
jesd00 (@jesd00) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: December 11th, 2016
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  • Posted a reply to Help with an array, please, on the site Forums:
    Thank you!

  • Created a topic, Help with an array, please, on the site Forums:
    Hello - I've spent the day trying to parse the "estima…

  • Created a topic, cachetime, on the site Forums:
    I saw in your response to another question that you ca…

  • Posted a reply to IF/ELSE Compare, Is Calculated Field Greater than Zero…, on the site Forums:
    That worked! Thanks so much to both of you for having a look at this!…

  • Posted a reply to IF/ELSE Compare, Is Calculated Field Greater than Zero…, on the site Forums:
    Hi polarracing - thanks for the suggestion. Didn't seem to make a difference though. Screenshot:…

  • Posted a reply to IF/ELSE Compare, Is Calculated Field Greater than Zero…, on the site Forums:
    With [pass field=dif]{DIF}[/pass] by itself, I just seem to get literal DIF with the curly…

  • Posted a reply to IF/ELSE Compare, Is Calculated Field Greater than Zero…, on the site Forums:
    Hi Peter, thanks for the quick reply. Unfortunately that didn't seem to make a difference.…

  • Created a topic, IF/ELSE Compare, Is Calculated Field Greater than Zero…, on the site Forums:
    Hi there - I spent the day yesterday browsing the foru…

  • Posted a reply to How long to wait for restoring files?, on the site Forums:
    Just an update - I let it run all night. No change, still at 0%.

  • Posted a reply to How long to wait for restoring files?, on the site Forums:
    I have the same question. I'm migrating a 189MB site, been sitting at 0% for…