
johnravrasta (@johnravrasta) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: December 16th, 2009
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  • Posted a reply to Possible to trigger lightbox with link or button?, on the site Forums:
    from what i understood and tried, you need to add the class=gallery in your html.…

  • Created a topic, Simple and working with no config, on the site Forums:
    Just perfect, install, activate and you are done. Even…

  • Posted a reply to Theme 24 lightbox not working, on the site Forums:
    almost fully agree with the above and also have a look at your proposals, thank…

  • Posted a reply to Theme 24 lightbox not working, on the site Forums:
    the same happens on the live websiteThe conclusion is that all other things being equal,…

  • Posted a reply to Theme 24 lightbox not working, on the site Forums:
    Just to add, Yoast is active on the live website and your plugin works fine…

  • Posted a reply to Theme 24 lightbox not working, on the site Forums:
    I deeply apologize for this, did not expect to have such a quick response so…

  • Posted a reply to Theme 24 lightbox not working, on the site Forums:
    Hi Arno and thanks for your reply. So, yeap, i upgraded from “Twenty Twenty-one” to…

  • Created a topic, Theme 24 lightbox not working, on the site Forums:
    After upgrading my WP from 21 to 24 lightbox does not …

  • Posted a reply to Worked once and the next day jpeg images were back, on the site Forums:
    May i ask you something else? Did you have any other incident and complain like…

  • Posted a reply to Worked once and the next day jpeg images were back, on the site Forums:
    hi @mateuszgbiorczyk , I think that a message under the "Supported directories" telling something like…

  • Posted a reply to Worked once and the next day jpeg images were back, on the site Forums:
    Hi Mateusz, our disagreement is that for me the "If you remove the directory /uploads…

  • Posted a reply to Worked once and the next day jpeg images were back, on the site Forums:
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="Opera-Snapshot-2023-08-25-171205-travelphoto-gr" border="0"></a><br /><a target='_blank' href=''>main street management</a><br />

  • Posted a reply to Worked once and the next day jpeg images were back, on the site Forums:
    Hello Mateusz and many thanks for your answer. I added a one star review because…

  • Created a topic, Worked once and the next day jpeg images were back, on the site Forums:
    It is really strange, plugin made all jpg to webP conv…

  • Created a topic, 404 broken links after uninstalling, on the site Forums:
    After uninstalling the plugin my website returns 404 e…

  • Posted a reply to Does not work with non English characters, on the site Forums:
    Hi Arun and many thanks for the quick reply. After reading your links i though…

  • Created a topic, Does not work with non English characters, on the site Forums:
    Although it is perfect if you name your files with Eng…

  • Created a topic, very good, on the site Forums:
    does what it says

  • Created a topic, Asks to review it all the time, very annoying., on the site Forums:
    One of the most annoying features of this plugin is th…

  • Created a topic, Very efficient form plugin, on the site Forums:
    Really great plugin, the only reason i rate it with 4 …

  • Created a topic, Simple and effective, on the site Forums:
    It helped me improve display of the twenty 21 WP theme…

  • Posted a reply to Error in widgets with new WordPress Version 5.8 – wp_enqueue_script() and wp, on the site Forums:
    thanks to @vladytimy i installed this plugin which enabled me to delete many widgets…

  • Created a topic, Plugin no longer available on WordPress website, on the site Forums:
    Hello, i received a message from Wordfence that this p…

  • Created a topic, destroyed bilingual website, on the site Forums:
    If you are using 'Q-translate X' do not install this p…

  • Posted a reply to GT3 gallery not displaying on post, on the site Forums:
    i am also a PRO version owner and have the same issue. Grid/Masonry/Packewry gallery thumbs…

  • Created a topic, Great but only for gutenberg, on the site Forums:
    This is probably the easiest to use and most effective…

  • Created a topic, You forget it exists, on the site Forums:
    Very simple implementation, does what it says and you …

  • Posted a reply to Image quality issue, on the site Forums:
    So for images already uploaded on our website and used in one or more galleries…

  • Posted a reply to Show caption in lightbox, on the site Forums:
    Having this feature is really a great addition to a wonderful plugin. Just an objection…

  • Created a topic, It could be much much better, on the site Forums:
    A nightmare to set up, sometimes map is not shown on t…

  • Posted a reply to Video working on Chrome but not firefox mobile, on the site Forums:
    ok, thanks for your answer

  • Created a topic, Video working on Chrome but not firefox mobile, on the site Forums:
    Hello, it seems that video can be reproduced only on …

  • Posted a reply to Works Great, on the site Forums:
    i would totally agree with that. In any way, the plugin works really fine, simple…