
guarnif (@guarnif) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: September 13th, 2019
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  • Posted a reply to WordPress sends email using apache username, on the site Forums:
    Found the problem - server side! It was this line FromLineOverride=NO

  • Posted a reply to WordPress sends email using apache username, on the site Forums:
    No, it did not solve it. So I guess it is not passed properly either…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress sends email using apache username, on the site Forums:
    Hi Alan, yes it is our cloud server. I tried to send emails with ssmtp…

  • Created a topic, WordPress sends email using apache username, on the site Forums:
    Description Wordpress sends emails using the apache us…

  • Posted a reply to “Installation failed: Could not create directory” with right permissions, on the site Forums:
    Actually I just solved it by changing FS_METHOD to 'direct' in wp-config: define( ‘FS_METHOD’, ‘ftpext’…

  • Created a topic, “Installation failed: Could not create directory” with right permissions, on the site Forums:
    Description I recently moved a wordpress website from …

  • Posted a reply to Cannot login and see pages after server change, on the site Forums:
    @Kuldeep - thanks for the info. I did it in a different way - I…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot login and see pages after server change, on the site Forums:
    Great. Thanks, Steve. That worked regaridng the files, but not for the login issues.

  • Created a topic, Cannot login and see pages after server change, on the site Forums:
    <b>Description</b> I am trying to move a W…

  • Posted a reply to Gateway Timeout e non posso piu accedere al sito. Fallito aggiornamento?, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Problema risolto! Ho trovato che nel wp-config vi era ancora un host name che e'…

  • Posted a reply to Gateway Timeout e non posso piu accedere al sito. Fallito aggiornamento?, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Salve, ho fatto l'aggiornamento manuale ma il problema persiste. Mi sono inoltre accorto che non…

  • Posted a reply to Gateway Timeout e non posso piu accedere al sito. Fallito aggiornamento?, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Salve Cristiano. Purtroppo non ho fatto alcun backup del sito (mea culpa, non succedera' piu').…

  • Posted a reply to Gateway Timeout e non posso piu accedere al sito. Fallito aggiornamento?, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Ho attivato il debug. Mi da questo: [17-Sep-2019 07:21:11 UTC] PHP Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Connection…

  • Posted a reply to Gateway Timeout e non posso piu accedere al sito. Fallito aggiornamento?, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Ciao Emilio, l'ho gia' fatto presente ma e' un webhosting che generalmente non aiuta con…

  • Created a topic, Gateway Timeout e non posso piu accedere al sito. Fallito aggiornamento?, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Salve a tutti, non credo di aver trovato una domanda s…

  • Posted a reply to Non riesco a rientrare in WP, on the site Forum Italiano:
    Ciao Mauro, hai risolto? La pagina sembra funzionare