
kalico (@kalico) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: July 2nd, 2005
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  • Posted a reply to Colibri borked defaults in Hillstar Theme, on the site Forums:
    I did some more digging and figured it out. Hopefully this will help someone else.…

  • Created a topic, Colibri borked defaults in Hillstar Theme, on the site Forums:
    When I first installed Hillstar (a Colibri theme) it h…

  • Created a topic, Did the trick for me in WP 6.0.2, on the site Forums:
    I decided to take a chance on this plugin because I de…

  • Posted a reply to Login Page, on the site Forums:
    PS I am looking at Flexi now. I appreciate the suggestion, it looks great. Will…

  • Posted a reply to Login Page, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I figured out the problem I was having and I'll share it here…

  • Created a topic, Login Page, on the site Forums:
    On General Settings, there is an option to select a lo…

  • Posted a reply to Notify users about new images uploaded by others?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you! I hope it will be considered for a future upgrade.

  • Posted a reply to Notify users about new images uploaded by others?, on the site Forums:
    OK, I think we're getting closer! :) But what I want is for OTHER users…

  • Posted a reply to Notify users about new images uploaded by others?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @contest-gallery but actually I was hoping to inform end users, not the admin. I…

  • Created a topic, Notify users about new images uploaded by others?, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way for users to be notified when new image…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite Support $199, on the site Forums:
    I was going to make the same complaint: non-commercial use should be allowed. But I…

  • Created a topic, Made short work of a spam mess, on the site Forums:
    We got spam-bombed in BuddyPress forums to the tune of…

  • Created a topic, Phenomenally simple and elegant, on the site Forums:
    It just works. I didn't have to tweak anything, and th…

  • Posted a reply to Background image screws up text visibility, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @macmanx I have never been a fan of background images on an entire post…

  • Created a topic, Background image screws up text visibility, on the site Forums:
    I am trying out Gutenberg and Twenty Twenty. I have be…

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping, on the site Forums:
    I never had any luck getting around the default behavior after the domain mapping plugin…

  • Created a topic, Best thing since sliced bread., on the site Forums:
    Exactly what I needed. Now my team can subscribe to up…

  • Posted a reply to Directories not created, on the site Forums:
    That seems to have done it! Even the photos I originally uploaded are working -…

  • Created a topic, Directories not created, on the site Forums:
    I just installed WPPA and it looks fantastic. But I am…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite forcing login for every site, on the site Forums:
    One other comment: to @singer74 -- You earlier mentioned that your site is "in a…

  • Posted a reply to Multisite forcing login for every site, on the site Forums:
    Wow! I am so glad you posted this and a big thank you to @bcworkz…

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping, on the site Forums:
    No, not really. I pretty much came to the conclusion that wp domain mapping requires…

  • Created a topic, Will this work with a multisite?, on the site Forums:
    I have used a domain mapping plugin from WPMUDEV that …

  • Posted a reply to Multisite subdirectory domain mapping on localhost, on the site Forums:
    Did you ever get this worked out @dhyanakendra ? I think the problem here might…

  • Created ticket #47630 on Core Trac:
    Multisite: Admin dashboard links are malfunctioning on mapped domain

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @autotutorial I did as you suggested and reviewed every one of those in the…

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping, on the site Forums:
    Ok, I read up on all the suggestions and they all seem to relate to…

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for all the help -- and fast! Ok, here are some answers and questions…

  • Created a topic, Domain Mapping, on the site Forums:
    Root Problem: When I am logged in as superadmin, I can…

  • Posted a reply to Domain Mapping Não funciona, on the site Forums:
    Sorry I am answering in English, hope you can translate... My mapped domains using the…

  • Posted a reply to Admin toolbar missing on mapped domains, on the site Forums:
    Hi @koinseb - did you ever resolve this? My mapped domains using the WPMUDEV plugin…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect Loop, on the site Forums:
    Hi @lindenwalsh - did you ever resolve this? My mapped domains suddently failed massively and…

  • Posted a reply to I want to use your plugin, on the site Forums:
    I love it too! It's a must-have! Glad to see it's still on git hub.…

  • Created a topic, I LOVE THIS PLUGIN, on the site Forums:
    There is so much "extra information" in my head about …

  • Posted a reply to Ajax Error, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @yehudah I don't see anything that's helpful to me -- but here are three…

  • Created a topic, Ajax Error, on the site Forums:
    I've been through the whole setup process for Gmail an…

  • Posted a reply to How to know what caused block?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Dave. I have done that, and I guess I'll un-whitelist her IP, and then…

  • Posted a reply to How to know what caused block?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks so much for the quick reply. I think this is a record-breaker for…

  • Created a topic, How to know what caused block?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, One of my users was plagued by a WordFence 403 er…

  • Created a topic, Other shortcodes inside the column?, on the site Forums:
    I need to be able to add a different plugin's shortcod…

  • Posted a reply to How to direct user to a different page based on selection, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. I submitted the contact form for more details.

  • Created a topic, How to direct user to a different page based on selection, on the site Forums:
    I have a form that was generated by SF and it includes…

  • Created a topic, Amazing…., on the site Forums:
    I installed it on a live site where I had trouble with…

  • Created a topic, Something is broken…., on the site Forums:
    I've been using this great little plugin for ages, and…

  • Created a topic, Info about Link to Tab addon, on the site Forums:
    Quite some time back, I posted a question about direct…

  • Created a topic, Great and helpful plugin, on the site Forums:
    Works just fine, does what it should!

  • Posted a reply to Email Error – Solution Unclear, on the site Forums:
    It looks like a limited number of messages were sent, and then this error started…

  • Posted a reply to Email Error – Solution Unclear, on the site Forums:
    Sure we are on AWS.

  • Created a topic, Email Error – Solution Unclear, on the site Forums:
    I got this email error on many (most? all?) outgoing m…

  • Created a topic, Two feature requests, on the site Forums:
    Based on recent experience I have two suggestions for …