
frangoaoalho (@frangoaoalho) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: September 17th, 2023
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  • Posted a reply to Mobile Overlaying Problem – Part II, on the site Forums:
    Dear kris, I appreciate your prompt response.Will be attentively awaiting for the plugin update then…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Overlaying Problem – Part II, on the site Forums:
    Dear Kris, that is not working at all.not even with short code.Resolutions are definitely messed…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    I sent you an e-mail to Appreciated.

  • Posted a reply to Filters aren’t working at all, on the site Forums:
    I sent you an e-mail to info@themify.meAppreciated.

  • Posted a reply to Filters aren’t working at all, on the site Forums:
    SECOND UPDATE!The problem is in the category filter. I swap it for 'OR' intead of…

  • Posted a reply to Filters aren’t working at all, on the site Forums:
    UPDATE!As as I delete on the parameters: size, color or category it works.The problem is…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    UPDATE!As as I delete on the parameters: size, color or category it works.

  • Created a topic, Filters aren’t working at all, on the site Forums:
    Hey Themify Team, I hope to find you well. Attendin…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    Hey Themify Team, I hope to find you well.Attending to the website or…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    Hey, any news on this topic?I am using Elementor Pro, and the widget 'Products' since…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Overlaying Problem – Part II, on the site Forums:
    The one above is not working at all.

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Overlaying Problem – Part II, on the site Forums:
    So, as I am using Elementor and the Fibosearch as a widget and not a…

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Overlay Problem, on the site Forums:
    Yep, it did fix the problem indeed.Topic Resoved!

  • Posted a reply to Mobile Overlay Problem, on the site Forums:
    I am going to paste it in a @media (max-width: 784) { html:not(.dgwt-wcas-overlay-mobile-on) .dgwt-wcas-search-wrapp.dgwt-wcas-layout-icon {width:…

  • Created a topic, Mobile Overlaying Problem – Part II, on the site Forums:
    Dear Kris & Fibosearch Team, I hope to find you we…

  • Created a topic, Mobile Overlay Problem, on the site Forums:
    Dear Kris & Fibosearch team,If I click the 'searc…

  • Posted a reply to Gtranslate Incompatibility, on the site Forums:
    Dear Kris, I hope to find you well.Really appreciate your help. I am actually using…

  • Posted a reply to WordPress Menu Glitch in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Right, I solved it like this:.elementor-nav-menu--dropdown .elementor-item:focus, .elementor-sub-item:focus {background-color: #ffffff !important;}Now, I there any better…

  • Posted a reply to Hook to Sliding Menu / Pop Up, on the site Forums:
    Figured it out. Appreciated.

  • Created a topic, WordPress Menu Glitch in Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Dear Elementor Team, I hope to find you well.So, in th…

  • Posted a reply to Suggestion / Product Detail Box Misplaced, on the site Forums:
    Dear Kris, I hope to find you well.I fixed it, literally jut by adding the…

  • Created a topic, Gtranslate Incompatibility, on the site Forums:
    Dear Fibosearch Team, I hope to find you well.For me t…

  • Created a topic, Hook to Sliding Menu / Pop Up, on the site Forums:
    Dear Fibosearch Team, I hope to find you well.Is there…

  • Created a topic, Replace Search History w/ Upselling Suggestions, on the site Forums:
    Dear FiboSearch Team, I hope to find you well.Please l…

  • Created a topic, Suggestion / Product Detail Box Misplaced, on the site Forums:
    Dear Fibosearch Team, I hope to find you well. I am…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce WP Currency Switcher not affecting Pop Up Prices, on the site Forums:
    Hello @iapial, hope you are well.Any news?Best regards,

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce WP Currency Switcher not affecting Pop Up Prices, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a lot @iapial I will be attentively awaiting your feedback.With my best regards!

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce WP Currency Switcher not affecting Pop Up Prices, on the site Forums:
    Dear Pial, I hope you are well. Appreciated your prompt reply and I and looking…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce WP Currency Switcher not affecting Pop Up Prices, on the site Forums:
    The Currency Switcher (Woocommerce / WP) affects the p…

  • Posted a reply to Order Table in My Account, on the site Forums:
    Dear Miss Roxy, hoep you are well.I am kind of stuggling to increase the orders…

  • Posted a reply to Order Table in My Account, on the site Forums:
    You gotta simplify this stuff for guys like me please lol

  • Posted a reply to Order Table in My Account, on the site Forums:
    Got it td.woocommerce-orders-table__cell.woocommerce-orders-table__cell-order-total { font-size: 0px; } td.woocommerce-orders-table__cell.woocommerce-orders-table__cell-order-total::before { font-size: 14px; } Thanks

  • Posted a reply to Order Table in My Account, on the site Forums:
    Couldnt attach screenshot, sorry

  • Created a topic, Order Table in My Account, on the site Forums:
    Hey, hope you are well!Please help me hide / set to fo…

  • Posted a reply to Google Pay Button not clicking after loading, on the site Forums:
    Dear Mr Clayton, hope yo are well!!Thank you for clarifying, I will be attentively awaiting…

  • Created a topic, Google Pay Button not clicking after loading, on the site Forums:
    Dear payment plugins teams, I appreciate your plugin.W…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    UPDATE!I basically gave it a quick fix for now by.swipper-wrapper.product {display: none !important;}Until you guys…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    Also I noted that what is not swapping for the notice message is the .woocommerce…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    hey, thanks again for the reply. Yes, I am. The woocommerce shortcode is not the…

  • Posted a reply to FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the prompt reply.- What would you advice for a solution, use the shortcode…

  • Created a topic, FIlters NOT showing ‘No product found’ notice message., on the site Forums:
    I am in Wordpress - Using Elementor as the builder - W…

  • Posted a reply to Code Snippets is actually great. Amen, on the site Forums:
    You guys should post more tutorial videos on the internet about magic I can do…

  • Created a topic, Code Snippets is actually great. Amen, on the site Forums:
    Great plugn saving my website constantly

  • Created a topic, FiboSeach not assuming Elementor Search Template, on the site Forums:
    I created a Search Page Template in Elementor Template…