
FilipeOS (@filipeos) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: January 25th, 2013
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  • Posted a reply to Coupon don’t exist, on the site Forums:
    I found that that the coupon is random and not static to all users, thanks

  • Created a topic, Coupon don’t exist, on the site Forums:
    hi, I've created 2 coupons in sellkit pro and both say…

  • Posted a reply to Fields not hidding, on the site Forums:
    i don't understand. Will that be fixed or...?

  • Created a topic, Fields not hidding, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've installed and hidded all fields except first/…

  • Created a topic, User membership, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I'm using Ultimate Members and have the PMPro Wooc…

  • Created a topic, PHP issues, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I'm getting this error when I upload some…

  • Created a topic, Error multisite, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Site always worked fine, now after update I get…

  • Posted a reply to Change sender name and email, on the site Forums:
    So, if I install a SMTP plugin it will replace that sender and email? About…

  • Created a topic, Change sender name and email, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thank you for the great plugin. I need to c…

  • Posted a reply to Cron Issues, on the site Forums:
    Also, in manual cron (not paid automatic schedule) the cron is not finishing sometimes. Basically…

  • Posted a reply to Cron Issues, on the site Forums:
    The time and summary is only getting update after that 2 hours, not 2 minutes.…

  • Created a topic, Cron Issues, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I was using the WP all import with the automati…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Hi, will this plugin replace or do replace Woocommerce…

  • Posted a reply to Payment suggestion, on the site Forums:
    Ok thank you. Another question, 1) I have rate of 5% for all. I got…

  • Created a topic, Restrict only selected pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I already tried but I can't find a way. …

  • Posted a reply to Global variables, on the site Forums:
    i have the premium version of wp all import. What would be the code to…

  • Posted a reply to Global variables, on the site Forums:
    so, if I use that function how I call it? Just add the function and…

  • Created a topic, Coupon limit, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, Imagine that we have 5 products in cart w…

  • Posted a reply to Hide by default, on the site Forums:
    Hi, 3. I've added a :after in the top search icon and placed there the…

  • Created a topic, Global variables, on the site Forums:
    Hi, So, I tried to set a few functions but the sale…

  • Created a topic, Auto open across site, on the site Forums:
    hi there, i have the auto open for 5min in site…

  • Posted a reply to Question, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I enabled plugin and that 2 options were already enabled. When I go…

  • Posted a reply to Reset reports, on the site Forums:
    Hi, how can I delete in database? Table and records?

  • Created a topic, Question, on the site Forums:
    Hi, we have a bunch of products that are imported v…

  • Created a topic, Reset reports, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, how can I delete a product from the reports?…

  • Created a topic, Hide by default, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I have a category filter (checkbox) but I notic…

  • Created a topic, Payment suggestion, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Why it's not possible to pay with a coupon for …

  • Created a topic, Plugin dead, on the site Forums:
    Is this plugin dead? Thank you

  • Created a topic, Products missing, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I have a very strange issue and I tried eve…

  • Posted a reply to Jupiter X and Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Thank you. This code will help google maps, youtube etc. jQuery(function($){ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];…

  • Posted a reply to Not working on Revolution Slider?!, on the site Forums:
    function remove_google_fonts_stylesheet() { wp_dequeue_style( 'google-fonts-roboto' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'remove_google_fonts_stylesheet', 999 ); This solved

  • Posted a reply to Plugin disable local Fonts in SliderRevolution too, on the site Forums:
    I have same issue. It's loading always Roboto

  • Posted a reply to Jupiter X and Elementor, on the site Forums:
    I found the issue, it was a map plugin. But I have the same issue…

  • Created a topic, Center whole content, on the site Forums:
    I there, I really need to center vertically entire co…

  • Created a topic, Great support, on the site Forums:
    Fast and great plugin support

  • Posted a reply to Jupiter X and Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, Thanks for the tip but I've already done that. The fonts are local…

  • Created a topic, Jupiter X and Elementor, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, We use this theme+plugin in many sites and …

  • Created a topic, Don’t work, on the site Forums:
    Simply don't work, sadly

  • Created a topic, Custom work, on the site Forums:
    We have user the pro plugin and requested a custom wor…

  • Created a topic, Don’t work, on the site Forums:
    Hi, This plugin currently don't work with Elementor +…

  • Created a topic, WPML Translation, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, I've added the plugin and setup on the main…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    Love it!

  • Posted a reply to W3 deleting Woocommerce Attributes, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Yes, woocommerce attributes. I've done the steps but AFTER I deactivate plugin the 2…

  • Created a topic, W3 deleting Woocommerce Attributes, on the site Forums:
    Hi there, Yesterday I found a very strange issue. If …

  • Posted a reply to Points locations, on the site Forums:
    Hi, like I said above, I want to embed all the coordinates inside an app…

  • Created a topic, Points locations, on the site Forums:
    Hi, is there any way to get all coordinates of a certa…

  • Posted a reply to Issues with Elementor + Horizontal Scroll, on the site Forums:
    Can we have some workaround? Because I see a lot of people using elementor and…

  • Posted a reply to Issues with Elementor + Horizontal Scroll, on the site Forums:
    That's so strange, was working..

  • Created a topic, Issues with Elementor + Horizontal Scroll, on the site Forums:
    Hi Malihu, I’m doing this site and like you can see it…

  • Posted a reply to Support is terrible, on the site Forums:
    @fer230 seems nice module but we are using Visual Composer, that would made us change…