
laserstore (@laserstore) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: May 4th, 2017
  • Location: Brasil
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  • Created a topic, Não aceita desconto na NF na geração da etiqueta, on the site Forums:
    Senhores, gostaria de elogiar, mas é difícil, plugin r…

  • Posted a reply to Status do Pedido alterados de forma errônea, on the site Forums:
    @denisgomesfranco pois é, mas infelizmente eu não tenho conhecimento suficiente para isso. Queria muito saber…

  • Posted a reply to Status do Pedido alterados de forma errônea, on the site Forums:
    @pagarme vcs tem uma previsão desse conserto? Problema idêntico aqui com os status que eu…

  • Created a topic, Excellent!, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for this plugin. It's an excellent job!

  • Posted a reply to Plugin return, on the site Forums:
    Woww! Very good! Excellent news! Thanks for the effort.

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce HPOS, on the site Forums:
    Alguém teve resposta sobre a atualização? To migrando uma loja novinha, vou ter que voltar…

  • Posted a reply to Custom order status and snippet, on the site Forums:
    Hello @villasupport ! Thank you for your response! The guide snippet you gave me is…

  • Created a topic, Custom order status and snippet, on the site Forums:
    Hello! Searching through previous posts, I saw that yo…

  • Created a topic, Briliant!, on the site Forums:
    Works Perfectly! Thank you for the excellent work, it'…

  • Created a topic, Plugin return, on the site Forums:
    I would really like the plugin to return to the reposi…

  • Posted a reply to Delivery Area link disapear in Portuguese BR, on the site Forums:
    Hi @carolm29 , sorry for delay! There is already a translation for the string "Addresses",…

  • Created a topic, Plugin desativando link Área de Entrega, on the site Forums:
    Ao ativar o plugin, a string area de entrega nas confi…

  • Posted a reply to Delivery Area link disapear in Portuguese BR, on the site Forums:
    Hi @carolm29 ! The address label problem has occurred since version 7.4 in woocommerce BR…

  • Posted a reply to Delivery Area link disapear in Portuguese BR, on the site Forums:
    Hi @doublezed2 ! Yes, in English it appears normally. The problem occur only in Portuguese…

  • Created a topic, Delivery Area disapear, on the site Forums:
    Hello! Since the latest versions, the "delivery area" …

  • Posted a reply to woocommerce High performance order storage, on the site Forums:
    Pessoal, entrem no chat da Kangu e pressionem, se tiver mais gente cobrando o processo…

  • Posted a reply to HPOS WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Recebi aqui resposta que vão atualizar, que temos que aguardar mas não deram previsão. Um…

  • Posted a reply to HPOS WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
    Esses caras não respondem nada aqui, impressionante como que não fazem o mínimo esforço para…

  • Created a topic, Nonce verification failed, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I love Defender! Whenever the admin user di…

  • Posted a reply to Critical Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi @jordanleven! Has worked! Thank you so much! Just one question, in the admin bar,…

  • Created a topic, Critical Error, on the site Forums:
    Hi! The new version cause critical erros here. I´m…

  • Suggested 1 string on

  • Created a topic, Sorry, you are not authorized to access this area ! Goodbye !, on the site Forums:
    I installed this plugin on my website about 2 years ag…

  • Created a topic, Addresses Not showing label in account, on the site Forums:
    Hello! This is a recurring problem that has occurred s…

  • Created a topic, Reembolso cancelando pedido, on the site Forums:
    Se o pedido é pago pelo cliente e por algum motivo é f…

  • Posted a reply to Ruim demais bicho!, on the site Forums:
    @pagarme posso sim falar por email, mas deixe aqui o endereço de suporte de vocês…

  • Created a topic, Ruim demais bicho!, on the site Forums:
    Po, os caras estão obrigando a migrar pra esse plugin …

  • Posted a reply to HPOS, on the site Forums:
    @dadeke Sugestões eu enviei dezenas também, mas é exatamente igual, resposta padrão. No final, teremos…

  • Posted a reply to HPOS, on the site Forums:
    Ei @dadeke que pena! Infelizmente a comunidade não se ajuda. Talvez vc possa no futuro…

  • Created a topic, HPOS, on the site Forums:
    Existe previsão de atualização para compatibilidade co…

  • Created a topic, Separar prazo de entrega do titulo, on the site Forums:
    Estou tentando separar o prazo de entrega e colocar ap…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin Datadev Total Express desatualizado, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    @luizbills sim, verdade! Estou na 8.1 e está funcionando bem, até achei que fosse isso,…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin Datadev Total Express desatualizado, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    @luizbills obrigado! Eu acabei descobrindo que a estimativa só aparece se o plugin dos correios…

  • Posted a reply to Estimativa de entrega não aparece, on the site Forums:
    ATENÇÃO! Depois de inúmeros testes e muito tempo perdido para encontrar o erro, para a…

  • Created a topic, Plugin Datadev Total Express desatualizado, on the site Fóruns de suporte:
    Alguma boa alma consegue atualizar o plugin Datadev To…

  • Posted a reply to Label billing_address_2, on the site Forums:
    Hi! Thank you very much for your help! Amazing!

  • Created a topic, Estimativa de entrega não aparece, on the site Forums:
    Olá! Existe intenção de atualizar o plugin? Ele ainda …

  • Created a topic, Wow! Very Good Job!, on the site Forums:
    The best plugin for optimization!

  • Posted a reply to Label billing_address_2, on the site Forums:
    Hello @sabira24 ! The problem has solved! Will this snippet be part of a future…

  • Created a topic, Label billing_address_2, on the site Forums:
    Hello! After updating to the latest version of woocomm…

  • Created a topic, Strings separadas, on the site Forums:
    Olá! Plugin funcional, simples e rápido. Eu gostaria d…

  • Posted a reply to why is plugin closed?, on the site Forums:
    @malaikaz security issue

  • Created a topic, Fantastic plugin and support!, on the site Forums:
    Excellent tool and amazing support! Thanks for the gre…

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Hi @jordanleven ! Yes, worked for me! No error occurred. Thank you so much!

  • Posted a reply to Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Hi Jordan! Thanks for your response! I´m using PHP 7.4 and wordpress 6.2.2. Below is…

  • Created a topic, Critical error, on the site Forums:
    Hello! The current version, 2.8.1, caused a critical e…

  • Suggested 1 string on

  • Created a topic, Excelente!, on the site Forums:
    Eu estava usando uma solução paga e os valores estavam…

  • Suggested 12 strings on

  • Suggested 42 strings on

Português do Brasil (Portuguese (Brazil)) Translation Contributor - #pt_BR

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