
drjmedia (@drjmedia) – WordPress user profile |
  • Member Since: January 15th, 2018
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  • Posted a reply to Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    One last thing. Any way of changing the currency to GBP?

  • Posted a reply to Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    Absolutely spot on! Excellent support and service! I'll definitely look at the Pro version when…

  • Posted a reply to Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    It was there initially but I removed the code and nothing changed.

  • Posted a reply to Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    I selected "Header" option in Where do you want to display ticker setting. This is…

  • Posted a reply to Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    Yeah can you double-check again as I might have disabled it before you viewed it.

  • Posted a reply to Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    Thanks guys. We did have an under construction page up but I've switched that off…

  • Created a topic, Layout style issue, on the site Forums:
    Having an issue with the spacing on the ticker as you …

  • Created a topic, Processing…, on the site Forums:
    Hi guys, I try putting a table in but the data never …