
jaxcatz (@jaxcatz) – WordPress user profile |


Im what I think I am 🙂

  • Member Since: June 27th, 2010
  • Location: India
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to Unable to centre align button text, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply mail, its resolved.

  • Posted a reply to Unable to centre align button text, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the support mail from Geek Code Lab. It worked.I am sharing the same…

  • Created a topic, Unable to centre align button text, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the plugin. I am finding one issue with it,…

  • Created a topic, Unable to centre align button text, on the site Forums:
    Hi First of all let me thank you for the marvellous…

  • Created a topic, IP automatically added to whitelist, on the site Forums:
    I just noticed that theres an IP added in the Allowlis…

  • Created a topic, How to create a Copy Link under a specific section, on the site Forums:
    Hi.. Thanks for building a great plugin. I am trying t…

  • Posted a reply to Adoption request, on the site Forums:
    Hello Sir If you are using and keeping it updated can you kindly post it…

  • Posted a reply to fbclid, on the site Forums:
    The links from fb are added with a tracking id starting with fbclid, like these…

  • Created a topic, fbclid, on the site Forums:
    Great plugin, appreciate truly. But it does not solve …

  • Created a topic, Fake product!!, on the site Forums:
    I have been using wp products for almost 10+ years now…

  • Posted a reply to Scan subdirectories outside public_html, on the site Forums:
    Hi Thanks for the reply. Actually those subdirectories are subdomains of a primary domain, I'm…

  • Created a topic, Scan subdirectories outside public_html, on the site Forums:
    Hi I've used your excellent plugin to clean up some o…

  • Created a topic, How to use job manager/job poster user roles?, on the site Forums:
    Hi How to use the job manager/job poster user roles. …

  • Posted a reply to Not seeing Apply Now & Form options, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a lot :) That worked, when adding both the codes.

  • Posted a reply to Not seeing Apply Now & Form options, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply.. I have added the css and got the application form, but…

  • Created a topic, Not seeing Apply Now & Form options, on the site Forums:
    Unable to see the Apply Now & Form even after enab…

  • Created a topic, Best out of the handful good addons for Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Premium Addons is undoubtedly the best out of the hand…

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a ton @vaakash :)

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Hi @vaakash Any help updates on this, please :) TIA.

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Thanks bro :) I actually changed the meta (date) color by adding this below code…

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @vaakash Please check this link, the widget is added in the homepage. Really…

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Hi @vaakash Thanks for the reply, I actually got it working without using the !important,…

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    I tried adding the below in - super-rss-reader\public\css\style.css file at line 57 .srr-wrap .srr-title {…

  • Posted a reply to Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Thanks @vaakash Got that sorted... btw can you please let me know where to edit…

  • Created a topic, Generate feed, on the site Forums:
    Hi I liked your plugin very much, its quite useful, b…

  • Created a topic, Is there a turn off option in front end?, on the site Forums:
    Hi You have a wonderful plugin there, but may I know …

  • Posted a reply to Need to create Matrimony Site, on the site Forums:
    Hi It cannot be converted, you need to rebuild it, coz the backend application built…

  • Posted a reply to After Payment Redirect on order summary, on the site Forums:
    This plugin has been closed as of August 30, 2019 and is not available for…

  • Posted a reply to Course archive, on the site Forums:
    Hi @nendara Its showing courses for me...

  • Posted a reply to Change registration page, on the site Forums:
    Hi I'm using a custom registration form in my website. Please check whether you have…

  • Posted a reply to LinkedIn Login, on the site Forums:
    Where do you need it? There are plugins for that.

  • Created a topic, Just as its name says – Really simple, on the site Forums:
    Simply loving it, using it in my website, when I had a…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with Profile Pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi Please check Tutorlms plugin settings - General. You need tset a page for dashboard,…

  • Posted a reply to No access to courses, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Does not seem to be issue with Tutor Lms, please try disabling and enabling…

  • Created a topic, Instructor cannot view courses, on the site Forums:
    Hi @anim07 Some suggestions for future updates... W…

  • Posted a reply to Remove Howdy from Profile, on the site Forums:
    Hi Thanks a lot, I understand this changes with new updates, could you if possible…

  • Created a topic, Remove Howdy from Profile, on the site Forums:
    Hi The profile pages shows "Howdy_User" as the greeti…

  • Posted a reply to Change Howdy to Welcome, on the site Forums:
    Hi I'm following exactly what your documentation says. My original string, Text domain and Replacement…

  • Posted a reply to Change Howdy to Welcome, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply, I will use the documentation mentioned. But isn't 'Howdy' a global…

  • Created a topic, Change Howdy to Welcome, on the site Forums:
    Hi Can you please point me how to change Howdy to Wel…

  • Posted a reply to Change Howdy from user profiles, on the site Forums:
    Yeah, that's from a plugin, thanks, so I think I should have a look in…

  • Posted a reply to Change Howdy from user profiles, on the site Forums:
    Hi Thanks, but that does not seem to remove "Howdy" from the frontend user profiles,…

  • Created a topic, Change Howdy from user profiles, on the site Forums:
    Hi All Any pointers to change "Howdy” from the user p…

  • Posted a reply to Login issue to worfdpress admin dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Hi Please post the problematic website url whenever you are seeking support.

  • Posted a reply to not loading admin dashboard but able to load the site from frontend, on the site Forums:
    Hi Seems like WSOD, please login CPanel or ftp and disable the last uploaded theme…

  • Posted a reply to SSL is not working with non-admin users, on the site Forums:
    Hi Your site is secured and shows padlock with https in all the links in…

  • Posted a reply to Error when trying to add new theme, on the site Forums:
    Hi I hope you understand that the link you posted needs admin credentials for others…

  • Posted a reply to I can’t access to the admin panel, on the site Forums:
    Hi Try changing the password with forgot password and try once again. Do you have…

  • Posted a reply to Images returning 404 even though present in server, on the site Forums:
    Hi Please also check specific file permissions in your server file directory..

  • Created a topic, Course archive, on the site Forums:
    Hi How can I edit the Course archive page design, I'm…