
dumboxp (@dumboxp) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: April 24th, 2014
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  • Posted a reply to Renew Ad form is broken due to radio button not displayed, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, I changed the global design settings of forms to emphasize the form elements. Anyhow,…

  • Created a topic, Renew Ad form is broken due to radio button not displayed, on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, Some of our users were complaining that…

  • Posted a reply to Missing spaces in german translation, on the site Forums:
    I am experiencing the same issues with the German localization messages that do not contain…

  • Posted a reply to Custom Fields: show children of one parent category only, on the site Forums:
    thanks, this is working for me.

  • Posted a reply to Custom Fields: show children of one parent category only, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I works fine when defining a new Data Source (and adding in my case…

  • Created a topic, Custom Fields: show children of one parent category only, on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, I read the article Data Sources – Taxon…

  • Posted a reply to Statify request to admin-ajax.php triggers http-auth in MS Edge, on the site Forums:
    Dear Torsten, Thanks for your quick reply! You are right that the restrictions in my…

  • Created a topic, Statify request to admin-ajax.php triggers http-auth in MS Edge, on the site Forums:
    The Plugin Statify with enabled JavaScript-based track…

  • Posted a reply to Uploaded ad image is displayed twice on form errors, on the site Forums:
    Thanks, Greg! The patch you sent me is working fine. I am happy to hear…

  • Posted a reply to Uploaded ad image is displayed twice on form errors, on the site Forums:
    It works fine on the demo site where the ad preview is enabled. It only…

  • Posted a reply to New ads are assigned to new(!) instead of existing category, on the site Forums:
    I switched to "Hierarchical" categories which solved the problem! Thanks for the quick response!

  • Created a topic, New ads are assigned to new(!) instead of existing category, on the site Forums:
    When creating new ads using a custom form with a dropd…

  • Created a topic, Uploaded ad image is displayed twice on form errors, on the site Forums:
    When creating a new ad, filling the form, uploading a …

  • Posted a reply to Error when adding List data field to Classifieds Manage block, on the site Forums:
    The issue has been solved with the latest version 2.1.2. Marking this issue as resolved.…

  • Posted a reply to Classifieds Single Notification at the bottom is displayed at the top, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Confirming that the placing of the bottom notification bar on the detail page is…

  • Created a topic, Classifieds Single Notification at the bottom is displayed at the top, on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, I like using Gutenberg blocks in drafts…

  • Posted a reply to Mark as Sold: hide or overwrite the price of sold ads, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your quick answer! The snippet works perfectly! ❤ I would appreciate if you…

  • Posted a reply to Error when adding List data field to Classifieds Manage block, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the quick response and looking forward for the next update :-)

  • Created a topic, Mark as Sold: hide or overwrite the price of sold ads, on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, It would be great to optionally hide (or ov…

  • Created a topic, Error when adding List data field to Classifieds Manage block, on the site Forums:
    I migrated from shortcode to the new "Classifieds Mana…

  • Posted a reply to Block does not work, on the site Forums:
    Same problems and errors for me with WordPress 6.4.2.The "Gutenberg Forms"-block is not available in…

  • Posted a reply to Classified Taxonomies: Redirect 301 from “advert_category”, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much! The entry in .htaccess works like charm!

  • Created a topic, Classified Taxonomies: Redirect 301 from “advert_category”, on the site Forums:
    Hello Greg, Thanks, for finally including the config…

  • Created a topic, Using entered email in field data as From or Reply-to, on the site Forums:
    Dear Munir, I like the flexible approach to use fiel…

  • Posted a reply to Form Date of Submission, on the site Forums:
    Hi, 👍 voting for adding date and time (timestamp) to the export. I strongly suggest…

  • Posted a reply to feature request – placeholder text, on the site Forums:
    👍 voting for placeholders! Placeholders would allow to implement forms without any labels to drastically…

  • Posted a reply to Honeypot for Spam Protection, on the site Forums:
    Dear Munir, I integrated Gutenberg Forms now in several websites i am maintaining and i…

  • Posted a reply to Google reCaptcha v2 integration not working correctly, on the site Forums:
    Hi @munirkamal, Thanks for the update! The Google reCaptcha v2 tickbox is now displayed and…

  • Created a topic, reCaptcha does not work, on the site Forums:
    Hello, Since using Gutenberg Forms we receive much mo…

  • Posted a reply to Invald encoding of message in email, on the site Forums:
    Dear Munir, Thanks for your fast response! I can confirm that the encoding is now…

  • Posted a reply to Invald encoding of message in email, on the site Forums:
    Hi Munir, any update on this rather important and annoying bug of encoding the messages?…

  • Created a topic, Feature Request: Integrate the Plugin “Akismet Anti-Spam”, on the site Forums:
    Dear Munir, It would be great if the plugin "Akismet…

  • Posted a reply to Request: “Hide Field” option and “default value”, on the site Forums:
    That's so great!! Thank you very much for this elegant solution! 👍👍👍 Roland

  • Created a topic, Invald encoding of message in email, on the site Forums:
    Dear Munir, I really like the idea pehind your plugi…

  • Posted a reply to Request: “Hide Field” option and “default value”, on the site Forums:
    Also voting for a "Hidden Field"-type and default-values for all form-field-types.

  • Posted a reply to Forcing 1st Image in Gallery as Featured Image, on the site Forums:
    Thanks Greg for your quick reply! The solution using _adverts_attachments_order is great! Only json_decode() was…

  • Created a topic, Forcing 1st Image in Gallery as Featured Image, on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, I am also using the "Force Feature Image"…

  • Posted a reply to Failed, on the site Forums:
    I just saw the new update of the plugin "WP Adverts - Mark As Sold".…

  • Posted a reply to Failed, on the site Forums:
    Hi Greg, i am experiencing the same issue: Could you please also send me the…

  • Created a topic, Please fix the cause of the warning/notice in updater.php, on the site Forums:
    Debug messages are usually disabled in Wordpress but i…

  • Posted a reply to Count advert-contacts (contact form submits & phone-number clicks), on the site Forums:
    Hi Greg, thanks for the tipp! Here the complete code i am using now: Wordpress…

  • Created a topic, Count advert-contacts (contact form submits & phone-number clicks), on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, Do you have an idea how to track (count) …

  • Posted a reply to “WPAdverts Ads”-Widgets: hide sold ads, on the site Forums:
    Hi Greg, you are the best! Thank you very much - it works great! marked…

  • Created a topic, “WPAdverts Ads”-Widgets: hide sold ads, on the site Forums:
    Dear Greg, Thanks for adding thumbnail images to the…

  • Posted a reply to Product attribute type has changed after WC update, on the site Forums:
    Why was this topic marked as "Resolved" even it is definitively NOT solved and the…

  • Posted a reply to Product attribute type has changed after WC update, on the site Forums:
    Dear Caleb, I would also beg you to revert the latest changes and bring back…

  • Created a topic, Simple but complete – the best Ad banner rotator!, on the site Forums:
    In my view, currently the best ad banner rotator for w…

  • Posted a reply to Tracking of Views does not work, on the site Forums:
    Hi Sven, thanks for fixing this so quickly! I really like the simplicity of your…

  • Created a topic, Tracking of Views does not work, on the site Forums:
    Hi Sven, I experienced that the clicks are currently…

  • Posted a reply to Feature: Allow new users correct image rotation when creating new advert, on the site Forums:
    Hi Greg, I cleared the "Image Editor Capability" setting of the gallery panel and now…