
Kamila Harris Prague (@kamila-harris-prague) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: August 15th, 2014
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Absolute non-expert, got it going in 2 hours!, on the site Forums:
    I know more than a raw beginning but since I have not …

  • Created a topic, Not working and would killed access to website, on the site Forums:
    It would not work. Then after deleting it, I was no lo…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot login to my website, on the site Forums:
    Lisa, I followed your instructions and: Instant Success! thanks a lot! Michael Harris/Prague

  • Posted a reply to Cannot login to my website, on the site Forums:
    thank you all for the answers/suggestions I am in Prague, webhosting vendor is Active24 I…

  • Created a topic, Cannot login to my website, on the site Forums:
    I attempted to try the plugin "DH Notification Bar"..a…

  • Created a topic, Simple and works perfectly, on the site Forums:
    We needed a simple banner on top of all pages announci…

  • Created a topic, Useable by non-programmer.., on the site Forums:
    I develop this website using whatever I can find to he…

  • Created a topic, Very easy and useful, on the site Forums:
    This is just what I needed to organize photos in the M…

  • Created a topic, Basic excellent functionality, on the site Forums:
    I am a non-programmer, although pretty familiar with m…

  • Posted a reply to “Page not found/404”..after updating to latest version, on the site Forums:
    thanks a ton!

  • Posted a reply to “Page not found/404”..after updating to latest version, on the site Forums:
    "Try to select “Plain” option and then save" Great: Success!! thanks so much.. if you…

  • Posted a reply to “Page not found/404”..after updating to latest version, on the site Forums:
    hi Malik (Ali?) and thanks for the tip Tried this twice and no change ..

  • Created a topic, “Page not found/404”..after updating to latest version, on the site Forums:
    We have searched on the forum and found numerous refe…

  • Created a topic, Fast and fine, on the site Forums:
    Up and running w Google Analytics immediately..