
emangham (@emangham) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: March 16th, 2016
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  • Posted a reply to Digital wallets issue!, on the site Forums:
    I am having the same issues!!

  • Created a topic, Seemingly perfect, but…, on the site Forums:
    The set up was blissfully easy, and the form has a nic…

  • Created a topic, [ManageWP Worker] Would recommend (just some small gripes), on the site Forums:
    I had a quick test on ManageWP and was quickly confide…

  • Created a topic, API connection, on the site Forums:
    There is no clear API or way to pull data for specific…

  • Created a topic, Bug found with password field’s “Enable Password Visibility Toggle”, on the site Forums:
    Hey, This plugin is fantastic and incredibly helpful.…

  • Created a topic, Bug found with password field’s “Enable Password Visibility Toggle”, on the site Forums:
    Hey @nikunj8866, This plugin is fantastic and incredi…

  • Posted a reply to Clone sheet for every submission, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for confirming!

  • Created a topic, Clone sheet for every submission, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Rather than every submission populating an exi…

  • Created a topic, Add subject to email, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Is it possible to output the subject within th…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    Unlocks so much potential with Imgix, and its user-fri…

  • Posted a reply to wp_insert_post permalink issue, on the site Forums:
    @mbis, you legend - thank you! Best, Elliott

  • Posted a reply to wp_insert_post permalink issue, on the site Forums:
    Hey @mbis, please can you include this in a release? It's still stopping the correct…

  • Created a topic, PHP function to enroll user to course, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am trying to give free access to a course fo…

  • Created a topic, Incredible extension to ACF, on the site Forums:
    This plugin is fantastic. It adds so much additional f…

  • Posted a reply to Featured Image not changing, on the site Forums:
    Hey @hwk-fr, Thanks for the speedy response! I just checked and you are absolutely right,…

  • Created a topic, Featured Image not changing, on the site Forums:
    Hello, The 'Featured Image' does not change when upda…

  • Posted a reply to using URL parameters to filter products by category and tag, on the site Forums:
    @ozanyilmaz2017 (or anybody) is it possible to do the same thing with clean URLs? So…

  • Posted a reply to Undefined variable when displaying “Recover Password” form, on the site Forums:
    Hi Gabriel, Thanks for getting back to me so promptly. I have just tested outputting…

  • Created a topic, Undefined variable when displaying “Recover Password” form, on the site Forums:
    Hello, When I display the "Recover Password" form it …

  • Posted a reply to Multi-site doesn’t work (“No Custom Post Types found”), on the site Forums:
    THIS CAN BE CLOSED! It was me being stupid, the CPT was not public... Thanks!

  • Created a topic, Multi-site doesn’t work (“No Custom Post Types found”), on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have a CPT registered and working, but the C…

  • Posted a reply to Prefill a ‘Repeater’ Field, on the site Forums:
    You are a legend Phil, thank you for the guide. Best, Elliott

  • Created a topic, Prefill a ‘Repeater’ Field, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am attempting to prefill a field on my form …

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to update existing images between Lossy/Lossless, on the site Forums:
    Hello, When you change your settings between Lossy &a…

  • Created a topic, Not working – stuck on spinner, on the site Forums:
    Hello, The Opt-In Panda plugin is not working for us,…

  • Created a topic, Console error, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I get the following console error when I use t…

  • Created a topic, Great! But PLEASE remove obstrusive notice, on the site Forums:
    The plugin is fantastic, very simple and easy-to-use. …

  • Created a topic, No longer works/maintained, on the site Forums:
    Form/contact form 7 is not listed as a "Field Type" wi…

  • Created a topic, Opt-In to multiple lists within a single form, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am trying to create a CF7 form that has mult…

  • Created a topic, Get URL only via get_wp_user_avatar_url, on the site Forums:
    Hey, Is it possible to get ONLY the URL of a user via…

  • Created a topic, Please, do not put this in core, on the site Forums:
    Don't get me wrong, the Gutenberg editor is lovely, sl…

  • Created a topic, Bump: Add missing AWS S3 ‘Regions’ to list, on the site Forums:
    These regions are not available as options when select…

  • Posted a reply to [REQUEST]: Save settings for ‘All Users’, on the site Forums:
    @uamv, I love it! Thanks so much for listening to my feedback! 5/5! Best,

  • Created a topic, [REQUEST]: Save settings for ‘All Users’, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Would it be possible to allow a setting (displ…

  • Posted a reply to Annoying Dashboard widget/box for Solwin news, on the site Forums:
    Hi @sanjaydabhoya, Thanks for your response, however I agree with everything @wordpress911 stated. The Dashboard…

  • Posted a reply to Amazing, on the site Forums:
    Thanks so much @uamv, I have updated to five stars! Really appreciate you considering and…

  • Posted a reply to Amazing, on the site Forums:
    Hi @uamv, Thanks so much for listening to my feedback! I love the visibility option,…

  • Created a topic, Now I can’t access my admin area…., on the site Forums:
    It worked fine, but then... all of a sudden... I can't…

  • Created a topic, Amazing, on the site Forums:
    Incredibly simple but useful tool

  • Created a topic, Annoying Dashboard widget/box for Solwin news, on the site Forums:
    Hello, An annoying 'News From Solwin Infotech' box ap…

  • Posted a reply to Fatal error, on the site Forums:
    @carazo, Hi - yes I have BuddyPress... Before I upload (on the plugin page) I…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect doesn’t work (‘my_forcelogin_redirect’), on the site Forums:
    Managed to sort this, so I'll post the answer below. The following code does the…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect doesn’t work (‘my_forcelogin_redirect’), on the site Forums:
    @kevinvess, Apoligies, I've only just noticed your post about what the v_forcelogin_redirect function actually does...…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect doesn’t work (‘my_forcelogin_redirect’), on the site Forums:
    Hi @kevinvess, I shall try switching themes. In the meantime, the only thing related to…

  • Posted a reply to Redirect doesn’t work (‘my_forcelogin_redirect’), on the site Forums:
    Hi @kevinvess, I tried deactivated all but Force Login and still the issue persists, it…

  • Created a topic, Redirect doesn’t work (‘my_forcelogin_redirect’), on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have setup a my_forcelogin_redirect in my fu…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot access plugin Settings when it is activated, on the site Forums:
    @kevinvess, That clears things up! Thank you. Will check the FAQ...

  • Created a topic, Cannot access plugin Settings when it is activated, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have installed and enabled this plugin, but …

  • Created a topic, Allow specified pages, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have a custom 'Login' page, which I use this…

  • Created a topic, Fatal error, on the site Forums:
    Hello, When I attempt to import my list - I get the f…
