migrate, on the site Forums:
    hi foxglove, i found this usefull article (last updated 2019): It says: WordPress itself…

  • Posted a reply to H1 on tags, on the site Forums:
    Hi, it’s important to use the correct Html-Tags becouse all the Crawlers search for these.…

  • Posted a reply to How to make logo center on mobile view, on the site Forums:
    Hey qtn8, in your styles.css on line 96 there is this: #mobile-logo.logo-center { margin: 0;…

  • Posted a reply to Centring navigation menu, on the site Forums:
    Hi learningtocode, try this CSS: #site-navigation { width:fit-content; margin: 0 auto; } .site-header-menu { width:100%;…

  • Posted a reply to disable video forwarding, on the site Forums:
    You could hide Video controls so User won’t be able to click in the timeline…

  • Posted a reply to Removing thin line, on the site Forums:
    Hi hadarhacohen, just paste this into your CSS .content-area { border: none; }

  • Posted a reply to Single Page Search, on the site Forums:
    Hi sirprizes, you can trigger find function with JavaScript too. 1. Create Input Field <input…

  • Posted a reply to How to add whatsapp link on wordpress, on the site Forums:
    Hi Amira, if you want to achieve a sharing function including all Apps installed on…

  • Posted a reply to move top bar menu, on the site Forums:
    hi geront, it’s hard to give you answers without actually knowing what’s going on. Could…

  • Posted a reply to Why doesn’t favicon have a transparent background?, on the site Forums:
    Hi michalrama, none of these GIFs are transparent. For example This from your Site. Best…

  • Posted a reply to Iframe not displaying on live site, on the site Forums:
    Hi shirinwp, if you are currently using HTTPS while the iframe wants to show an…

  • Posted a reply to move top bar menu, on the site Forums:
    Just use float. For example if your login link is a element with the class…

  • Posted a reply to Can users download pdfs from my site if I don’t install a plugin?, on the site Forums:
    Additionally you can trigger downloading directly onclick. <a href="/uploads/my-pdf.pdf" download>Download</a> w3schools Download This reply was…

  • Posted a reply to Fade in/out transitions, on the site Forums:
    Hi ed, what has the transition to do with wordpress keyword searching? It’s quite a…

  • Posted a reply to Is there a way to redirect user to Homepage when they click on back button?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, with JavaScript you can add an history entry. If someone comes to that page…

  • Posted a reply to Add a border IF there are products inside of wishlist, on the site Forums:
    Yo should only write PHP Code in your functions.php. That script i gave you is…

  • Posted a reply to Add a border IF there are products inside of wishlist, on the site Forums:
    It's better to use php on that becouse JavaScript works locally on the Users device…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress/Woocomerce – “Your cart is currently empty.”, on the site Forums:
    What happens if you add products to cart in another language and switch to english?…

  • Posted a reply to Add a border IF there are products inside of wishlist, on the site Forums:
    Maybe JavaScript? call function onload and check for innerHTML. If true add styles. Otherwise you…

  • Posted a reply to Code appearing on top of Header, on the site Forums:
    Is your Debug Mode active? You can find that in wp-config.php at root. define('WP_DEBUG', true);…

  • Posted a reply to Payment Gateway Problem, on the site Forums:
    Debug Mode can provide more information about your Issue yes. But i wouldn't activate it…

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Invoice adds or subtracts 0.01% from 7% tax, on the site Forums:
    Hi Igor, thank you for replying. Screenshot of invoice table: There are lots of…

  • Posted a reply to Payment Gateway Problem, on the site Forums:
    hi muddasir786, could you provide more infomation about your environment? You could try turning on…

  • Posted a reply to Live site to localhost, on the site Forums:
    Hi sundar76, have you checked if sql was working? I always update de wp_options table…

  • Posted a reply to Live site to localhost, on the site Forums:
    Hi sundar76, Most of the time the error comes ou of your wp-config.php at root.…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot update text on the page, on the site Forums:
    Maybe you can find information in the Theme Docs Backup your Site first and then…

  • Posted a reply to Need understand possible way for incremental releases of WordPress site., on the site Forums:
    Hi thebackbencher, i would suggest using some version control system like GitHub for example. If…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot update text on the page, on the site Forums:
    hi nika, what Theme are you using? Maybe in: Appearance > Widgets The way your…

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce Invoice adds or subtracts 0.01% from 7% tax, on the site Forums:
    Something really strange is happening on one of my old…