
Keith Driscoll (@keithdriscoll) – WordPress user profile |


IT Pro + WebDev

  • Member Since: February 13th, 2012
  • Location: New York City
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to WordPress 5.4.2 availability on Google Cloud Platform Marketplace, on the site Forums:
    Yes, there are numerous stacks available on the marketplace, all created by different companies. WordPress…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress 5.4.2 availability on Google Cloud Platform Marketplace, on the site Forums:
    The only official WordPress image in the GCP Marketplace is the Bitnami image (certified by…

  • Posted a reply to How to reduce the space between Logo and Header content, on the site Forums:
    Try adding this to your custom CSS: .main-banner { background-size: cover; display: block; margin-bottom: 30px;…

  • Posted a reply to How to create private pages with the same url, on the site Forums:
    That plugin seems to have decent reviews. Maybe you should contact the author via their…

  • Posted a reply to Top-header box-shadow CSS constantly overridden by CSS from index.html, on the site Forums:
    I took a look at your site and believe the issue is related to your…

  • Posted a reply to Connecting To Loan Company API, on the site Forums:
    Yes. This would require at least basic development skills.

  • Posted a reply to Back and re-install, on the site Forums:
    Been there... Sometimes using a new theme, especially if it's not by an author you…

  • Posted a reply to Back and re-install, on the site Forums:
    Another option may be to setup a temporary test site and experiment with the new…

  • Posted a reply to Transfer WP from directory to public_html, on the site Forums:
    You can use this plugin. Hope that helps :)

  • Posted a reply to Cant upgrade wordpress to 4.9.4, on the site Forums:
    You may want to try a manual update.

  • Posted a reply to WordPress site/php files blank after server transfer, on the site Forums:
    You may want to try using the Duplicator plugin. Hope that helps :)

  • Posted a reply to NSFW: how edit this?, on the site Forums:
    It seems that you want to remove all post meta. You can try this plugin.…

  • Posted a reply to Code inserted in pages doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
    You need to add HTML using the text tab in the editor. It sounds as…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile issues with site, on the site Forums:
    I'm not experiencing the issues you describe and have tested on both PC and mobile.…

  • Posted a reply to Posts, on the site Forums:
    Oops, didn't realize you had your new site all set up so Duplicator probably won'thelp…

  • Posted a reply to Posts, on the site Forums:
    Have you tried the Duplicator plugin?

  • Posted a reply to Child theme does not take info from parent theme, on the site Forums:
    NO. This is not how child themes work. You only include files you want to…

  • Posted a reply to Comments not going through on posts, on the site Forums:
    hmm...are you using any anti-spam plugins?

  • Posted a reply to Tried to upgrade and cannot login anymore, on the site Forums:
    where exactly are you using this plugin? The contact form on your website is using…

  • Posted a reply to Theme update failed, on the site Forums:
    Did you download the theme from here at If not, you should contact the…

  • Posted a reply to Comments not going through on posts, on the site Forums:
    I left a comment on your first post on your homepage using a fake email…

  • Posted a reply to How to download WordPress websites from Godaddy server to local PC, on the site Forums:
    You may also want to take a look at the Duplicator plugin. It is made…

  • Posted a reply to Setting up SubDomain on Apache Server, on the site Forums:
    These forums are for the self hosted version of WordPress. You should request support here.…

  • Posted a reply to Multiple Password protected pages, on the site Forums:
    It sounds as if you may want to look into using a membership plugin.…

  • Posted a reply to help for beginner, on the site Forums:
    Welcome to WordPress! We are unable to provide support for commercial themes and your question…

  • Posted a reply to Email Client Plugin, on the site Forums:
    1. The question has been answered. 2. is different than self hosted version.…

  • Posted a reply to “Could not find domain” error when trying to access, on the site Forums:
    Your welcome! Yes, please post the solution as it helps others if they experience a…

  • Posted a reply to “Could not find domain” error when trying to access, on the site Forums:
    <domainname> goes to NetRegistry’s Parked Domain page – “The owner of this domain has yet…

  • Posted a reply to “Could not find domain” error when trying to access, on the site Forums:
    Login to the hosting control panel and use the file manager to browse to the…

  • Posted a reply to “Could not find domain” error when trying to access, on the site Forums:
    Also, did you register the domain with the same company that is hosting the site?…

  • Posted a reply to “Could not find domain” error when trying to access, on the site Forums:
    What happens if you enter the domain name without the /wp-admin. Do you see anything…

  • Posted a reply to “Could not find domain” error when trying to access, on the site Forums:
    If you could provide the domain name it will be easier to give some insight…

  • Posted a reply to Popups “Choose color”, on the site Forums:
    Commercial themes are not supported here in these forums. You should ask the theme author…

  • Posted a reply to Установка Диспетчер тегов Google, on the site Forums:
    You would need to edit code of your theme (header.php) or you can use this…

  • Posted a reply to How to deterimine if the admin title bar exists, on the site Forums:
    I dont think that is a great solution just because the user expects to see…

  • Posted a reply to How to deterimine if the admin title bar exists, on the site Forums:
    Sure is!

  • Posted a reply to Duplicate site identity, on the site Forums:
    Your welcome!

  • Posted a reply to Blog not showing, on the site Forums:
    Seems to work for me... the last post was 2/13. If you are still experiencing…

  • Posted a reply to site crashed, on the site Forums:
    You may want to try this plugin to repair your database. Hope that helps :)

  • Posted a reply to Duplicate site identity, on the site Forums:
    It's being added by the Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin. Maybe you incorrectly entered some data or…

  • Posted a reply to having trouble login in to wordpress, on the site Forums:
    You don't log into WordPress from cPanel. You login to WordPress by visiting or…

  • Posted a reply to Music player in a theme, on the site Forums:
    Please do NOT create duplicate topics as per forum rules. This question would be best…

  • Posted a reply to I changed to Https without a plugin installed. Can’t access admin panel. Help!, on the site Forums:
    You can try this: 1. Change your URL back to HTTP by using this method.…

  • Posted a reply to Website, theme, appearance, on the site Forums:
    Some pages served from the above URL and others from I'm almost certain that…

  • Posted a reply to Blog posts not showing up for all viewers, on the site Forums:
    I can see your latest posts if I choose the category "Product Reviews". It seems…

  • Posted a reply to Website, theme, appearance, on the site Forums:
    It appears as if the domain you listed is not registered. Is the correct…

  • Posted a reply to No plugins in the WP personal option, on the site Forums:
    These forums are for the self hosted version of WordPress. It sounds like you are…

  • Posted a reply to How to prevent from nulled theme malicious code?, on the site Forums:
    As a moderator, @t-p, already pointed out, we do NOT support commercial themes. You are…

  • Posted a reply to How to prevent from nulled theme malicious code?, on the site Forums:
    "Nulled Theme"? There is nothing to "Null" in a theme. This most likely means you…